Chapter 61 You must take protective measures (for automatic subscription!!)

Did this answer pass?

Jiang Wen’s heart is a little unsure.

Is the future you imagined very low?

What’s so good about Xiaopoyuan?

What are the good things about the garden full of flowers and plants?

Such a life is simply not enough to touch anyone’s heart.

Perhaps in the eyes of the school flower mother, what he said is not worthy of the Yan Da school flower.

But that’s what he thought, so he blurted it out subconsciously.

That is the favorite future of Fairy Never Sleep.

At this moment, Wang Minrou raised her head: “It’s a very bright future. I think books should also be liked.”

Jiang Wen opened his eyes slightly.

If there is no luxury car villa, no family wealth, is it still a very bright future?

Isn’t the mother-in-law’s requirements for her son-in-law generally particularly high?

Wang Minrou looked at him lovingly: “Coincidentally, what kind of flowers do you want to grow in the yard?”

“Orchid, she said her mother likes orchids the most.

Jiang Wen was suddenly asked, so he blurted out without thinking.

But he reacted immediately after saying this sentence.

What he sees now is not Fairy Never Sleepy’s mother!

This person is Yan Shuyi’s mother.

Two mothers are not alone!

Sister-in-law’s mother doesn’t like orchids by coincidence, does it?

How could it be possible, that kind of luck can buy lottery tickets!

It’s over, it’s over.

This is really revealing.

He opened his mouth, trying to force an explanation.

But something unexpected happened.

Yan Shuyi’s mother looked at him, her eyes flushed suddenly.

“It turned out to be orchids

Wang Minrou didn’t know what she thought of, and she suddenly felt a little emotional.

Yes, she loved orchids for ten minutes in her life.

This kind of flower means elegance, nobleness, and steadfastness, and is called the gentleman in the flower.

No eye-catching beauty, no huge flowers and leaves.

But it has a simple, quiet, elegant and clean temperament.

In addition, orchids also symbolize the purest love in the world.

The so-called qi is as long as orchids and will not change, but the heart is like orchids and will never change.

If you get a confidant from Youlan, a chat will be given as a gift to Meng Xiaoxiang.

Wang Minrou once raised a lot of orchids.

At that time, she had not divorced Yan Shuyi’s father, but the relationship had indeed gone wrong.

The two people rarely communicate, let alone the resonance in the soul.

So Wang Minrou put all her thoughts on raising 23 orchids and taking care of Yan Shuyi.

Until one night, she found that Yan Shuyi’s father had thrown a lot of soot into the flowerpot.

She felt she couldn’t bear it anymore.

If a man can trample on your hobby like this.

Be able to treat your favorite things as rubbish.

Then how can you force yourself to spend the rest of your life with him?

So Wang Minrou put out the divorce agreement without saying a word.

At that time, many friends expressed their incomprehension.

It’s just flicking soot into the orchid, is it necessary to go online like this?

But for Wang Minrou, it is more than just a pot of orchids.

That is her yearning for a better life and her love for her own life.

But the man didn’t take these seriously.

A woman, she wants so much happiness.

If you keep saying that the man who loves her can’t give it.

Also ruined the little beauty she had with one hand.

How can such a person join hands in the years to come?

So when Jiang Wen said to plant orchids in the yard, she broke the defense in an instant.

That’s what she really longed for in countless years of quarreling.

That’s great, the person my daughter likes knows more about love than the person she likes.

“Jiang Wen.”

“Auntie, you say.”

Wang Minrou smiled, “You are a good boy, so please take good care of the book in the future.”

Jiang Wen’s body couldn’t help but straightened up.

This feeling is like attending a grand coronation ceremony.

Someone passed on his most precious things into his hands.

Does the school flower mother mean to agree?

The mission was successfully completed, without revealing anything?

Did your pretend boyfriend pass?

Jiang Wen thought it was incredible.

“That’s right, there is one more thing I want to tell you.”

Jiang Wen returned to his senses: “Auntie, you said.

“In the middle of next month, I want to invite your mother to come and talk about the engagement. What do you think?”

“Get engaged?

Jiang Wen was stunned: “Auntie, I’m not yet 20 years old, it’s too early.”

“I’m going to Italy next month. I may not be back in a short time. Even if I’m not engaged, can I meet your mother?”

“this ”

“Don’t you want to marry my daughter?”

Jiang Wen suddenly smiled bitterly: “Auntie, I haven’t even reached the legal grade yet.”

“So get engaged first.” Wang Minrou was serious.

This is a bit of a joke.

Yan Shuyi has never mentioned the engagement before.

Did she not know, or did she forget to tell herself?

