"Try it?"

"I think it's okay, but we're not here to eat some kind of divine beast meat, we just want to test whether it's cooked through. Eating uncooked meat may give you diarrhea."

"Yes, yes, that's right. We are professional barbecuers. We will never steal meat just because it is divine beast meat. We just eat it to see if it is cooked."


In a short while, several people found a reason and comforted themselves clearly.

"Let's go, first skin it, then grill the meat, this is a big job."

Several people came to the bear king step by step.

As soon as their hands touched the bear king's body, a bone-chilling cold breath hit them.

Several people were unable to resist the residual power of the Sword of Judgment and were forced to retreat several meters away

"What a powerful force! It has been so long, yet it still has such great power."

The bear king has been nailed to the ground for such a long time that ordinary attacks have long dissipated, but the sword of judgment is still firmly inserted into the bear king's body.

"Fortunately, we are not the ones being judged, otherwise this power would destroy us directly."

��The problem is how to deal with the bear king's body now. If they wait until they come back and the meat is not cooked, I think there may be a few more nameless bodies under this sword."

Indeed, if they can't even roast the meat, it's useless for Ye Xiao to keep them. At that time, he might really give them a sword and send them on their way.

"How about we just grill it like this? It shouldn't be affected if we keep some distance."

"Good idea, I will peel the skin from a distance first, and then you can start roasting it."

These swords of judgment directly increased the difficulty of their work. By the time they peeled off the skin completely, they were almost exhausted.

"Come on, come on, I've completed my mission, let's take a break"

"Fire Blast"

"Control the strength, add fire little by little, don't burn it"

"Gently cut the skin to let the temperature penetrate a little bit, the outside is crispy and the inside is tender. This is the best taste."


In order to let Ye Xiao and his friends eat the most delicious barbecue, they also took great pains. They devoted themselves to the barbecue business.

They were completely unaware that not far behind them, a group of people had quietly approached.

"There must have been a battle here. The Chinese are so arrogant that they dare to have such a big barbecue on the battlefield."

"It seems that China has indeed expanded greatly in recent years. If we don't teach them a lesson, they won't know how powerful we are."

"Don't worry, let them continue to consume their strength, all of you spread out, block all the directions of retreat, and follow my orders later to kill them."

The five men were still there controlling the flames and doing their job as barbecue chefs, not noticing that they had been surrounded. At this time, they even planned to taste the meat of the divine beast.

"Come, take a small bite and see how it tastes. This is related to our lives. Don't let the boss be dissatisfied."

"Let me try it. Well, it tastes good, but a little bland. It would be better if the outside was a little more burnt."

"Really? Let me try it. Yes, you make sense."



Before he could swallow the beast meat in his mouth, fierce attacks came from behind him.

""Enemy attack, disperse."

Although a few people were not prepared, they were a team that had been fighting for so many years, so they still had a strong sense of crisis.

The moment the attack came from behind, the captain gave the order, and the other four instinctively fled forward.

There was no hesitation.

It was precisely because of this strong execution that they escaped.

Just as they fled, the attack came from behind.

Wind blades, fireballs, slashes... all kinds of attacks cut the ground into pieces.

"They actually dodged it."

"Beautiful, Koreans, Indians... these bastards actually came over here."

After the five people stood firm, they looked back and saw that it was China's number one enemy.

They were so engrossed in the barbecue that they ignored the surrounding security, which is why they were attacked by them.

"They have too many people, and we have too much consumption. The situation is not favorable for us."


"What about the beast meat? If the boss knows that we abandoned the meat and ran away, he will not let us go."


They couldn't afford to offend here, nor could they afford to offend there. Several people were in confusion.

"Be careful of sneak attacks."

The nanny suddenly exclaimed, and several people instinctively dodged.

Although the reaction speed of several people was very fast, the island country ninja had already touched them. Although the ninja sword failed to split them, it still left a deep scar on their bodies.

"team leader"

""Fuck, these bastards."

Several people surrounded the captain tightly, back to back to prevent the island country ninja from attacking.

If the nanny hadn't reminded him just now, the captain might have been chopped in half by them.

What should we do?

Either give up the captain and run away, and then be dealt with by Ye Xiao, or be surrounded and die here.

"Damn it, I'd rather die on the charge, I'll kill as many as I can."

"Fight with them, and it will be a profit if you can take one away before you die."

The few of them looked at each other and decided to fight these bastards to the death.

"Wait...wait a minute……"

The captain endured the pain in his body and walked to the front of the team.

"Before I die, I have only one question for you. If you can answer it, we will not resist anymore.

Although they were almost exhausted, they also knew that they would have to pay a price to kill these Chinese job-changers.

Who knows who will be taken away by them in the end.

If they could kill them without resistance, they were not willing to risk their lives.


"Ahem." The captain coughed twice and said,"Are you here to steal the meat of the sacred beast?"



The scumbags headed by the United States were a little confused.

Divine beast meat?

What does that mean?

They came here simply to destroy the Chinese team.

Wait, divine beast meat?

Could it be that the meat as big as a hill in front of them is divine beast meat?

China is really squandering. They have never eaten divine beast meat, but the Chinese team is eating divine beast meat here so brazenly.

The more they think about it, the angrier they get.

But it is precisely because of this that they have the opportunity to succeed. I guess the Chinese team was injured because of hunting divine beasts.

Since there is divine beast meat, they must not let it go. Let them taste what divine beast meat tastes like today.

"What? You dare to rob but not admit it? Is this the responsibility of your country?"

The captain saw the greed in the eyes of several people.

When they heard about the meat of the divine beast, their eyes were not calm.

He didn't believe that these people would not be tempted. As long as they were tempted, it would be easy.

"They are already dead, so what if we steal the beast meat?"

"That’s right, we not only want to kill them, but also steal the meat of the sacred beast."

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