Under the shattered armor, the demon fragments were pure and ready to move.

Whenever the twisted will wants to occupy the patriot's body, the flames carefully controlled by the undead will go forward and completely burn the stinky black air.

No one else should interfere with this battle!

Floors collapsed and the ground collapsed.

Between sheer effort and the finest combat skills, no one could stay by their side.

Everyone in Rhode Island was forced away by the aftermath of the battle, and even the shield guards had to evacuate backwards.

The big sword in the undead man's hand groaned softly, and once again slashed from top to bottom towards the head of the patriot who had no time to defend himself.


The spear raised by the Wendigo was cut in half by the sword. But he refused to give up, turned the spear fragment in his hand, and stabbed the knight in front of him with his forehand.

The undead man turned sideways, pulled the sword with his body, slashed the Patriot's armor horizontally, and then sliced ​​open his chest.

There was not much blood gushing out from the exposed wounds. Instead, black pus and purple-black Source Stone lumps gushed out along his blood vessels.

Wendigo's body had long been overwhelmed, but he never stopped moving forward.

Even though the spear was disconnected, he still raised the shield in his left hand and swung it forward!


The undead man's left hand clenched into a fist and suddenly collided with the shield in the Wendigo's hand.

The air behind the two exploded outwards, and violent force penetrated their bodies, blowing away the gravel on the ground behind them.

The shield on Wendigo's left hand also shattered inch by inch during this confrontation.

Even if the gun shield was damaged, the Wendigo never felt even a trace of fear.

In the rising flames, he raised his hands to slam into the fighter in front of him.

The undead man raised the sword in his right hand, took a step back, and squatted down slightly.

The two of them were speechless, but they both knew that this hearty duel was coming to an end.

Let blood declare the winner's honor!

The flaming body jumped into the air. Driven by his hands, it was like an old wolf flying into the air. The spinning body charged up the sword with enough power.

The tip of the sword dragged out a long tail flame and slammed down towards the unyielding Wendigo!

He stretched his outstretched hands toward the sword blade, trying to grasp the sword that contained unparalleled power.


Amid the roar of the flames, a tearing sound was clearly audible.

The blade entered Wendigo's right shoulder, tore open his upper body, and stopped at his waist.

The Wendigo's hands were still holding the blade of the sword tightly and refused to let go.


Wendigo let out a sigh of relief, but he still did not give up and continued to move forward.

He raised his right foot and planted it on the ground, holding the sword that had penetrated deep into his body and continuing to move forward!

The undead man pressed the hilt of the sword in his hand and held him in place.

The black substance pouring out from the huge wound was instantly ignited by the flames on the sword! There were vicious curses and wailing sounds rising in the flames, but they could only gradually subside.

The sound gradually became quieter, and the force on the sword blade slowly dissipated.

The undead man sighed softly, and he let go of the sword in his hand, letting it still be held by the patriot.

"it's over."

The undead man said softly.

The Patriot raised his head slightly and looked at the undead man in front of him.

"Are you from Rhode Island?"


The undead man nodded, then shook his head.



The patriot remained motionless. He released his hand from the sword, with three fingers missing. Then he pulled out a bunch of keys from his waist, inside his belt.

"This is what they want."

The Immortal stretched out his right hand and took the key from the Patriot.

But at this moment, Patriot grabbed his palm with his backhand and dragged him to his side.

Patriot's arms couldn't help but tremble. He whispered, and blood mixed with black matter and purple-black Originium crystals slowly poured out of his mouth.

"In the city, there are still inner guards...be careful, Ursus..."

The undead man took the initiative to approach, patted the patriot's shoulder with his left hand, and responded in a low voice.

"They are dead."

"Ha...Okay, okay, okay."

The patriot said three good words in a row, and then slowly let go of the immortal's hand.

The undead man took a step back and looked at the Patriot again.

Then, he raised his right hand and placed it on his chest, took a step back with his left foot and bowed slightly.

This is respect for a warrior.

He suppressed the evil spirit in his body with his tenacity and spent his life fighting against fate.

Even at the end of his life, he was still thinking about the threats that people would encounter after his death.

The patriot looked at the unknown warrior before him and saluted him.

The flames on his body had already burned all over his body, and gradually spread along his neck to his head.

Unexpectedly, there was no burning pain at all, but a comfortable feeling.

This feeling is called relief.

The last pureblood Wendigo slowly closed his eyes.



Rhode Island ship.

"The target has an abnormal reaction, go and notify Dr. Warfarin!"

After noticing the patient's body trembling slightly in the dormant chamber, the operators immediately went to look for Warfarin.

But he couldn't see the snow-white body and soft cheeks just after they left.

A glistening teardrop fell from the corner of his eye.

Dark, full of darkness.

Endless darkness surrounded him.

He is dead, Bozhuo Kasti knows this.

But he heard other voices in the endless darkness.

After spending some time, he realized that he could still control his body? !

His eyes shot open.

Surrounded by him, there was endless wind and snow, just like the snowfield where he had struggled all his life, it was so familiar.

Where is this?

Bodrokas narrowed his eyes and stood up from the ground, but there was no familiar spear and shield in his hands.

Just when he was confused.

The door of the wooden house not far away opened.

A strange knight with an iron bucket hanging on his head walked out of it. There was also a somewhat funny sun painted on the armor on his chest.

He saw Bozhuo Kasti in the snowy field at a glance.

"Hey, are there new friends here?"


Bodrokas was a little confused, he didn't understand his situation.

Shouldn't he be in the core city of Chernobog?

Shouldn't he fight the nameless warrior and die?

"This is where?"

Bodrokas asked on his behalf.


The Iron Bucket Knight chuckled, his laughter full of kindness.

"This is your new home... You may not be able to react when I say this, so just treat it as a new resting place."

The Iron Bucket Knight came to Bodrokasti's side and stretched out his palm.

"You can call me Solar, I am also a resident here. Before you figure it out, if you have any questions, you can ask me."

"A place to rest?"

Bodrokasti still didn't come to his senses, but he still reached out and held Solar's hand.

Solar nodded, then let go of Bodrokasti's hand and led him towards the house inside.

"No matter what, the fact that you are able to come here means that you have fought the good fight and walked the right path. The moral principles you believe in have also been upheld."

As he walked, he led Bozhuo Kasti to the door of the house, which was connected to a strange space.

Inside, a little girl with white hair turned her head and looked curiously at Solar and Bozhuo Kasti at the door.

"You have done what you should do, and from now on, you can have a good rest."

Bodrokas stood behind the door. He pondered for a moment and then looked back at the snowfield behind him.

There is heavy snow, but it is not as desolate as on the Ursus Icefield. It is full of tranquility and comfort.

"Would you like to rest..."

Bozhuo Kasei nodded slightly, but he still walked into the wooden house.



In the midst of that burning body, a dark soul emitting red light was gradually freed from the prison of the body.

The undead reached out and caught it.

Even though he was entangled by the power of the abyss, the red light in his soul never dimmed.

The soul of the last pure-blooded Wendigo "Bodro Kasti".

His life was to resist the established destiny and fight for a better future for many people.

Now, in the hands of the unknown king, he ushered in his true liberation.

The never-ending Wendigo, who has been marching for two hundred years, stopped his last march.

After a battle where fate can only watch and cannot intervene, he bids farewell.

The last Wendigo did not die at the hands of the devil

He died on the battlefield worthy of him.

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