As soon as He Lisheng said this, the atmosphere in the entire conference room froze. The expressions on everyone's faces became extremely strange!

Lu Hongsheng's scalp was tingling!

What did he want to say before?

Didn't he just think that this test paper was not up to standard and should be scored zero?

As a result, before he could say this, He Lisheng was so happy when he saw this three-line poem!

That was truly ecstatic!

Even a fool would know that Professor He really liked this poem to the core!

Go up to him and tell him that this poem should be scored zero?

He might have some serious illness!

Lu Hongsheng's throat rolled, and he shrank and dared not speak.

He Lisheng looked at him blankly, and recalled the previous conversation between the group of teachers, and suddenly understood.

The zero and full marks they mentioned were all referring to this answer sheet.

After a little thought, He Lisheng figured out the cause and effect.

But after figuring it out, he couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

"Hey——you guys!"

"This is actually very simple!"

"I won’t say much about the poem itself. You are all famous Chinese teachers in Jiangsu Province and you have basic poetry appreciation skills!"

"As for the topic, I won’t say much, you can all see it!"

"The real problem you are struggling with is whether or not to break the rules for such a special case! Is that right?"

After the words fell, all the teachers nodded suddenly.

It really is that way.

Including Lu Hongsheng, he also understood the meaning.

The contradiction lies here, one is an extremely excellent"special case", and the other is a rule maintained for more than ten years.

How to choose?

This is a question of inclination.

He Lisheng looked serious and said solemnly:"It's actually very simple!"

"My conclusion is also - full marks!"

"Indeed, rules are necessary, but rules are always aimed at the majority, the group!"

"And is the candidate who can write three lines of poetry like this one of the majority of ordinary people?"

"He can't be! He is a one-of-a-kind genius!"

"Why can't geniuses break the rules?"

"Geniuses are born to break the rules!"

"So what is there to worry about?"

The words were simple and clear, but deafening!

The teachers in the conference room fell silent.

Even Lu Hongsheng lowered his head.

He Lisheng glanced at them, his tone was extremely serious:"I told you before that Mr. Zhou was involved in this composition topic, including what Mr. Zhou wanted me to convey to you: less form, more content!"

"Are those so-called model essays that follow templates really good? Are they really worthy of a perfect score?"

"How many of them are just complaining without any reason? Are they forcing themselves to express their sorrow in order to compose new poems?"

"I think that we should not only give full marks to this candidate's essay - this little poem! We should also publish it so that people all over the country can see it!"

The teachers were all stunned and fell into deep thought, digesting the information in this sentence.

After a while, everyone reacted.

It's still the same sentence, hoping to convey Mr. Zhou's meaning: pay attention to content over form!

In other words, we should seek students' innovative breakthrough ability rather than stick to the conventional test template!

This is a signal to the entire Xia country!

Just when everyone was thinking.

He Lisheng's voice suddenly sounded again

"By the way, Assistant Xiao Zhang, please check the information of this candidate and where his original college entrance examination paper is!"

"I will go get it later, and then go back to the imperial capital in person to bring it to Mr. Zhou for review!"

When these words came out, everyone was shocked!


"Professor He? A college entrance examination essay paper wouldn't alarm Mr. Zhou, right?"

"Could it be that we are short-sighted and fail to see the true level of these three lines of poetry! ?"

"I suddenly have the same feeling!"

"I wonder what kind of evaluation Mr. Zhou would give to this poem?"


Amidst all the discussions, He Lisheng smiled and said nothing.

To be honest, he was also looking forward to that scene!

""Professor He! The candidate information has been found!"

The female assistant's voice sounded, and her tone was also very excited.

"Oh?" He Lisheng hurried over and looked in the direction of the female assistant's mouse.

【[Candidate's name]: Su Chen

【Candidates' Schools]: Binhai No. 1 High School

【ID number】:**************

【Admission ticket number】:**************

【[Exam Paper Location]: Binhai City Archives Custody Office, address******

After He Lisheng took note of the information, he took the mouse and closed the information interface.

The examiners who gathered around him saw nothing!

He Lisheng said calmly:"According to the examination regulations, the information of this examinee cannot be disclosed to you!"

"Of course, if my authority level is not high enough, I can't view these either."

After the words fell, the teachers in the conference room looked at He Lisheng with some resentment.

They also wanted to know the name of the candidate!

But no one noticed that at the moment when He Lisheng checked the computer just now, a slightly hunched figure secretly glanced at a corner of the screen.

He peeked at a few scattered words of information!

Su Chen!

Binhai No. 1 Middle School!

Principal Chen almost screamed out loud!

This candidate who wrote a poem that almost made him cry, turned out to be from Binhai No. 1 Middle School!?

Isn't he the principal of Binhai No. 1 Middle School?

The genius who wrote such a poem turned out to be a student of his own school!

"Suchen, Suchen……"

As he whispered the name, the old principal's breathing suddenly became rapid!

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