Chapter 6 Encountered again? Have a cup of milk tea

The word Gao Leng was never called out by himself.

It is an evaluation of a person through everyone’s understanding.

Just like Yan Shu.

No boy had ever appeared beside her.

And for those who try to get close to her.

She also kept her coldness all the time.

What she gave between her gestures was an unattainable sense of distance.

It’s out of reach when you stand on tiptoe or reach out.

As the school flower of the University of Finance and Economics, there are of course numerous suitors behind Yan Shuye.

But they were rejected without exception, and they didn’t even have the opportunity to be friends.

She is knowledgeable and considerate.

Even the cleaning aunt who cleans the dormitory will be smiling.

But she never opened her heart to anyone.

There has never been any boy who can approach her world.

So everyone felt that the school flowers were too cold, like a fairy who suddenly fell to the world.

She does not eat the fireworks in the world, and is not even contaminated by the commonplace.

Anyone who likes her or admires her can only stand in the dust and watch from a distance.

This is what everyone thinks of Yan Da’s school flower.

To put it another way, this kind of college Yan Hua is what they are familiar with.

But today’s Yan Shu is too abnormal.

She actually took the initiative to greet a man.

And he went blushing!

She trot all the way, the corners of her eyebrows and eyes were filled with joy.

What kind of feeling is that?

It’s as if the world in the eyes of the school is always gray.

But when she saw the man, countless colors began to burst out.

Refresh the heart of the school flower in an instant.

Seeing Yan Shuyi like this, no one is not shocked.

They really want to know, who is this man?

Does the family’s ancestral grave emit smoke?

No, this must be fireworks from the ancestral grave.

Otherwise, how could this person make the school flower look like him at all?

As a result, all eyes on the Milk Tea Plaza gathered.

“Senior sister, what a coincidence?”

Seeing Yan Shuyi approaching, Jiang Wen greeted her very friendly.

“Well, I met you for the second time today. It was a coincidence. Is it good to burn immortal grass?”

“Not bad, would you like a drink?”

Yan Shu also flicked the hair of his temples: “Okay, then I’m not welcome.”

“Come on, this super luxurious Big Mac version of milk tea for you.”

Jiang Wen reached out and handed over the 79 yuan milk tea.

He and Yan Shuyi’s suitors are not the same.

He didn’t give milk tea for courtesy.

Simply because the second cup of milk tea is too thick.

If this cup of milk tea was not ordered by Jiang Wen himself, he must have thought it was eight-treasure porridge.

“This milk tea…a bit level.”

Yan Shu couldn’t help laughing, but he didn’t mind at all.

She opened the straw directly and took a sip after inserting it.

Not all ladies drink milk tea with a small sip, or they may not suck at all.

This Big Mac version of milk tea contains all the ingredients in a cup, but the water is pitiful.

It is indeed the best eight-treasure porridge in milk tea.

Jiang Wen looked at Yan Shuyi: “How is it, is it delicious?”

“It’s okay, it’s okay to eat as a meal,” Yan Shu also smiled, “I didn’t expect boys to drink milk tea so arrogantly.”

“Would you like another drink?”

Yan Shu also hurriedly waved his hand: “Forget it, this calorie is too high, it will make you fat.”

“okay then.”

Jiang Wen smiled lightly and began to think about his own money-making plan.

As a student of finance and economics, managing your own assets is the most basic requirement.

One million seems to be a big number, but it really doesn’t matter in Modu.

But Jiang Wen can use this money as his own venture fund.

Or invest in a few more popular shops.

But you must not sit and eat.

Who knows if the system is disposable?

If you hold this million yourself, you will develop the habit of spending money lavishly.

And the system never appeared again.

Doesn’t I look back and have nowhere?

So financial planning is very critical.

During his thinking, the two people fell into endless silence.

Yan Shu also sat under the light and looked at him quietly.

Then he took a sip of the obviously solidified milk tea in his hand, his eyes warming.

“Brother, are you still used to living in the University of Finance and Economics?”

“Fortunately, the main reason is that the military training is too tired.”

“Are you used to eating?”

“It’s okay, I’m never picky eaters.”

“That’s pretty good.” Yan Shuyi showed a slight smile on his face.


At this time, Jiang Wen was very puzzled.

Is it good not to be picky?

That school flower is too low for a good standard.

But since the standard of school flowers is so low, why is there no man who chased her?

Besides, isn’t the school flower just going downstairs to buy an ice cream?

Why don’t you just sit across from yourself?

In addition to the time in the playground in the morning, they only met twice in total.

It is indeed normal to say hello after an encounter.

But it’s too weird to keep sitting and not talking like this?

Is there something wrong with the school flower looking for himself?

Is it something inconvenient to speak?

Jiang Wen hesitated for a while, then raised his head: “Senior sister, what else do you have?”

Yan Shu was also taken aback: “Uh, no, just chatting.”

“All right, but I have to go first, and I have to wash my clothes when I go back.”

Jiang Wen stood up and left.

He is really unfamiliar with Major Yan, let alone a friend.

So there is nothing to talk about between them.

For Jiang Wen, he and the schoolgirl only met by chance.

That is, you give me a cup of milk tea, and I return your friendship with a cup of milk tea.

He didn’t want to be too close to Yan Dahuahua.

After all, I already have a girlfriend.

And he really didn’t want to be the public enemy of the whole school.

“Why are you so anxious, are you afraid that Senior Sister will eat people?”

Yan Shu also raised his dazzling eyes to look at him, his eyes flashing with a trace of joking.

Jiang Wen was taken aback for a moment, then smiled bitterly.

“Senior Sister, look back at those people, if I don’t leave, the scandals will fly all over the sky.”

“those people?”

Yan Shu also turned his head suspiciously, only to find that everyone on the Milk Tea Plaza was staring here.

When they saw the school flower turned their heads, these people turned their eyes away one after another, pretending to be nonchalant.

Yan Shu also covered his mouth and chuckled: “You are so afraid of gossip, do you have a girlfriend?”*

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