Tiger, Da Meng, was very depressed today.

First of all, he didn't know why he suddenly got the name"Da Meng".

Secondly, he was hunting for food, but a"monster" standing on two legs appeared out of nowhere and killed the prey he had set his eyes on!

That"monster" was so scary that it could"spray thorns", and the thorns directly shot the cute little deer to death.

His intuition told him that the"monster" in front of him was very scary.

He believed in his intuition, so he gave up attacking the"monster" and his original food, and chased after other food.

In his opinion, whoever he chased didn't matter, and whoever he didn't catch didn't matter?

Anyway, he ran fast and could definitely catch up!

But, something unexpected happened again.

Those cute foods actually burst out with amazing potential and flew up at a very fast speed!

So, he was depressed.

In terms of explosive power, he thought he was better than the deer.

In other words, the"100 km acceleration world" was very fast, much faster than the deer.

However, because of the"spray" of the"monster", its ambush was ineffective, and the deer herd suddenly became much faster, so it failed to catch up with the deer in the initial stage.

In terms of endurance, it is not as good as the sambar deer.

So, it was a tragedy.

After chasing all the way, the deer herd finally ran away.

Da Meng could only wander around the mountains pitifully, hoping to catch a prey to replenish his energy.

Otherwise, he would have to starve for another day.

"What bad luck!"

Da Meng thought silently.

However, at this moment, he suddenly smelled a strange smell.

This smell did not seem to come from any"food", but rather a bit like the"two-legged monster" just now."

"This is the same species as that monster!"

Da Meng confirmed the species of the creature not far away, and suddenly the resentment in his heart could no longer be suppressed.

He hated it!

If it weren't for that"two-legged monster", he would definitely be enjoying the food at this moment.

Why bother running around here?

So, he slowly approached.

Not long after, he saw the"two-legged monster"."

"It is indeed a two-legged monster."

Da Meng's eyes suddenly flashed with a fierce light, but in an instant its attention was attracted by the thing in the hand of the"two-legged monster".

It was a fish. It had seen this kind of thing in the bath, and had eaten it once out of curiosity.

But because it felt too worthless and too unsatisfying, it never ate it again.

After wasting a lot of effort for a long time, it couldn't catch a fish. Finally, it caught one with great difficulty, but that little bit of meat was not enough to eat.

And there were thorns!

It was not as refreshing as catching a deer to eat.

However, this time it felt that the fish in the hand of the"two-legged monster" was different.

It was different from the one it had eaten before.

Because it was too fragrant!

And it was very big!

It looked about the same size as a rabbit.


Da Meng's nose trembled slightly, and he took a deep sniff of the fish.

"It smells so good!"

Da Meng's throat rolled, and his eyes were full of ferocity.

He decided to try this thing.

However, just when he was about to get closer to attack, the"two-legged monster" suddenly picked up a piece of fish and put it in his mouth, eating it happily.

This scene made him very angry.

Food is actually eating food!?

Isn't that a waste of food!?

So, Da Meng went out!

In the valley, there are relatively few things that can be used to hide the body, so as soon as he moved, the"two-legged monster" over there found him.

""Oh my god!


Da Meng heard the"two-legged monster" scream, then shuddered, and the"delicious food" in his hand was thrown out.


What a waste!

Da Meng looked down on the food in front of him. How could he waste food as it was food?


A scent drifted in with the wind, and Da Meng's nose couldn't help but twitch twice.

"It smells really good!"

Da Meng's attention was immediately diverted to the grilled fish not far away.

Thinking of the"two-legged monster" next to him, Da Meng turned around and yelled at the"two-legged monster"


"Oh my god!"

"The"two-legged monster" was so frightened that he hid behind the fire and began to tremble.


Da Meng nodded with satisfaction, and then walked to the grilled fish with cat steps.

He lowered his head and sniffed it. It smelled very fragrant.

He opened his mouth and licked it. It was very tender.

The temperature was just right, not burning the big cat's tongue.

In one word, great!


Da Meng shouted at the"two-legged monster" again to show his threat, and then began to eat the fish. It was boneless, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, hot and fragrant.

It must be said that this was a brand new experience.

It opened the door to a new world for Da Meng!


Madcao felt very panicked because not far from him, there was a tiger eating his grilled fish.

""Oh my God!

Where on earth did it come from?"

Madcao was confused.

Could it be that he was no longer the favorite of Father God?

Oh no.

Could it be that he was no longer the favorite of the goddess of fate?

Luck and the like were all lies!

"Great goddess of fate!

Your darling, Madcao, asks for your help!

Can you let the tiger go away?


Madcao's voice was still loud, as if this would make his"heart more sincere".

However, the goddess of fate did not give him any response. Instead, the tiger looked up at him.

It seemed that he had an opinion on his shouting.


Madcao shuddered all over.

He was really scared now!

"What should I do?

What should I do?

Should I ask for help?

Should I quit?

I can’t give up!"


"It seems that someone is really calling for help……"

Xiang Mo frowned.

She had also heard Mo Xi talk about those three bastards.

But she always felt it was nonsense and absurd.

After all, it was totally irrational!

"Could there really be a ghost in there?"

"I don’t know~"

Zhao Lu shook his head. He didn’t know what was going on inside.

"Let's wait until daytime.

Help me make some more arrows, and we'll go into the mountains tomorrow!"


""Hoo, hoo, hoo~"

The two were talking when suddenly a cold wind blew over, making Xiang Mo shiver all over.

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