“Mom, what are you talking about? When did I say I was going to marry?”

At this moment, Yan Shu also ran back carrying six pancake fruits.

Her cheeks were so red that she didn’t even dare to look at Jiang Wen’s eyes.


[Latest news, mother-in-law is very satisfied, the school flower and Jiang Wen are about to get engaged]

The paparazzi sitting in the corner took out their mobile phones and recorded this great moment.

Tonight, Modu University of Finance and Economics is doomed to sleepless.

“Shuyi, why did you come back so soon?”

“Because there are ready-made pancake fruits.”

Yan Shu also walked over and put down the kraft paper bag in his hand.

She actually started to worry about Jiang Wen from the moment she went out.

She was afraid that he would really show off his stuff and leave a bad impression on her mother.

In this case, what if two people recognize each other later and the mother doesn’t like him?

At that time, I will be spanked by Jiang Wen.

So she went in a panic, and hurried back.

As a result, as soon as I came in, I heard two people talking about engagement.

Colonel Yan was stunned.

She has only been out for less than five minutes.

What happened in these five minutes?

Why is he about to be engaged to Jiang Wen suddenly?

“Mom, what is the engagement?”

Wang Minrou touched her daughter’s hair, her eyes very fond of her.

“I have applied for a place as an Italian designer, and I will soon go for advanced studies. It is difficult to come back in a short time.

“Then don’t worry about getting engaged, we are still students.

“I’m just talking about the engagement, but I still want to talk to Jiang Wen’s parents.”

Yan Shu also bit his thin lip lightly: “Mom, it’s too early, and it won’t be too late for you to come back from studying abroad.”

Upon hearing the sound, Jiang Wen breathed a sigh of relief.

Great, the engagement crisis is lifted.

It seems that the schoolgirl doesn’t know about her mother’s eagerness to get engaged.


Why was my heart suddenly lost?

I don’t really want to be with the school flower, do I?

Wang Minrou sighed helplessly: “Since you don’t want to be so fast, then I won’t get mixed up.

Yan Shu also nodded obediently: “Well, we will definitely say when we want to get married.

“Okay, but Shuyi, Mom still has to remind you one thing.”

“What’s the matter?

Wang Minrou pressed her ear: “You must take protective measures when you are together, don’t be a mother so early.”

Yan Shuyi’s face suddenly turned red to the root of her ears: “Mom, we haven’t done it yet!”

“Not yet?”

“Of course, we actually only met for half a month.”

Wang Minrou nodded: “Mom just reminds you, don’t play too crazy, but study hard.”

Yan Shu also quietly glanced at Jiang Wen: “I know, I will take safety measures.”

“Then what if Jiang Wen strongly demands? You will also take measures, right?”

“Well, I promise that there will be no babies before graduation.

“Okay, then mother can rest assured.”

Jiang Wen was wandering away from the sky at this moment, and suddenly felt that his thigh was pinched.

He turned his head and looked at Yan Daxiaohua who was too shy and shy.

“Senior sister, what’s wrong with you?”

“If you don’t take protective measures in the future, I will kill you!”


Jiang Wen didn’t understand.

How are protective measures taken?

What to protect?

How could such a sentence pop up inexplicably.

Is it the kind of thing that I think?

Wow, this is the benefit of helping others?

Yan Shu also bit his thin lip lightly: “Ah what, no, just listen to me.”

Jiang Wen gave her a helpless look.

In any case, the task is completed satisfactorily.

“It’s nice to be young.

After Yan Shuyi and Jiang Wen left.

The six women looked at each other, and all couldn’t help but sigh.

Wang Minrou’s feelings are the most profound.

And she now seems to know why her daughter chose Jiang Wen.

Yes, there are many good people in the world.

Whether it’s tall, rich or handsome.

All have different advantages and different ways of chasing girls.

But what do women want?

Very simple, they want someone to understand them.

Wang Minrou showed a hint of joy from the bottom of his heart.

No wonder there are so many people chasing their daughters in the school.

In the end, he was taken first by this looking dark boy.

“Min Rou.


“You agree with Jiang Wen by advocating, will her father agree?”

“Yes, Jiang Wen’s family is from a rural area, and Shuyi’s father definitely doesn’t like him.”

The five women looked at each other, with the same worries in their eyes.

Wang Minrou took a deep breath: “As long as it is worthy of my daughter’s liking, I am willing to persuade him personally.”

“Go in person? It seems that you are really satisfied with this Jiang Wen.

“Of course, this kid is much better than the one with the surname Yan.”

The five sisters looked at each other and couldn’t help but sneered.

Could it be that the mother-in-law looked at her uncle, the more she looked at her, the more pleasing she became?

