"Then think about it again. I remind Xi that the people from Sisitai appeared in Shang Shu. It happened to be at this time that the situation was unstable and the general situation was turbulent. What do the people from Sisitai want to do?"

Nian curled his lips.

Although she seems to like to fool around, she is not stupid.

"It's just that the emperor doesn't trust us, and he's doing what Ursus did, turning the external conflicts to us and making the people turn their attention. Otherwise, there's an insider inside Si Suitai, and it's Tresis who has infiltrated people..."

Ling glanced at Nian, reached out and raised his cane and hit Nian on the head.

"Watch less weird movies! Not everything can be explained by moles."

Nian shrank her head. It was at this time that she looked like a younger sister.

Ling sighed and said.

"As I said before, the emperor knows that he doesn't have much time left. Naturally, he must prepare before then."

"Because we in the past...that is, what they call Sui, did have some evil deeds. Coupled with the turmoil in the Ten Thousand Demons Cave, the old emperor will definitely blame this matter on us."

"But he is not trying to turn the conflict around. Strictly speaking, this is a test by the old emperor and a play he invited us to play."

"Sisuitai comes to trouble us. It can not only react to see if any of us have turned to darkness. At the same time, it will give the younger generation of Sisuitai some experience in contact with us."

"It can also give those rat shit hiding in Great Yan the illusion that they are still safe. Let's see how they react and see if they can show their flaws again."

"Even we are not qualified to sit on that throne. Why can the founding emperor continue to inherit the throne for thousands of generations?"

"I'm afraid the emperor has already thought about it. He wants to use the time he has left to pave the way for the new guy in the next few years."


A smile appeared on Ling's lips, her legs swayed slightly, and she looked at the undead man sitting next to her.

"At this time, the Great Flame God will return. Isn't it a great opportunity? If you can also take action to do something real, this time the riots in the Ten Thousand Demons Cave, and Kazdel hiding in the Great Flame Spy, then everything will be solved."

The undead people and Nian are still a little confused, and Wengstein only knows a little about it.

Several people didn't react. They didn't expect that Dayan's situation was actually a bit complicated, not just a simple abyss problem.

Only the greyhound was thoughtful.

Sakaz looked down at the wine glass in front of him, silently clenched his right hand into a fist, and then slowly released it.

294. Even if it has collapsed long ago

After coming out of Brother Sun's nightclub, both Undead and Greyhound were calm.

Ling's words were filled with the idea that this matter was inextricably related to the undead. This view made the undead a little confused.

There was clearly no existence related to Dayan in his memory, but many facts told him clearly.

You are the fucking Great Flame God General! He is the big brother who helped us Dayan win the war!

Even Nian, Ling, and Xi, these girls knew something about themselves. Ling also took out a drink that was enough for the undead to taste. After taking a sip, the undead simply dreamed back to Lothric.

Not to mention that Ling had also seen a fire girl. Although she said it was just a dream, such an understanding was beyond the immortal's cognition.

Ling threw out a bunch of information, and the Immortal Smashed to the Ground's now slightly dehumanized mind was really confused.

So what should he do now?

Just wait for Ling Hexi and the others to contact Si Suitai? And then wait for Dayan to resolve this matter? Don’t you have to do anything by yourself?

Then what is the significance of his coming to Dayan? Just to give Liang Xun and these officials a way to stabilize the morale of the people and the military? This also sounds so silly.

The undead man lowered his head and thought as he walked.

Onstein didn't have much idea, he was still immersed in shock.

It turns out that the Ten Thousand Demons Cave is a passage connecting to the abyss? And there seems to be a similar passage in Kazdale? Is there such a passage on the north side of Ursus?

So where is the continent of Terra? Are the areas surrounding Terra now polluted by the abyss?

The undead man and Onstein were silent for a moment, as if they had discovered the door to a new world.

Only greyhounds, greyhounds look very normal. Just like they understand, they don't understand the horror of the abyss. So there was no reaction at all, his face was calm, and he even looked a little smiling.

However, Greyhound's hands were kept in his pockets, and the muscles on his body were very tense.

He just walked quietly on the road, following the undead and Wenstein.

Until the undead man turned his head, looked at the gray dog ​​next to him, and said.

"Now, what are you going to do?"

Greyhound's hands shook, and it took him a few seconds to realize what the undead man was asking him.

"What can I do? I don't have anything to do now."

Greyhound shrugged his shoulders and said nonchalantly.

"According to what the Immortal said, this matter has nothing to do with us. The Emperor wants to take action and he also has his own ideas. No matter how we investigate, we will cause trouble to Immortals like them, and maybe even make them angry. .”

Ling said this without any scruples in front of Gray Dog and Brother Sun. On the one hand, he believed that they would not mess around. On the other hand, they are also warning them not to invest their energy in this matter anymore. This is not the time for you to intervene.

