The sound of the thunderstorm was so strong that the thunderstorm was so intense.

In the originally quiet valley area.

A series of violent roars suddenly sounded.

Sparrows that had landed here were scared away.

Then the roars became louder and louder.

One after another, land battle tanks in camouflage clothes drove out from the shadows.

After a while.

With the Xuanwu tank as the center.

Dozens of tanks formed a circle.

The Xuanwu was trapped in the center.

“Damn! Is the 71st Army’s move so big!?”

“If I counted correctly, there are 50 main battle tanks here! They are all heavy and super heavy tanks such as 99A!”

“Using such a large armed force to deal with Xuanwu!”

“It’s really crazy!”

“Are they completely ignoring the front battlefield!?”

Looking at this visually impactful scene.

The Chief of Staff of the First Army couldn’t help but swear.

Now they have gained a considerable advantage in the front battlefield.

They also guessed that the 71st Army mobilized a lot of forces to deal with Xuanwu.

But they didn’t expect it even if they racked their brains.

This move is 50 heavy tanks!

No wonder they think the front battlefield is so easy!

“Pass my order! Continue to attack with all your strength in the front battlefield! Don’t leave any room!”

After Sun Dongxian reacted,

he spoke hurriedly.

Then he fixed his eyes on the picture in front of him.

After fifty heavily-armored tanks surrounded Xuanwu, they did not take the next step. Of course, in the eyes of Sun Dongxian and others, there was no need for any further action. Now Xuanwu was like a trapped beast. Facing fifty heavily-armored main battle tanks, Xuanwu could not rush out, nor could it fight. It could only surrender. “I am Wang Zuokai, the commander-in-chief of the 71st Army.” “Now our army has surrounded you, and I advise you not to struggle in vain!” “Get off the tank and surrender immediately, otherwise our army will take compulsory measures!” At this time, Wang Zuokai’s voice spread through the on-site communicator. Although the fifty tanks did not raise their muzzles, they just lay there, which was enough to give people huge mental pressure! Inside the Xuanwu tank, Su Ting saw this scene through the periscope. He struggled for a while. Finally, he slowly fell on the back of the seat. “On this cold winter solstice.”

“We almost got everything we wanted.”

“It’s really a failure at the last minute…”

Su Ting closed his eyes tightly and murmured to himself.

Ma Hongyi turned his head and looked at Ma Hongyi.

His eyelids couldn’t help but twitch twice.

Then he spitted and said:

“Have you watched too many fucking movies?”

“Are you being sentimental with me?”

“Who told you we lost?”


After saying that, Ma Hongyi turned around and looked through the periscope.

He looked at the heavily armored tanks outside.

The corners of his mouth slowly raised a dangerous arc.

After Su Ting was stunned for two seconds, he suddenly raised his eyelids and said:

“You, what do you mean!?”

“We have reached such a desperate situation, and we haven’t lost yet?”

“How is it possible!?”

“Does this tank have a trump card!?”

Listening to Su Ting’s doubtful words.

Ma Hongyi didn’t look back, but a smile suddenly bloomed on his face.

“When I saw the last page of the Xuanwu tank manual, I didn’t dare to believe that there would be such a method at present.”

“But after Xuanwu rushed out of the eighteen artillery guns, I believed it.”

“Shen Fei is a perverted guy. There is nothing he can’t do in the world.”

“Tingzi… I don’t know if you have heard of combo skills?”

At the end, Ma Hongyi suddenly changed the subject.

Su Ting couldn’t help but shrink his pupils violently when he heard it.

“Combination, combo skills!?”

“What are you talking about!?”

Ma Hongyi turned his head and looked at Su Ting.

His sight gradually moved downwards and he said:

“Tingzi, do you see the gray button at your feet?”

“That’s Tianshui and Dujin.”

“It’s the attack method Shen Fei built on Xuanwu.”

“Press it and you’ll understand.”

“Xuanwu’s strongest point has never been its defense!”

Ma Hongyi spoke word by word.

Su Ting looked at the gray button at his feet with a dull expression.



“Poison gold?”

“Xuanwu’s…attack method!?”


71st Army Headquarters.

More than ten seconds had passed since Wang Zuokai finished his speech.

Looking at the Xuanwu on the screen, there was still no movement.

Wang Zuokai frowned slightly, as if he had lost his patience.

Picked up the communicator again.

Wang Zuokai said in a serious voice:

“I’ll say it one last time, please don’t resist!”

“Get off the tank and surrender immediately!”

“You have three seconds now.”

“After three seconds, I will order an attack!”



Wang Zuokai counted the first number.

There was a burst of clicks at the scene.

The main gun muzzles of fifty tanks were raised together.


Another number fell.

All the main gun muzzles have pointed their muzzles at Xuanwu!

At this moment, Xuanwu still did not move.

Wang Zuokai narrowed his eyes and gritted his teeth.

He was about to count the last number!

But at this moment.

A slight strange sound suddenly came from Xuanwu.

Wang Zuokai looked up hurriedly.

He saw that on the bare turret of Xuanwu.

Suddenly, tiny black holes appeared.

The next second.

A strong shock wave suddenly emerged.

The air there seemed a little illusory.

Wang Zuokai was stunned for a moment.

Then he picked up the communicator and asked all the heavy tanks on the scene to be on alert!

But soon, he found something was wrong.

Because except for the illusory picture at the Xuanwu turret just now.

There was no other movement.

It looked like he had just had an illusion.

Seeing this, Sun Dongxian didn’t think much.

He opened his mouth to count the last number.

But at this moment.

Xuanwu suddenly moved.

It was the familiar start-up speed that made people’s scalps numb.

In less than two seconds, Xuanwu had already approached the nearest heavy tank.

Then the next second.


Supported by the powerful power system.

Xuanwu directly knocked the two heavy tanks in front of it to the side.

Then Xuanwu passed through the gap.

Started to run straight ahead!

In just a few breaths.

Xuanwu disappeared from Wang Zuokai’s sight.

The whole process was said in a flash.

After a few seconds, Wang Zuokai reacted.

He picked up the communicator and yelled!

“What are you doing, all the people in the heavy combined brigade!?”

“Are you dreaming?!”

“Chase them for me!”

“The people have run away!”

Wang Zuokai’s voice echoed in the huge command center.

But the fifty heavily-armored main battle tanks in the picture seemed to be fixed in place. There was not even a slight sign of movement. Just when Wang Zuokai was furious, a cry of surprise suddenly sounded from the side. “Commander!” “The communication has been interrupted!” “The monitoring equipment shows that the fifty tanks have all lost their signals!”

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