Wang Minrou stood up: “Sisters, thank you so much for today, so let’s go back first.

The five women looked at each other: “Why are you going? Are you leaving now?”

“Well, I will pass away from the Hao Group now, and I will see that Yan Ruohai.

More than 4 o’clock in the afternoon.

In the Shihao Group headquarters building.

Looking at the report sent by his subordinates, Yan Ruohai gradually fell into contemplation.

According to the investigation in the past few days, the Jiahe community is likely to be demolished.

Because there are more and more folk rumors recently.

Many people who work in the government are beginning to reveal the news.

And according to his informant, the official is currently in a meeting to study this issue.

If the probability of demolition in Jiahe Community was only 60% before.

So now it has increased to 80%.

As a real estate businessman, the possibility exceeds 75% and there is enough reason to make a move.

He couldn’t help but think of Jiang Wen he saw that night.

This man is so young, yet he has such a mysterious and accurate source of information.

It’s incredible!

It’s really incredible.

If he is allowed to enter the real estate industry, it will definitely be Pimo, invincible.

Tang Long used his daughter to win him, which is really sinister.

I have to think of a good way.

This Jiang Wen and Shihao Group must be tied together.

This should be the most important thing at the moment.

I just need to find any reason to meet Jiang Wen?

He leaned on the boss chair and his brain began to spin fast.


At this moment, the phone on the desktop rang suddenly.

“Mr. Yan, there is a lady downstairs saying that she wants to see you.

“Madam? What lady?”

“It’s your ex-wife, Wang Minrou, Ms. Wang.”

Yan Ruohai’s expression was stunned, and his eyes couldn’t help but widen slightly.

Since the divorce, Wang Minrou has never wanted to see herself.

Why would she take the initiative to find him today?

“I see, let him come directly to my office.”

Yan Ruohai hung up the phone and took out a comb from the drawer.

He used the face shown on the computer screen to sort out his hairstyle a bit.

Soon, the sound of high-heeled shoes rang from corridor 680 outside the president’s office.

Wang Minrou reached out and pushed open the door of the president’s office.

She stood by the door with no expression on her face: “Are you free? I have something to talk to you.”

Yan Ruohai coughed: “What’s the matter? Speak straight.

“The book also has a boyfriend. I have seen that child. He is a very good person.”

“You what are you talking about?”

“Our daughter already has a boyfriend.”

Yan Ruohai’s hand shook in vain: “Who is he? What does the family do?”

“You don’t have to worry about this, I’ve finished asking everything, that’s good.”

“Since you have decided without authorization, why have you specially notified me?”

“I just think you are her father and have the right to know, so I came to tell you.

Yan Ruohai suddenly became angry: “Then I should know who that kid is?”

“Do you know the difference and don’t know? Have you ever cared about books?”

“Well, well, I won’t quarrel with you, but I don’t agree.

Wang Minrou frowned: “Why do you disagree?”

“I am his father, and I care about her too! I must at least know who he is?”

“I can only tell you that he and Shu are also classmates.

“What about family background? What do parents do?”

Wang Minrou took a deep breath: “My family is from the countryside, and my parents are farmers.

“Are you crazy?” Yan Ruohai stood up, “Do you want our daughter to live a hard life?”

“Yan Ruohai, you are too narrow, do rural children have to live a hard life?”

“I won’t discuss this issue with you. You can’t talk about it.

Wang Minrou felt that the divorce was really wrong: “You know what our daughter’s temper is, she won’t like someone casually.”

“No, if I say no, it means no.”

“Since you are so capable, go and tell the book yourself that you don’t agree.”

Yan Ruohai was speechless.

My daughter is not an easy character.

Otherwise, he would have arranged hundreds of blind dates for her.

“I’m done, goodbye.

Wang Minrou carried the bag, turned and disappeared in the corridor.

This woman has not changed at all!

Yan Ruohai flushed with anger.

No, you must not let your daughter marry in the countryside.

He has to find a good man to introduce to his daughter immediately.

Thinking of this, Yan Ruohai’s mind suddenly flashed.

Wasn’t you thinking about Jiang Wen just now?

Yes, introduce my daughter to Jiang Wen!

He has a background and is good-looking.

She speaks elegantly, and she is in the same school as her daughter.

If they are two together, he can also naturally use his information channels.

It’s just that the daughter will agree?

Even if the daughter agrees, will Brother Jiang agree?

Yan Ruohai hesitated.

But this is a good way after all.

It seems that I have to find some time to meet Brother Jiang.

ps: It’s on the shelves. The bald author has crazy codewords. He only slept for four hours. I beg you to subscribe automatically and promise you will never ghostwriting!.

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