Brother Sun obviously understood what Ling meant. After nodding, he immediately touched Greyhound twice and gave Greyhound a stern look.

The gray dog ​​immediately shrank his head to show that he understood.

Both are smart people, just a little click.

However, what really shocked Greyhound was his identity as an immortal.

"I said...brother."


The undead man felt a little strange when he saw the gray dog ​​suddenly squirming.

The gray dog ​​blinked and suddenly leaned his head over with a strange smile on his face.

"Are you...are you really the Great Flame God General?"

"They said, I am."

The undead man acted very calmly and admitted it calmly.

"Then I am."


A simple word expressed Greyhound's shocked and confused heart.

He subconsciously covered the small bag on his chest, which contained the bank card given to him by the undead man.

What should I say, if something like the Great Flame God General’s bank card were put up for auction? I'm afraid it's more than the money in the bank card.

But of course Greyhound wouldn't do such stupid things, but he still had mixed feelings.

"But, I actually don't have any real feelings."

The immortal man said again.

"They say I am. But I, myself, have no memory."

"Then you have lost your memory."

Greyhound immediately said firmly.

"You must have lost your memory. Didn't you see that the expressions on the two immortals' faces when they looked at you were wrong?"


The Immortal didn't deny it, he just nodded.

Then the three of them stopped talking, and Onstein had no intention of speaking.

The three of them walked to the intersection ahead, Greyhound turned around, and then remembered.

Turning his head, he turned back and said to the undead man.

"Brother, I'm going back first."

"Go ahead."

The undead man waved his hand.

"I won't come to you during this period. Just be careful."

"Don't worry, my skills are not weak!"

Greyhound patted his chest confidently, and then thought of Nian Heling again, so he could only add another sentence.

"Unless it's another immortal from somewhere who wants to cause trouble for me."


The undead still quite trust the greyhound's fighting power.

However, he still added.

"If anything happens, you can come and find me. You know the location."


Greyhound nodded, smiled at the undead man, then turned his head, waved casually, and walked towards his Rhode Island office in a carefree manner.

The undead man and Wengstein went back to their hotel.

Now that this matter has been almost cleared up, all that's left is to go back and find a way to talk to Liang Xun.

The two of them talked openly and honestly, and the immortal felt that Liang Xun should be able to tell the truth to him now, instead of always making twists and turns.

However, before Greyhound could no longer be seen, the undead man turned back and glanced at the street on the other side of Greyhound.

He stood there and stared for several seconds. Wenstein took several steps forward before he realized that the undead man had not followed.

Ornstein turned his head and looked at the undead man.

"What's wrong? Can't bear to leave?"

Of course Wenstein was joking, but after understanding the specific situation, he was able to recognize Greyhound's efforts for the immortals. He had played a huge role in the past few days.

The undead man turned back, glanced at Wenstein, and then turned his head to stare at the gray dog ​​until the gray dog ​​completely disappeared around the corner of the road.

"No...forget it, it's okay. Let's go."

The undead man shook his head and took steps to follow Wenstein.

Greyhound was a little absent-minded along the way, not because he understood the exchange between the order and the undead man.

Just after hearing Tracy's name, Greyhound became a little restless.

The specific manifestation is in the character of the greyhound.

If it were normal, even a few hours ago, Greyhound would have been able to add a few words to Ling's words.

Including when he met the new year in the afternoon, Greyhound said a few more words.

But after Ling told about Tracys and the battle between the two kings, Greyhound became quiet.

Even though there was no change in his expression, his performance was enough for Brother Sun, who was familiar with greyhounds, to notice that something was wrong.

Before the undead and Ling ended their communication, Brother Sun patted Greyhound and asked Greyhound what was wrong.

The greyhound just shook his head to show that he was fine.

But after he actually came out and separated from the undead, Greyhound began to fall into his own rhythm of thinking.

Unknowingly, when he reached the door of his house, Greyhound began to subconsciously take out the keys. Only then did he realize that it seemed that the door of his house had been broken into pieces.

He sighed and was about to lower his head and hold up the wooden door.


Greyhound fell to the right, a ball of bright blue light appeared on the surface of his left hand, and in the blink of an eye, crystals covered his arm. In the palm of his hand, he held a crossbow arrow.

Then, there were two more empty sounds.

Greyhound turned around, threw out the crossbow bolt in his hand, collided with one of the incoming crossbow bolts, and missed the trajectory.

And he himself took advantage of the opportunity to turn around and let another crossbow arrow rub his side and nail it to the door frame behind him.

Greyhound's eyes flashed as he stared at the rooftops and trailheads of the dark street in front of him.

"When guests come, is this how you greet them?"

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