Chapter 83 Help Master Yan to guide yourself (seeking automatic subscription!!!)

“Quickly, quickly, can’t wait!”

“Wait a moment, I’ll take it off first.”

“So greedy, greedy is dead, hurry up, smelly brother!””

At one noon, the sun is in full bloom.

Jiang Wen took off his gloves and brought the soup to Yan Shuyi.

“Can you drink it?”

“Blow, be careful to burn your tongue.”

“You blow to me, I won’t.

“Sister, I have a girlfriend, so I don’t provide this kind of service.”

Yan Shu was also angrily, sipping the soup and ignored him.

At this time, the three sisters in the dormitory also came over with their bowls.

They finished the soup, and after thanking them, they sat back to their positions.

Suddenly, there was a slurping sound in the female dormitory 403.

Jiang Wen’s stewed soup is truly a must.

Drinking it in one sip is almost fragrant.

And the ingredients he buys are the best, and the pigeons are also the freshest.

Conquering four little girls is more than enough.

Jiang Wen stared quietly at Yan Shuyi, who buried his head in the bowl.

The gentleness in his eyes seemed to melt the ice.

Probably it will be like this in the future, right?

Buy a small yard and plant it with flowers and plants.

I cook and cook soup every day, watching the spring, summer, autumn and winter.

Yan Daxiao has good flowers everywhere, but he doesn’t know how to cook.

It seems that in the future, you still have to do it yourself. ?

“How is it, is it delicious?”

Yan Shu also nodded: “I’m afraid it’s not the best I’ve ever had.”

“Drink less.”


Jiang Wen smiled softly: “I’m afraid that you will fall into my tender hometown drunk, and I can’t bear to leave in the end.”

A cold light appeared in Yan Shuyi’s eyes: “If you can’t live without, then I’ll strangle you to death.

“Senior sister, you can’t go back on what you have agreed upon, and violence can’t solve any problems.”

“Hehe, is there an agreement for these three words in the girl’s dictionary?”

Jiang Wen smacked his lips and stopped talking.

This girl seems to be immune to her own attacks?

She said that she had no reaction to leaving.

Even threatening yourself?

what happened?

Did you accidentally reveal the stuff?

She wouldn’t know that she had guessed her identity, would she?

“I’ll enjoy ten days first, and you won’t talk nonsense for these ten days.”

Yan Shu also suddenly said: “If you bully me again, I will cry for you.”

Jiang Wen stretched out his thumb and index finger: “Sorry, senior sister, there are still eight days.”

“So fast? Are you the owner of a black internet cafe?”

“My calculation is strictly based on 703 twenty-four hours a day, and you have drunk the soup for two days.”

Yan Shu was also a little dissatisfied: “Do I see you for four hours a day?”

“Then what do you want to do?”

“I’m going to buy a rope in the afternoon.”

Jiang Wen was taken aback for a moment: “What do you buy rope for?”

“Tie your neck, hang it on my little skirt, and go shopping with me every day.”

“I guess it won’t take ten days, five minutes will be enough for me.

Yan Shu also squinted his eyes and smiled: “Then another way, it won’t count for these two days, there are still ten days.”

Jiang Wen’s mouth twitched slightly: “You are the black boss of the Internet cafe, right?”

Yan Shuyi suddenly put down the spoon, his eyes were reddish: “What’s wrong with me as a black boss, do you want to pay off my favor?”


“Then you can leave now, let me cry to death by myself! Cry blind!”

Jiang Wen was a little helpless: “Well, ten days is ten days.”

“It’s pretty much the same.”

Yan Shu also picked up the spoon happily.

It’s really useful to pretend to be wronged. I’m in love.

Ten days, ten days and ten days.

I feel that these ten days should last a lifetime.

“By the way, brother, I want to ask you something.”

Jiang Wen raised his head: “What’s the matter, ask.

Yan Shu also took a sip of soup: “Can you recharge at this time? Can I apply for a card to buy services?”

“Do you want to renew? It depends on your performance.”

Hearing these words, Yan Shuyi’s hand hovered in the air.

She just asked casually.

Because she felt that since the younger brother wanted to remain loyal to his girlfriend, he would definitely stay away from him slowly.

Ten days is just to repay him for taking care of him since the beginning of school.

If you can recharge this, you can recharge it for a lifetime.

But the younger brother seems to mean that he can really recharge.

She moved a little.

She didn’t even know that Jiang Wen had guessed that she was never sleepy fairy.

And after the last study sharing meeting, she has been hammered.

Yan Shu also bit his thin lip lightly: “Then can it last a lifetime?”

Jiang Wen hurriedly waved his hand: “No way, no way, then no way, what about my girlfriend?”

