"Congratulations, Ye Xiao is promoted to 97th place on the top 100 list."

After successfully being promoted, Ye Xiao nodded to everyone, then turned around and prepared to leave.

He has successfully entered the top 100 list, and the rest of the matter has nothing to do with him.

If someone challenges him later, he just needs to go through the motions.

The challenge is over, and Ye Xiao jumped off the stage and prepared to leave.

"Junior, are you just leaving like this? Senior is waiting for you here, why don't you play with her?"

Feng Lili twisted her body and walked to the ring step by step.

The whiteness under her cheongsam would catch Ye Xiao's eyes from time to time.

This woman is very charming.

And she is a member of the Feng family.

He has no foundation in the Demon City yet, so he should keep a low profile first, and don't provoke the Feng family if he can.

"I'm so sorry, senior, I was too tired from the battle just now and can't continue the challenge"

"I am really sorry for failing to live up to the kindness of my senior sister."

Ye Xiao declined very politely.

But anyone with a discerning eye could see that he just didn't want to fight with Feng Lili.

Ye Xiao didn't look tired at all. He just dealt with the three people with just a few slaps.

"What if I say no?"

Feng Lili stood there, looking at Ye Xiao with a playful look on her face.

She was very interested in Ye Xiao, so she wanted to play with Ye Xiao.


Ye Xiao smiled and turned to walk down the ring.

Threatening him, what he hated most was being threatened by others. If he wanted to fight, there was no way.

Seeing Ye Xiao being so disrespectful, Feng Lili's smile froze, and there was a little more unhappiness in her eyes.

"If you want to leave, defeat me and I'll let you go."

""Heaven and Earth Formation - Trapped."

Three formation flags flew out, a golden light flashed, and the formation was completed.

The moment the formation was covered, the scene in front of Ye Xiao changed.

The arena and the audience disappeared, leaving only a vast white world.

""Senior Feng, what are you going to do?"

No need to think too much, this must be Feng Lili's plan to trap him.

There is definitely no danger. Even the Feng family would not dare to suddenly attack the college students in public.

"How about having a discussion with me?"

"I reject"

"Then you stay here. I remember the last person I trapped stayed here for three months. Of course, I will come to give you some tips from time to time."

Array Master, a difficult and disgusting profession.

Like Beast Tamer and Alchemist, this is also a profession that burns money.

The array flags in the hands of the array master are made of extremely rare materials, and the array patterns engraved on them are also very difficult.

However, once the array master grows up, his lethality is no less than that of the Beast Tamer.

"Senior Feng, why are you doing this? You are violating school rules by acting so casually."

"I do"

"Fight or not, if not, you can stay here for a month to calm down."

This woman is a bit of a rogue.

But Ye Xiao has no other choice.

"Senior sister, you underestimated me. It's just a formation, it can be easily broken."

Feng Lili was even more interested.

Ye Xiao actually said that her formation could be easily broken. You should know that her formation talent was recognized by many powerful people, and the strength of her formation was fully capable of dealing with a third-level powerful person. But now Ye Xiao said that it could be easily broken.

In this case, she really wanted to see what it meant to be easily broken.

"As long as you can break it, I will not embarrass you anymore."

Ye Xiao laughed and didn't say much, but directly contacted Xiao Qing and the other two.

"Whoever of you three breaks this formation first, the master will reward you with a loving kiss."

Hearing that there was a kiss, the three women couldn't help it.

Bang, bang, bang... three holes appeared on the ground. The three women flew into the sky at the same time and hit the heaven and earth formation on the stage fiercely.

"Shadow Shattering Frost Slash"

"Raging Waves"

""Scorched gold gravel."

Xiao Ling and Xiao Huang's skills hit the formation at the same time. With two crisp sounds, the formation disappeared directly from the arena like a mirage.

Even the formation flags were affected by Xiao Ling's attack, and cracks appeared on them one by one.

Xiao Ling and Xiao Huang broke the formation, and Xiao Qing slashed at Feng Lili with a sword.

The threat of death continued to hang over her, and one formation after another attacked Xiao Qing.

But in the face of absolute power, these formations were not enough.

One sword broke all the formations, and all the formations were shattered.

Finally, the sword was placed on Feng Lili's neck.

"Don't move, or you'll die."

Looking into Xiaoqing's cold eyes, she knew that Xiaoqing was not lying.

If she dared to move, Xiaoqing would cut her off mercilessly.

Feng Lili was kidnapped, and Ye Xiao also walked out of the formation, stroked her hair, and then walked to Feng Lili step by step.

"Senior Feng, how is it? Are you convinced?"

"Why should I obey? It was the three of them who broke the formation, not you, so why are you so proud?"


After all, only a few people know his true identity.

Since Feng Lili is not convinced, then she can be unconvinced.

"So, what are you going to do now?"


"That's easy, 10,000 points or you die, choose one."

Ye Xiao looked at Feng Lili with a smile, but the cold words kept irritating her.

"Ten thousand points? Death? Junior, do you dare to kill me? Killing is forbidden in the academy."

After two years in the academy, Ye Xiao is still the first one who dares to say that she should die.


Very interesting.

"Senior, you attacked me first. Even if I kill you, it is self-defense."

"Or you can try and see if I dare to kill you.���"

The smile on Feng Lili's face disappeared instantly, and she looked straight into Ye Xiao's eyes, as if she wanted to see something from his eyes.

But to her disappointment, there was nothing in Ye Xiao's eyes.

After a moment of silence, Feng Lili decided to compromise.

Ten thousand points were not a small amount, but it was not a lot for her either. Compared with her own life, ten thousand points were still a good deal.

"Junior, you win, I will give you 10,000 points."

"No, no, no, it's 40,000 points, 10,000 for each person, 40,000 for four people."

When it comes to asking for too much, Ye Xiao is still professional.

After all, resources are earned through her own efforts. The more points she has, the better resources she can exchange.

"Forty thousand points? Why don't you go and grab them? You might as well kill me."

"In this case, then let's fulfill the wish of the senior sister, Xiaoqing, kill"


Ye Xiao gave an order, and the Shadow-Breaking White Tiger Sword slashed towards Feng Lili's neck without any hesitation.

"Wait a minute, I'll give it to you. Forty thousand points is forty thousand points."

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