However, after the hard guarantee, there will be a certain impact on the school's reputation.

They have to think of ways to minimize the losses.

"This kid is really impulsive. He sacrificed his future for an irrelevant person."

"Isn't this better? It shows that he is a real man with feelings, loyalty, flesh and blood. At least his character is absolutely fine."

"The most urgent task is to think about how to help Ye Xiao solve this matter. He cannot be fired."


"Wait a minute."

Just when they were at a loss as to how to properly handle this matter, Ye Xiao spoke.

"Wait, what are you arresting me for? Have I violated any school rules?"

"Ye Xiao, stop making trouble. The school is protecting you. Come with us first. When the situation cools down, it will be much easier to deal with."

Cold treatment is the best way at the moment.

Ye Xiao is very grateful for the school's protection, but he has not made any mistakes, so why should he be put on ice?

"Why should I deal with it? You should publicize it, praise me and give me a reward."

"I got rid of a threat for the school, shouldn't I be rewarded?"

Everyone knew that what Ye Xiao said was right, and they all thought that Ye Xiao should be rewarded.

But the result is that Ye Xiao is now in cold storage because of this scumbag.

Without evidence, the school can't deal with Liu Nuanxi. Ye Xiao killed people in the challenge.

And in such a cruel way, he used 18 swords, and every sword was a critical hit.

Seeing this, their blood boiled and their passion was high.

But, pleasure comes at a price.

"Okay, stop it. Everyone knows you are here to get rid of the evil, but without evidence, no one can kill innocent people, especially in this place called Demon City."

"If you break the rules, then anyone can kill people in the future."Those who can join Magic City University are geniuses among geniuses.

Each of them is the backbone of mankind. If this precedent is set, their safety will not be guaranteed, and the disadvantages will outweigh the benefits.

"No evidence?"

"Who told you there is no evidence?"

"Do you think I'm a fool? How could I kill her without evidence?"

Ye Xiao rolled his eyes at them.

They thought he killed someone because he was hot-blooded.

He had solid evidence, and Liu Nuanxi said it herself.

Ye Xiao opened the recording and Liu Nuanxi's vicious words appeared again.

"What a beast! I knew this guy was the one who caused the trouble, but I had no evidence."

"Ye Xiao is really smart, knowing about the recording. Liu Nuanxi is also a fool, actually telling Ye Xiao about this."

"There is evidence, so Ye Xiao is innocent. Not only can the academy not punish him, but they should also reward him."


The people want it, and if there is evidence, then it will be easy to deal with.

"Ye Xiao helped the college clean up pests, and he was not held responsible for any consequences. He was awarded 10,000 points.

They were envious of him, but this was what Ye Xiao deserved. They were not envious.

"Master, you are awesome"

"Great, great, I've known for a long time that this woman is not a good person, it would be best to kill her"

"This is the master in my heart."

"It's just so-so."

The four of them jumped onto the stage together and asked Ye Xiao about his well-being.

"Uh...I suddenly feel that Ye Xiao deserves to die."

"I think so too. How can he have four beauties while I am surrounded by rough men with penises?"


Liu Nuanxi's matter was just brushed aside.

As for the body, it was probably thrown into a corner where no one was.

After dealing with Liu Nuanxi, Ye Xiao challenged another person at random, raising his ranking again.

【Ye Xiao: 31st on the top 100 list.

A freshman who outshines most of the seniors. He is the strongest among those ranked below 30.

It is even possible that those ranked above 30 are not his opponents.


"Director Feng? Are you here to see me because of Liu Nuanxi?"

Director Feng shook his head.

How could he come to see Ye Xiao in person for such a small matter?

Just a dead person.

"No, I mean Ye Aoyu. The admission procedures are almost ready. Now all that's missing is her file. Please transfer her file to me so that she can officially enroll."

This is a bit difficult for Ye Xiao. Xiaoyu is just a divine pet. How can there be any file?

"I understand. I will submit the file later."

Someone else can solve the problem that he can't solve.

It's just a small file. It should be easy for the Nether God of War.

After seeing off Director Feng, Ye Xiao directly opened the contact information of the Nether God of War.

He hasn't contacted the Nether God of War since he entered school. He only contacted him when he had something to do.

It's a bit embarrassing to contact him so suddenly.

【Ye Xiao: Senior, are you there? I wish you a happy new year in advance.

The Nether God of War, who was killing monsters in the secret realm of the Imperial City, suddenly heard a prompt sound.

【You have new messages, please check them. 】

He opened it and saw that, as expected, no one had contacted him except Ye Xiao.

But this message made him speechless.

There was still less than half a year before the Chinese New Year, what kind of Happy New Year was this?

【Nether Warrior: Fart if you want to】

【Ye Xiao: Hey, senior, I need to trouble you a little bit. I accidentally contracted a beast pet. Can you help me solve the problem with the file? 】

This kid really treats him as free labor. He is not polite at all when he uses people. He is not polite at ordinary times, and he is even more impolite when he troubles others. However, he just likes Ye Xiao's impoliteness, but he can't let him get away with it for free. He has to know how to handle the favor.

【Netherworld God of War: You know, the census is very strict now, and it is not so easy to forge files. It is not something that can be accomplished by just talking.】

【You also need to fake traces of life and take care of some people. They don't like anything else, but they like the grace of God. What do you think?……】

I understand.

Ye Xiao instantly understood what the Netherworld God of War meant. It was just a favor from the Holy Spirit. It was not something that could be manipulated casually.

【Ye Xiao:"Senior, what are you talking about? We are not related. They are just holy pets. Just leave them to me. I dare not say anything else. Ten is no problem." He asked for ten, and the Nether God of War was dumbfounded.

He originally wanted Ye Xiao to prepare one or two and sell them cheaply, but he didn't expect to ask for ten, and from what he said, it seemed like he was going to give them away for free.

"I still underestimated your ability."

The Nether God of War became more and more interested in Ye Xiao, and couldn't help but ask Ye Xiao a question.

【Netherworld God of War: What kind of beast pet did you contract this time? 】

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