"Then let's go have some fun."

Ye Xiao gave an order, and the five of them rushed out directly.

There were only five afterimages in the air. When they found the traces of Xiaoqing and the others, the team had lost one-third of them.

Without any reaction, their heads fell to the ground.

They never figured out how they died until they died.

Xiaoqing and the others were too fast, which exceeded their reaction speed.

This was also the first time that Xiaoqing and the others fought the enemy with full firepower. They were restrained before because they could not hurt anyone's life.

This time they could kill people well, and they had a lot of fun.

No one could stop them when they rushed into the crowd. Even if they were prepared, no one could be their opponent.

In less than ten minutes, the ground was full of corpses, and the equipment was exploded all over the ground.

As for the enemy, only Katarina's five-man team was left.

Only a few of them could barely resist two more attacks.

But they could only resist two more attacks. The shield outside the body was already shaky and full of cracks.

"What kind of monsters are these guys? How can they be so strong?"

Katrina and the others no longer had their previous arrogance, and their eyes were full of fear.

This is a war god-level shield, a defensive measure specially arranged for her by the family war god to protect her life.

This level of shield cannot be broken even by a third-level strongman.

But now.

Under the attack of five second-level shifters, it is about to break.

"This bastard's shell is quite tough, it actually lasted for such a long time."

Xiao Qing complained carelessly.

In return, Xiao Ling rolled her eyes.

"That being said, can you please not hurt others by mistake? How can she compare herself with a turtle? Our turtles are much tougher than hers."

"Mistake, mistake, I definitely didn't mean what you said."

Several people picked up the equipment and materials on the ground carelessly.

As for the turtle shells of Katarina and the others, they were not in a hurry to break them. Playing with the enemy was the happiest thing.

Katarina and the others were really suffering now.

They also knew that Xiaoqing and the others were playing with them.

But they had no other way. There was no chance of fighting desperately. They could only hide under the shield and survive.

"I'm full, who of you wants to eat something?"

Ye Xiao jumped down from the attribute fruit tree and walked leisurely in front of Katarina and the others.

"Guys, I'm actually very easy to talk to."

"I think you understand the principle of spending money to ward off disasters."

Ye Xiao's hint was very clear. Whether they understood it or not was up to them.

"Are you serious? Can spending money really ward off disasters?"

"Do you have any other choice?"

Ye Xiao asked, and they were silent.

Yes, do they still have a choice now? They have no choice but to agree.

"One billion for you."

Ye Xiao smiled.

Do you really think he is still the same person he was ten minutes ago? Is he so easy to fool?

"One billion? That's the price in China."

"If you want to survive, you have only one choice: hand over everything you have, leaving nothing behind."

"I have the means to detect it. If I detect that you still have some left, I'm sorry, they will be your fate."

All their belongings.

Ye Xiao was too greedy.

He actually wanted all their belongings.

Everyone looked unhappy. Even though they were unwilling in their hearts, they finally chose to compromise.

No matter how precious it is, it is just a thing outside of the body. Life is what truly belongs to you.

"Okay, I'll give them all to you."

They threw all their treasures to Ye Xiao one by one, and some even took off all their clothes and threw them to Ye Xiao to prove that they had contributed everything.

"Damn, this capital is really……"

"Forget it, leave the pants behind, I don't want that stuff."

It makes sense that these people can survive until now, they have so many treasures on them.

But now they are all his.

"Now that everything is yours, can we leave now?"

"Of course, I am a man of my words. Since I promised to let you go, I will not kill you."

"Xiaoqing, take the things and leave. They have nothing to do with us anymore."

After watching Ye Xiao and his men leave, Catalina and the others breathed a sigh of relief. They were worried that Ye Xiao would go back on his word and kill them with a surprise attack. Now it seems that Ye Xiao and his men are still very trustworthy and really let them go after taking the things.

"Go quickly before they regret it"

"Go? Did we agree to it?"

The situation took a big turn. They said this to Emperor Shi Tian and his men before, but now Emperor Shi Tian and his men said this to Catalina.


At this moment, they understood.

They had fallen into Ye Xiao's calculations.

Ye Xiao and his men had indeed kept their promise and let them go.

But they completely ignored Emperor Shi Tian who was standing by.

The fighting power of these five people was no worse than theirs.

Not to mention that they had lost all their trump cards and could not possibly be the opponent of Emperor Shi Tian and his men.

In less than half an hour, they were seriously injured and fell to the ground.

Compared to them, Emperor Shi Tian and his men were in much better condition, just a little out of breath.

"You guys are really useless. You wasted so much time just cleaning up a bunch of trash."

"You are really the number one genius in the Imperial City and Demon City."

After being told this by Ye Xiao, Di Shitian and Feng Qian were a little embarrassed.

If someone else said this, they would definitely refute it, but Ye Xiao, they really had no right to refute it.

They were not even as good as the women around Ye Xiao, let alone Ye Xiao who could convince them sincerely.

"Forget it, I have too high expectations. After all, not everyone can be like me."

"You, yes, you, summon your one-legged golden crow."

Ye Xiao certainly can't stay in the second-level battlefield for a long time. After he completes the job transfer task, he will go to the third-level battlefield.

But the second-level battlefield still needs someone to guard it. He must do things thoroughly, and he wants other countries to not enjoy any benefits.

So he reluctantly helped Feng Qian evolve the one-legged golden crow.

This thing also has the blood of the three-legged golden crow in its body. With Feng Qian's training, it is unlikely that there will be no great opportunities in his lifetime.

"One-legged Golden Crow? Come on, follow me, and I'll give you a chance."

One-legged Golden Crow looked at Feng Qian in confusion.

After getting Feng Qian's consent, One-legged Golden Crow followed Ye Xiao to the distance.

"Evolution, One-legged Golden Crow"

【Evolving, please wait】

【Evolution succeeded, three-legged golden crow. 】

Three balls of golden flames fell from the sky, and the three-legged golden crow's body appeared in front of Ye Xiao.


The one-legged golden crow had its own consciousness before, and when it evolved into a three-legged golden crow, it was dumbfounded.

Just by being touched by Ye Xiao, the sacred beast became a divine beast.

"Thank you, Master."

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