The man was so scared that he was lying.

Looking at the sturdy man holding a brick.

It would be a lie if Dai Xiaomei said she wasn’t scared.

But she couldn’t just watch her beloved motorcycle being smashed.

“Stop! Stop it!”

“Don’t touch my motorcycle!”

Dai Xiaomei mustered up the courage to stop the sturdy man.

But the sturdy man didn’t even look at her.

He pushed her aside.

The sturdy man had already raised the brick in his hand and was about to smash it hard on the motorcycle.

Dai Xiaomei’s tears fell in an instant.

“Woo woo woo!”

“I don’t want your money, don’t smash my car!”

At this moment, Dai Xiaomei seemed to be extremely helpless.

But just when the brick in the hand of the strong man was about to fall on the motorcycle.

A muffled sound suddenly rang out.

Then Dai Xiaomei looked up.

The expression on her pretty face with tears could not help but be stunned!

I saw several foreigners in suits suddenly appeared.

Then they pushed Li Jiaqi’s bodyguard out seven or eight meters away.

Dai Xiaomei hadn’t reacted yet.

A foreign old man with silver hair rushed out.

He rushed to Dai Xiaomei’s motorcycle and cried:

“Oh! God! Who did this! Who did it!”

“I want to curse him on behalf of Jesus! Curse him!”

As the old man spoke,

he actually wiped his tears directly.

This time, it was not only Dai Xiaomei who was a little dumbfounded.

Li Jiaqi next to him couldn’t help but frown slightly.

But looking at the old man and those foreigners in suits.

Li Jiaqi didn’t dare to be too arrogant and said:

“Who are you?”

Li Jiaqi’s voice slowly echoed at the scene.

But the foreign old man didn’t even look at him.

Instead, he muttered to himself and turned his head to look at Dai Xiaomei excitedly.

“Oh, this distinguished lady.”

“I am Mu De, the general manager of the Longguo region of the Chrysler Group.”

“Twenty minutes ago, the information department of our group found the gentleman named Zhang Ping.”

“Through consulting Mr. Zhang Ping, we know that the magical motorcycle with a speed of over 600 kilometers per hour is yours!”

“Now on behalf of the Chrysler Group, I would like to say hello to you, the distinguished lady, and hope that you can resell this distinguished motorcycle to us.”

“Of course, please rest assured that we will definitely give you a satisfactory price.”

The old man’s bright eyes made Dai Xiaomei feel a little scared.

And these words he said in fluent Chinese.

It made Dai Xiaomei’s expression sluggish.

As for the countless viewers in the live broadcast room.

After a moment of silence, they completely exploded.

“Fuck! I, I, did I hear it right?!? The foreign old man meant that the motorcycle chasing the high-speed rail is the old woman’s motorcycle!!”

“The motorcycle that has been praised by countless bloggers and has been deified in the motorcycle circle was actually created by Fei Ge! Isn’t it said that this is a marketing campaign of capital!?”

“Wife! Quick! Slap me! I seem to be hallucinating when watching the live broadcast!”

“Wait! Is what this old man said accurate? What is Chrysler Group? Why have I never heard of it?”

“Dude, you don’t even know Chrysler Group? This is Eagle There is no other company that is as awesome as the motorcycle company there!”

“Do you know the famous Dodge Tomahawk? It was built by this company!”

“Fuck! I am convinced! Brother Fei, stop showing off. Are you going to raise the level of domestic motorcycles by yourself! ?”

“Who said before that Brother Fei can only equip computers but not build motorcycles? Come out and speak! !”

“Uh…Brother Fei, there are many people outside now. I will kneel down for you later!”


Many viewers in the live broadcast room were talking about it, and they couldn’t stop talking at all.

No one thought that the magic car that ignited the entire Douyin was actually built by Shenfei.

And Li Jiaqi, who was not far away, was stunned after listening to the words of the foreign old man Mu De.

As a first-line blogger of Douyin.

Of course he had heard about the hot search event of motorcycles chasing high-speed rail.

But he never dreamed that it was the one in front of him.

But the surprise only flashed across Li Jiaqi’s face.

Then he turned his head and looked at the old man Mu De and said:

“No matter how good this motorcycle is, it is not as expensive as one of my wheels!”


Do you want to pay for her?”

After learning that old man Mude was the head of a regular group, Li Jiaqi relaxed again.

This time, old man Mude did not ignore his words.

Seeing that Dai Xiaomei was still in a daze.

Mude turned his head and looked at Li Jiaqi expressionlessly.

Then Mude gently waved his hand.

Several foreign strong men in suits beside him immediately walked towards Li Jiaqi.

Seeing this, Li Jiaqi swallowed his saliva with his throat moving.

The voice was a little stuttering:

“You, what are you going to do! ?”

“Now it’s a society ruled by law.”

“Beating people is a crime…”


“Bang! ”

Li Jiaqi’s words have not been finished.

A muffled sound rang out.

It was seen that the foreign strong men were not coming towards him at all.

Instead, they passed him and directly pulled out the riot sticks and smashed his multi-million sports car.

After one hit,

then another hit!

The sound of metal clashing continued to echo at the scene.

It was less than a few seconds.

Li Jiaqi’s still arrogant Ferrari sports car was smashed to pieces!

Looking at this scene.

Li Jiaqi couldn’t help but twitch his eyes fiercely.

But due to the power of those foreign strong men.

He didn’t dare to say a word.

Not far away, Dai Xiaomei had also come out of her dazed state at this moment.

Looking at the piercing scene in front of her.

Dai Xiaomei hurriedly said:

“Uncle Mude, I…I didn’t say I would sell the motorcycle to you. ”

Dai Xiaomei thought Mu De was speaking up for himself.

But after hearing her words.

Mu De slowly shook his head and said:

“Oh, my honorable lady, this has nothing to do with whether you sell me the motorcycle or not.”

“He damaged this gift from God to mankind, so of course I have to punish him back.”

“What a perfect motorcycle! It’s because of this stupid guy that it has a flaw now.”

He shook his head and said to Dai Xiaomei.

Mu De then looked at Li Jiaqi with a cold face again.

“Your car is now scrapped, and we, the Chrysler Group, will compensate you with an identical one later.”

“But for the damage you have done to this motorcycle, we, the Chrysler Group, are willing to sue you on behalf of this honorable lady.”

“It would be best if the motorcycle shell can be restored to its original appearance.”

“If it cannot be restored, then you will be subject to the most severe sanctions of the law. ”

“The entire legal department of our Chrysler Group will treat this incident as the most important matter.”

“Of course, I need to remind you before that.”

“The outer shell of this motorcycle has a direct relationship with its terrifying stability.”

“This technology has never appeared anywhere in the world!”

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