"This is because the equipment on that person has a 1 in 1,000 chance of missing. If it hadn't triggered the MISS effect, Senior Wu Quan would have been able to throw more than 100,000 punches."

"Moreover, Senior Wu Quan's control over strength was very good. The man was hit by more than 10,000 punches, but in the end he was only slightly injured. What a good senior, he is so strong but he doesn't bully the junior."

Looking at their admiring eyes, the freshman on the side couldn't help but raise his own questions.

"Well, is there a possibility that Senior Wu Quan, who has freed his hands, can only cause minor injuries by scraping."



Senior Wu Quan was their belief. When they heard the freshman slandering Senior Wu Quan, they could not stand it anymore and went to the corner and kicked him.

A rough estimate is that they kicked him more than 10,000 times.

However, they did not kill him, but only slightly injured him.

"Doesn’t the fact prove that the senior has love for the junior? He kicked you more than 10,000 times but only caused minor injuries. Do you still doubt that we can’t seriously injure you?"

"No, no, the seniors in our college are all kind-hearted people. They are very caring towards the juniors and never bully them. I am proud to join the college."

Under the gaze of more than a dozen pairs of vicious eyes, he could only give in, otherwise he might be taught a lesson again in the next second.

"That's good enough. Watch carefully and learn well. Senior Wu Quan's Blue Fist Saint is really awesome."

The scene returned to the ring again.

Wu Quan had successfully freed his hands, and all kinds of buffs had been fully stacked.

Xiao Qing just stood there and watched quietly.

Sneak attack?

There was no such thing.

A master must have his own style and his own pattern. It would be too embarrassing to sneak attack against someone weaker than himself.

"You didn't stop me from adding status, which was your biggest mistake. I'm already at my maximum status now, you don't stand a chance."Wu

Quan was very confident in his boxing skills.

Of course, there was another premise. He made a mistake in this area.

"Does your equipment have a MISS effect? "

Although it is difficult to trigger the MISS effect, he throws a lot of punches.

Each time he starts with 10,000 punches, the probability of triggering a MISS is very high.

"MISS? No, and there is no need."

Wu Quan was relieved when he heard this. As long as the equipment did not have the MISS effect, he would be relieved.

In this way, everything would be safe.

"In this case, I will not be polite to you, junior sister or senior."

Wu Quan has already taken a fighting stance. As long as Xiao Qing agrees to start the battle, he will take the lead in launching the attack.

"Come on, we'll be waiting for you anytime." As soon as she finished speaking, a small green light began to rush towards her.

"Junior high school girl, please be more respectful to your seniors in the future. You are still far from it."

"Forced capture."

Xiao Qing's body flew towards Wu Quan uncontrollably.

This was the first time this had happened.

Her body was completely out of control and was controlled by someone else.

"Junior high school girl, give up resistance. No one can escape my forced capture except the God of War."

"Forced to float in the air."

With a kick of her feet, Xiaoqing's body was half suspended in the air.

She had to admit that Wu Quan's fighting skills were really awesome.

Before she could resist, her fist had already hit her, just interrupting her skills.

One punch, two punches... ten punches... one hundred punches... one thousand punches...

The fists were swung faster and faster, and the air was sparked by the friction, but even so, Wu Quan did not stop swinging his fists, punching Xiaoqing one by one.

And all the fists hit the same place.

It's just...

Xiaoqing didn't understand why this fist was so soft, just like a woman's fist.

After swinging for a long time, how could it be several thousand punches, but she didn't feel any pain, and even her body's defense was not broken.

It can even be said that there is a little comfort, which makes people feel drowsy and comfortable.

"Is this what the master meant by bathing, massage and SPA?"

"This guy seems to be a good person, really nice, he also knows that I'm tired of fighting recently, so he helps me massage to relax."

Anyway, I'm forced to float in the air by Wu Quan, or I can take a nap or something, which is also quite comfortable. He did it as soon as he said it, and looked at Wu Quan who was trying hard to punch, Xiao Qing tilted his head back, and fell asleep.

"It's no good, it's no good, Xiaoqing is no good, you see, Xiaoqing has passed out"

"I said Senior Wu Quan is awesome. Even Xiao Qing couldn't withstand this combination of punches."

"Senior Wu Quan, you can stop now. Xiaoqing has fainted. You win."


It would have been better if they hadn't roared. After they roared, Wu Quan's face became even uglier.


In a coma? That was pure nonsense.

If he hadn't heard Xiao Qing's snoring, he would have really believed that he had won.

This was a great shame, the greatest insult to the Blue Fist Saint.

He didn't deny that the Blue Fist Saint had some scratches, but after tens of thousands of punches, there would still be some damage. It was the first time he saw someone fall asleep under his fists.

"Damn it!

The louder the audience shouted, the faster Wu Quan swung his fists.

Everyone in the audience was stunned. They had no idea what Wu Quan was crazy about. Wu Quan was not like this before. He was very caring towards his juniors.

Why did he keep attacking Xiao Qing when she was unconscious?

"Could it be that Senior Wu Quan is jealous of Ye Qing’s talent?"

"Impossible, impossible, Senior Wu Quan is not that kind of person. I believe Senior Wu Quan has his own reasons."

"Yes, I also believe in Senior Wu Quan"


Listening to the discussion among the crowd, the freshman who had just been kicked in the circle came over.

"Can I get a word in on that?"

"In fact, Senior Wu Quan is really doing scraping"

"Wait a minute, listen to my explanation, then you can start."

Just when several people were about to surround and kick him, the freshman spoke up to stop them.

"Three seconds, if you can't explain it clearly, we will help you with scraping."

The freshman was helpless. Why is it so difficult to tell the truth?

"In fact, Senior Wu Quan was not seeking revenge against Xiao Qing, but because Xiao Qing had not lost at all."

"My job is to be a good listener. I can hear everything that happens on the stage. Ye Qing is not unconscious, but has fallen asleep. He is snoring now."


After listening to the freshman's explanation, everyone was silent.

They did not doubt what the freshman said. After all, the Listener was the best among the auxiliary professions. A master could hear whispers even from thousands of miles away.

He would definitely not misunderstand the snoring.

"kick him"

"Hey, hey, seniors, you, are not, I, stop……"

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