"a lot of!"

The doctor covered his head, his face scrunched up, then he looked up suddenly and said in disappointment.

"But I can't remember clearly. It's like someone has closed the curtains so that I can't see clearly their appearance and their expressions. But I can guarantee that I have had a working relationship with this person called the Fire Girl for a period of time. . We even seemed to have done something extraordinary. But I can’t remember what it was, including the details.”

The immortal thought for a moment before he spoke again.

"Did you just say that they died in front of you?"

He had to confirm this, because after the undead extinguished the first fire, there should be no more fire girls. Unless after he extinguishes the flame, a new flame ignites, and someone needs to guide the cause of spreading the fire.

Otherwise, the fire girl mentioned by the doctor should be his own, the last fire girl.

If the fire girl is still alive...

"Yes, I saw darkness and something unspeakable, overwhelming them."

Speaking of this, the doctor's voice trembled unconsciously.

"I...I looked at their eyes, losing color! Looking at what they wanted to say to me at the end! But I can't remember anything...I can't think of anything!!"

There seems to be some problem with the doctor's mental state. There should be some food in his memory that frightens him.

Now the doctor was shaking all over, and his body was slightly distorted unconsciously.

Seeing this, the undead man quickly raised his right hand and lit the flame.

The doctor, who was illuminated by the light of the flame, gradually calmed down his excitement.

After breathing heavily for about half a minute, he raised his hand.



After communicating with the doctor up to this point, I actually already have a basic understanding of the undead.

The doctor in the past had communicated with the woman named Theresia and the fire girl, and had the experience of working together.

But in a certain disaster, everyone died and he was the only one left alive.

Then he lay down in the coffin and waited for others to wake him.

Moreover, it can make the doctor lose his temper like this, and even in the memory, it will make people feel uncontrollable fear. After losing the ability to control the mind, the undead can only think of one thing.


The undead man raised his upper body, leaned on the sofa, and began to think about the relationship between the doctor and himself.

If this is the case, then they are actually enemies of the Abyss, and both Theresia and the fire girl died in the confrontation with the Abyss, leaving only the Doctor alone.

Calculate again, the earliest time I woke up around Victoria, I am afraid that my awakening is inseparable from the doctor's deep sleep.

But speaking of that coffin...

"You know, what is that coffin called? What does it do?"

"That coffin?"

The doctor took off the mask with his hands, rubbed his cheeks, and then put the mask back on.

"Hmm... let me think about it, it seems to be called a throne... I can't remember the specific function at all. But the fire girl told me that you can do anything by lying in the coffin."

Desire for the throne!

The undead have almost determined the purpose of that coffin.

That is the Throne of Desire used to maintain the First Fire.

The Throne of Desire itself was researched by a certain scholar in the Age of Fire, and is a prop that can maintain the burning of the initial fire without entering the initial furnace.

Continuing with the reasoning, if it was the Doctor who lay down in the Throne of Desire to wake up the undead.

Then the doctor himself was already qualified to become the Salary King before he lay down on the Throne of Desire. In other words, he is the salary king of this generation, responsible for maintaining the initial fire.

This can also explain why the doctor has the memory of being burned by the first fire, because he has really inherited the flame.

But the problem came again. Now the undead could clearly feel the First Fire in his body. If the doctor is the salary king who maintains the initial fire, it means. The First Fire reappeared before the Doctor sat on the Throne of Desire.

When was the initial fire rekindled?

The undead man remembered it clearly. He was sitting in the initial furnace, watching the flames on his hands disappear.

Also, how did the fire girl survive from the Age of Fire to that time? Could it be that she also entered the painting that merged with the Kalan Holy Mountain? Then why did she come out again? Is the rekindling of the flame related to the fire girl?

Theresia... This name always seemed familiar to the undead. It was very similar to a name he had heard before. But what does this have to do with the fire girl?

"Theresia, are you the fire girl?"

"No, I can confirm this! I saw both of them at the same time, but the fire girl disappeared very early. At least when I lay in the coffin, the fire girl had disappeared for a long time, but Theresia disappeared not long ago. I had an impression before.”

The Doctor also exchanged information with the undead without reservation.

He knew that by helping the immortals now, he was helping himself.


The undead man fell silent again.

Although the Doctor solves part of the mystery, it creates more questions.

Where did the Fire Girl go, and why do we still need to maintain the First Fire now? When did the initial fire rekindle?

Why does Desire for the Throne appear in Chernobog? Who created the desire for the throne?

What role did the person named Theresia play in this?

Of course, there is also the abyss. How did the abyss swallow the fire girl and Theresia?

