Texas casually choked out "Angel", rolled his eyes, then started the engine and drove the car out of the small shop where everyone lived temporarily.

The capable angel was just beside him, laughing and saying nothing.

Ceobe was wilting beside him, leaning on the undead man's shoulder.

She just has no energy. At this time, she should usually go to play with Hannah and watch TV with her, but for the past twenty days, she can only sit in the car.

The blond silly dog ​​also has a lively temperament, which coincides with that of the powerful angel. The two often go out to play together after setting up camp.

Usually, the capable angel would take a Frisbee from nowhere, fly it out, and then Keobei would run over and pick it up.

Logically speaking, it was Kyobe who should have flown the flying disc back, but she always had to hand it over to the angel with her own hands.

But the Archangel was too lazy to move, so he simply waited for Ceob to bring the Frisbee back, and then flew outside.

Seeing the beautiful figure of the blonde girl running to chase the Frisbee, the capable angel would feel better for no reason.

After a lot of back and forth, the four of them unexpectedly became pretty good friends at some point.

However, they are just friends.

Angels and Texas are still very exclusive. Although Angel Angel seems to be a carefree and optimistic person, she must still be hiding something in her heart.

The undead have never heard her mention anything about herself. They only know that she likes to eat something called "Apuru pie".

Later I learned from Texas that Apuru pie is apple pie. But Neng Angel, the child, just likes to call it Apuru Sect, and I don’t know who he learned it from.

The undead sometimes asked questions about the Sakota clan.

Because the halos above their heads are so familiar.

The undead can always think of a special religious sect.

Following the examples of Kjerag and Victoria, now the undead are very interested in anything that triggers things in their memories.

However, the angels didn't seem to be interested in the Sakota race. Every time they chatted with the undead, they would quickly change the topic and talk about other things.

The immortal man could tell that the capable angel didn't want to talk too much about Sakota.

Later, one day after setting up camp, while Archangel and Kiobe ran to play Frisbee again, Texas came over and explained the problem to the undead in private.

"She looks carefree, but she actually has things she cares about. She is a Sakota herself, and she is very fond of Sakota. But there are some special reasons that she is not willing to talk about with others. Own."

Texas' voice was soft and cold, but since he was willing to tell the undead in private, he was definitely not as unreasonable as he seemed.

"If you just ask about Rutland, she won't be shy. On the contrary, she is very willing to share her hometown with others."

The undead man nodded, and then looked at the angel in the distance, with a shining halo on his head, and fell into thinking.

Texas is the most observant, and she can certainly notice the undead's interest in the Sakota race.

Out of curiosity, she couldn't help but ask.

"Is there a problem? About Sakota?"

"Yes, there is a problem."

He asked as the immortal nodded.

"Sakota, do you have faith?"

"Yes, Sakota has his own beliefs."

The immortals of Texas say this by hearsay, because it is not a secret.

"Sakota are called angels, and they are characterized by their halo and wings."


The undead man looked at the capable angel in the distance in confusion.

Now there are no wings on the back of the able angel...

"Under normal conditions, it will not affect their lives. But if there is a battle or strong emotional fluctuations, they will spread their wings of light behind them, showing their true form."

Texas explained to the undead.

"However, the halo on their heads can never be covered up. That is the greatest proof that they are a clan of angels, Sakota."

At this point, Texas was unwilling to speak no matter what.

These are some facts that can be known with a little care. More in-depth questions must be understood by the immortals themselves.

That was a matter for the Sakota family and had nothing to do with her, Luper.

"Well, thank you."

Now that it was confirmed, the immortal's thinking began to diverge.

Sakota calls himself an angel, but do angels really exist?

In his memory, in the original generation, there was a faction that paid special attention to angels and even developed angels with wings.

Even such an angel only has wings, which is completely different from the holiness that many people imagine.

In the immortal's own thinking, many things from past generations can be corroborated with what is learned now.

Does this mean that the entire continent of Terra is built on the remains of the Age of Fire?

So why are these traces so inconspicuous that even the human race and form of power are different?

Coupled with the Source Stone, which is full of deep and dark essence, and the ubiquitous abyss.

This all made the undead people confused.

Is this the Deep Sea Age?

If only the words he heard before leaving were what the fire prevention girl said. It is true that there is a fire burning in the distance.

So is this clump of fire the first fire preserved in his body, or is it the flame born in this generation?

Texas saw that the undead man was deep in thought, so she didn't want to disturb him and left silently.

This war knight is quite to her liking. They are all taciturn people and will not do anything out of the ordinary.

Otherwise, she would not take the initiative to explain to the undead, for fear of ruining everyone's relationship.

"Xiao Ke is so awesome! Come on, let's do it again!"

The capable angel smiled and patted Keob's head, and then threw the Frisbee in his hand.


Ceob ran out happily and tried to catch the flying disc.

As the sun sets in the west, when the time comes, take a rest by the lit bonfire.