“Then you quickly shut up.”


Yan Shu was also angrily, tearing off the wings of the pigeon.

Smelly Jiang Wen, bit you to death.

At this time, Du Qing, Tian Ge and Liu Yufei suddenly got together.

The three of them looked at each other, their eyes gradually lost.

“They really are not (cdbb) boy and girl friends?”

“I don’t believe it, I don’t believe it when the king Laozi is here.”

“Do you think Jiang Xuedi is a scumbag? Even if he has a girlfriend, he still loves the book so much.”

“Aren’t his girlfriend and our Yan Dahuan the same person?’

“But Jiang Wen doesn’t know, this is an unclean spirit!”

“If this is the case, then give me all your soup, right?”

Tian Ge hurriedly withdrew his hands: “Tang Tang is innocent.”

Du Qing snorted coldly: “I feel like Xuedi Jiang may not be a scumbag.”


“It has also been performed in TV series. Even if a person loses his memory, he will fall in love with the person before.

“You mean, although he doesn’t know Shuyi’s identity, he can’t prevent the soul from being attracted?”

“Well, isn’t this normal? This is true love.

Liu Yufei also nodded: “Since I can fall in love with the first time, I can also fall in love with the second time.”

“That Yan Shu is really not a thing.”


Tian Ge took a sip of the soup: “Obviously, he will be entangled in the younger brother, but he won’t tell him the truth.”

“Well, I feel like the younger brother is quite pitiful.

Du Qing sighed: “Actually, the book also wants to say that she is just afraid of losing Jiang Wen. Isn’t Jiang Xuedi the person who hates lie the most?”

“I think I can take a gamble.

“How to bet?”

Liu Yufei thought for a while: “Let’s also test for the book to see if he can accept that his girlfriend lied to him.”

“Is there any difference?”

“Believe me, a man’s love for his girlfriend often has no bottom line. If it’s a book, maybe he won’t be angry?”

Tian Ge and Du Qing looked at each other and suddenly felt that this method was feasible.

Just use that trick, I have a friend series.

Tian Ge cleared his throat: “Xuedi Jiang.”

“What’s wrong?”

“I have a friend who lied to her boyfriend, do you think it is too much?”

Jiang Wen laughed secretly, saying in his heart that I know who you are talking about.

Want to play with me I have a friend series?

I knew the truth in advance!

“I think it’s too much, don’t you keep it for the New Year?”

Yan Shu also pouted, gradually getting angry.

This is the answer I least want to hear.

“But you don’t know what she did.”

“Then what did she do?”

Tian Ge glanced at Yan Shuyi: “He and her girlfriend are online dating, but they haven’t met each other and haven’t seen photos.”

Jiang Wen chuckled.

Senior sister, senior sister, just report my ID card.

Any fool can hear you asking like this.

Does Tiandi still have such a nasty criticism of its own?

I haven’t seen photos even after three years of online dating!

“Then what?”

Tian Ge thought for a while: “Then my friend met her online dating boyfriend, but didn’t tell him that he was his online dating girlfriend.

“Then what?”

“Then my friend frantically teased him as a senior, with extremely powerful methods!”

Yan Shu also heard this and his cheeks were slightly red, and he could pay for the love training class.

Since you have spent money, can you not be more powerful?

Jiang Wen calmly said, “What about then?”

“Then this boy is very entangled and doesn’t know what to do.”

“Why is he entangled?”

“Because he feels that he is unclean and he is sorry for his online dating girlfriend, so he wants to leave the school sister.

“Then just leave?”

“But the elder sister is obviously her online dating girlfriend, why do you want to leave?”

“Then explain clearly.”

Tian Ge’s eyes suddenly lit up: “Do you think it would be better to explain it clearly? Then can they still reconcile?”

The corners of Jiang Wen’s mouth rose slightly: “How do I know, it’s none of my business.”

Yan Shu also suddenly said at this moment: “What if it were you? Would you listen to her explain?”

“Of course it will, after all, she is her cute and beautiful girlfriend, I want to hold her arms tightly and knead it!

As soon as the voice fell, the eyes of the four people suddenly lit up.

He will, he will listen to her explain!

Doesn’t this end? Isn’t this all happy?

However, at this moment, Jiang Wen spoke again: “It will be fine to explain clearly before breaking up.”

“Huh? Explain clearly and break up.”

“If it’s me, I hate lie people most.”

Yan Shu also lowered his head in an instant, and his whole body exuded sadness.

The bastard, the road is blocked.

If you have the ability, you can give me a chance.

Tian Ge didn’t give up: “Then do you think there is a way to not break up?”


“any solution?”

Jiang Wen pretended to frown: “Senior sister, who is this person you are talking about?”