How did the doctor escape from the hands of the abyss?

It's all like a mess mixed together. Although the undead and the doctor worked together to unlock part of it, they found that it was just one of a hundred, the tip of the iceberg.

197. Wonderful chemical reaction

The conversation with the Doctor couldn't be more pleasant.

This is true for both parties, and the Immortal has so far been unable to give a clear location to the Doctor's past. But he knew part of the truth and uncovered more mysteries.

The more the undead know about the past, the more complicated the things in their minds become.

The immortal is actually not good at analyzing these things, and what he knows cannot be connected with the doctor's past.

The same goes for the doctor, although he has determined that he is inextricably linked to the undead. But he still doesn't know what his past is like, why does he exist, and what is the significance of his appearance?

After the two exchanged words, the mysteries in their minds were not less, but more and more.

However, this is a good thing for them, at least it confirms a very important piece of information.

"If there is a chance, I would like to go back to Qicheng to visit."

The Doctor said to the undead.

"The coffin-like place where I lay should be very important. If I can find any clues from there..."

The undead man also deeply agreed with this decision. He believed that if the coffin was really some kind of specially made Throne of Desire, he might be able to find the location of the initial furnace through this Throne of Desire.

At least for now, this Throne of Desire has connected many information points they now know.

However, the undead man was still shocked by his guess.

As far as he knew, the most important condition for the birth of King Xin was nothing more than one thing: having strong power.

In other words, it means having enough soul reserves to supply the initial fire for burning.

But so far, among the undead, the group of souls that can be seen on the surface is still in the boy named Mephistopheles.

Of course, other powerful immortals have also killed many, such as Victoria's Steam Knight, who has proven to have fought against him once. Although no spells or miracles were used that time, the opponent's fighting skills were indeed not bad.

But what does Mephistopheles rely on to have a soul reserve that is enough for people to see?

And where did the doctor get so many souls that would give him the qualifications to become the Salary King and sit on the throne he longs for?

Regarding this, the Immortal should keep this in mind. After the matter in Qicheng is over, he can ask Kelsi about it.

Since both Amiya and Kelsey know a lot about the past doctors, the undead may be able to find answers to their questions from them.

"Anyway, look forward."

The immortal said.

"You are out now. Then, do well and live on."

"You're right, I really shouldn't be imprisoned by a past that I can't even figure out."

The doctor was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

"Amiya and Kelsey are very friendly to me, and it feels good to stay here."

The Doctor has nowhere to go now. Since both Kelsey and Amiya have produced evidence of their friendship with him, why can't the Doctor stay in Rhode Island with peace of mind? What's more, Rhode Island can indeed give him something that can't be obtained outside.

"That's it."

The undead man stood up, and so did the doctor sitting opposite him.

The two stretched out their hands and shook them.

"If you have anything, come to me anytime."

"the same as you."

The first exchange between the two ended here, and the time in between was only ten minutes.

But even in these ten minutes, Kelsey didn't come in with tea.

It wasn't until the undead pushed the door open that the two of them discovered that Kelsey was leaning against the wall of the corridor, lowering her head to process data on the mobile terminal in her hand.

"Are you done talking?"

When Kelsey heard the noise, she raised her head and looked at the undead man.


The immortal nodded.

Kelsey acted just as the doctor said. She did not go to actually make tea, but found an excuse to come out and wait for the two of them to talk slowly. Give them plenty of space.

But, it's hard to say whether Kelsey deliberately gave her some space or she really didn't want to make a cup of tea for the undead.

"It's just right that we've finished talking. I also have something to ask you. Can you stay for a while?"

Kelsey's attitude when speaking to the undead was still very polite, just like when she asked the undead to do things before.

It seemed that the undead man's first intimidation was still effective.

"Of course, as well as your reward, I will also give those things to you privately, so we can get them together."


The undead are also looking forward to the emergency sanity mixture.

To put it bluntly, undead people have always valued things that can make them become normal people.

Who wouldn't want that?

Kelsey saw the doctor who followed him out.

When she saw the doctor, her expression didn't change at all, but her tone of voice softened slightly.

"Doctor, Amiya is already up. I'm going to give her a day off today so that you can go shopping around Rhode Island with her. Let her take you to see what Rhode Island looks like now."

"Okay, I want to go shopping too."

The doctor naturally had no objection.

Kelsey took out a black employee card from her clothes and handed it to the doctor.

"This is your identification card on the island. Keep it. With this card you can go anywhere on Rhodes Island."


The doctor was stunned for a moment.

"Yeah, anywhere."

Kelsey didn't think anything was wrong.

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