Only the undead man is still looking for his own answer in the fragments of memory.

125. Melanza receiving the letter

At the same time, Rhode Island.

It had been several months since plans to rescue the Doctor were last discussed.

The computing machine at the bottom of Rhode Island began a month-long calculation based on the goal of rescuing the doctor.

The final calculation results left three feasible plans among tens of thousands of plans.

Two or three months passed while discussing these plans and refining the details.

During this time, the elite operators gradually returned to the island and began to prepare for everything in the plan.

In fact, after Amiya proposed the concept of rescuing the doctor, the seeds of hope were already planted in everyone's hearts.

Because most elite operators are aware of the Doctor's power. Except for a few elite operators who joined Rhode Island after the doctor left, almost everyone supports this idea.

It's not that they think Dr. Kelsey, who is now in charge of Rhode Island, is bad.

In terms of the responsibilities of a senior and superior, Dr. Kelsey can be said to be a qualified senior.

She would take care of all things Rhode Island herself and stay up late every day.

As a doctor, she instructs the operators every day to have a regular schedule to ensure their health.

But she herself is the one who doesn't stick to the most regular schedule. She must finish all the things that need to be handled.

This kind of dedication is seen by the operators. But I have to admit that Dr. Kelsey may indeed be somewhat lacking as a leader.

She maintains all necessary rationality, thinks about all imaginable problems, and chooses the one with the greatest success rate among all plans.

But she can't understand each operator's personality and handle it in a way that makes everyone feel at least satisfied.

To put it simply, Kelsey does not understand people's hearts and is inhumane.

This is almost the consensus of most operators. But this does not prevent them from respecting Kelsey.

If it weren't for Kelsey, a machine as small as Rhode Island's with huge operating costs would have completely fallen apart a year or two ago.

Kelsey tried her best to maintain the overall situation, which was the limit of her ability.

In addition to her intention to train Amiya, those operators who knew some inside information did not say anything on this matter.

In their opinion, Kelsey has done enough. But after all, she is a pure scholar. Unlike a doctor, she still has great talents in military command and management operations.

However, since Kelsey is also silently supporting the plan to rescue the doctor, it means that the matter has reached a serious level. Without the Doctor, I am afraid that the entire Rhode Island would face an even more dangerous situation in the coming days.

Although there are decisions from above, the elite operators and senior officials do not put these pressures on ordinary operators.

Some of the operators are external assistance personnel from other forces, and some are talents recruited by Rhode Island itself.

Many of them are just young people. Instead of letting them worry so much, it is better to let them maintain the current rhythm and recharge their batteries so that they will not have accidents when going on missions.

That was today, a letter was delivered to the Rhode Island Department of Personnel.

Originally, letters like this might be sent every day, and the personnel in charge of the Human Resources Department on that day would not care about these things.

But the person who sent the letter was a bit beyond people's recognition, when the personnel manager saw the name. I was a little confused immediately, and then chose to report it to my superiors.

"Doctor Kelsey."

The beauty with white hair and highlights came to Dr. Kelsey's office and handed her the letter in her hand.

"This is a letter from Victoria, addressed to Operator Melanza."

"What is the problem?"

The dark circles under Kelsey's face were a bit heavy. She hadn't slept for almost a whole day and relied on coffee to support her body.

Although she knew that coffee was not good for her health, she still chose to cheer herself up in this way.

Kelsey picked up the letter on the table. She read it from the top line one by one. When she saw the last line, she couldn't help but hold her breath.

On the last line of the cover of the letter, where the address is from, there are three words written.


The reason why the beautiful Zilan with white highlights chose to intercept this letter and leave it to Kelsey for decision first was because of her identity as an immortal.

Zi Lan is not a senior operator, but she will also pay attention to Casimir's battle. This is a learning process for any operator. What's more, she also pays great attention to this battle knight.

"Is the source okay?"

Kelsi raised her head and looked at Zi Lan in front of her.

"No problem. Victoria's official courier sent it through formal channels."

Zi Lan nodded.

After listening to Zi Lan's words, Kelsi thought for a moment, her mind was a little groggy. When he saw the words "immortal", he immediately became alive.

After a while, she put the letter in her hand in front of Zi Lan and asked her.

"Leave it to Melanza. Everyone has their own secrets, and there is no need for us to get to the bottom of these secrets."

Kelsey picked up the water glass next to her, took a sip, and then waved her hand to signal Zi Lan to leave.

Zi Lan put away the letters on the table and left Kelsi's office without doubting his presence.

After Zi Lan left, Kelxi put down the pen in her hand and began to think about the letter.

Immortal, this name is a long time ago for Kelsi, but it is still familiar enough.

Because people keep mentioning this name recently.

Victoria's intelligence network had a report more than ten days ago. It is said that a dragon appeared in the colony of Victoria's infected people, and the leader of Aslan's group, named Veina, who dealt with the dragon, had early friendships with a monster called Victoria's Wraith.

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