“of course ”

Before Tian Ge had finished speaking, Du Qing was immediately gagged.

Mother, you are going to show your ID card directly.

In case the truth is exposed and the two break up, you are a sinner through the ages!

Tian Ge was also afraid for a while, cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

This question asked by the school brother was really caught off guard.

Fortunately, Du Qing’s quick response.

Otherwise, it won’t cause a tragedy in the dormitory?

“Brother, you don’t care who it is,” Du Qing said urgently, “just say there is any way not to break up.”

“Well this”

Jiang Wen pretended to think: “If she lay in his arms to reveal the truth on a moonlight night, maybe the boy would forgive him if his heart softened.

Moon moonlight like water?

Lying in your arms?

Yan Shu was also dumbfounded, with two red clouds flying on his cheeks.

What a gentle picture.

Is that so?

Turns out this is the solution!

Yes, it is most useful for girls to act like a baby and be cute.

Besides, it was still moonlight, still lying in his arms.

Just thinking about this picture makes people feel heartbroken.

If you are like this, which boy can resist?

But Du Qing frowned again: “But the younger brother doesn’t accept the older sister at all. How can two people have such a kiss?”

As soon as the voice fell, Yan Shu immediately took out a small book from under the pillow.

She often studies in the dormitory, and such things are always on hand.

Next, Teacher Jiang wants to reveal the answer, so he has to copy it down quickly.

Jiang Wen sighed slightly.

What’s the matter? How about I write an implementation plan for you?

Really think I am an almighty guide navigation?

The teacher has already given the cheating answer privately, so you have to let the teacher copy it for you himself?

This is too much!

The method is said, don’t you know what to do?

This girl has long legs and a thin waist, and she wants to get in just by looking at it.

Finding a suitable opportunity to act like a coquettish, to be cute, is it not a trivial matter to lie down?

I don’t know how to take advantage of my own innate advantages.

At this time, the four girls in the dormitory were all looking forward to it.

Especially Yan Shuyi raised his ears for fear of missing a word.

They are about to solve the problem of a century.

Then it will be sweet, sweet, sweet all the way!

Jiang Wen was silent for a while: “Senior Sister, someone always came up with the solution, right?”

“Isn’t this the same as not saying?”

“Anyway, the method is said, you can do it privately.

Jiang Wen glanced at the time, then turned to look at Yan Shuyi: “I have something to do, let’s go now?”

Yan Shuyi raised his eyes slightly: “Oh, then are you coming tonight?”

“I won’t come to the girls’ dormitory at night.


“I plan to take you out to play, what do you think?”


“Well, don’t you think I have less time for you every day?”

Yan Shuyi’s eyes lit up: “Okay, I’ll put on a nice little skirt and wait for you!”

“OK Bye Bye.”

Jiang Wen got up, turned and left the dormitory.

At this time, the four sisters in the dormitory looked at each other.

“What does it mean that the moonlight is like water?”

Yan Shu also thought for a while: “It’s fascinating to go to the Jiang Tower alone, and the moonlight is like water and water like the sky. It probably describes a clear night sky with a charming moonlight.”

“Well, this is called Tianshi.”

“Then how can I lie down?”

Yan Shu also thought about it again: “Maybe you need a bed or something.”

“Then this is geographical advantage.”

“But how can you lie down in Xuedi Jiang’s arms?”

Yan Shu also bit his thin lip lightly: “In that case, you have to make peace.

“Good guy, the right time and the right place, you can’t live without one.”

“But finally found a way, didn’t you?”

“Shu Yi, come on!”

Yan Shu also clenched his small fist: “We will definitely win!”

At the same time, outside the female dormitory.

Jiang Wen vaguely heard the cheers of 403.

The corners of his mouth raised slightly, and there was infinite tenderness in his eyes.

Although Yan Shuyi is a girl, although she has a high IQ, she is actually quite stupid.

People like her are not easy to fall in love with others, but once they are identified, they will never let go.

Spoiling her these days, not only her heart has melted, but even her own heart has melted.

Let her lie down some time, and it’s time to love her well.

Revenge or something, let the bullshit fall.

Revenge is not comfortable to hug the senior sister.

But it will be ten-long holiday soon.

He didn’t want to be separated from Yan Shuyi very much.

Then how can I turn Yan Shuyi into his new house?

And he also wants his parents to see this daughter-in-law in advance.

I can’t think of a way for the time being, so I’ll think about it at night.

So he turned and left, and went back to the dormitory under the big sun.

However, he had no idea that this problem had been solved by his old father-in-law a long time ago.

Single live in the right door, is it exciting or not?

ps: Please ask for data, I hope everyone can support it, and then it will be sweet to death, remember to drink plenty of water.

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