Chapter 58 They never fell in love! (Seeking a monthly ticket for flowers evaluation!!)

In the early morning of the next day, military training continued.

The freshmen stood in military posture and began to sweat like rain under the big sun.

Walk forward for an hour, and half an hour for the military sports boxing.

Then, under the leadership of the instructor, everyone sang the “War Hymn of the Strong Army” together.

In this way, has been tossing until near noon.

When the instructor announced the dissolution, everyone could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Then some people ran to drink water, while others rushed to the toilet in a hurry.

“It’s so hot, the chick is soft.”

Jiang Wen squatted on the track and banged his sore legs.

His skin has been tanned, and his whole person is a bit more masculine.

Coupled with the height advantage, he instantly changed from a milk dog to a wolf dog.

Because of this, Jiang Wen actually received several love letters today.

There are cute ones.

“Jiang Wen, you are so handsome. When people see you, their legs become weak. Be my boyfriend, huh, huh~”

There are graceful literary schools.

“I want to be someone who fits with your soul. I want to bury it in your family’s ancestral grave after death, and add me qq:****.”

There are antiquity and bold.

“Dear classmate Jiang, if you are interested in going to the Spring Festival with me, please call: 153*****12.”

There are also domineering side leaks.

“Even if Yan Xiaohua likes it, I will never be merciless. I love my life and don’t love death. I can do it myself.”

Jiang Wen folded these love letters and gave them all to Fang Daxiong.

Fang Daxiong was taken aback: “What did you give me your love letter? Want to irritate me?”

“Aren’t your papers old enough to use it? Bring your pants to borrow from me every day.”

“Huh? My brother will die of pain with this kind of paper!”

The corners of Jiang Wen’s mouth twitched slightly.

Nobita’s hobby, it is estimated that Liuwei Dihuang Wan will not be saved.

He raised his head and looked around.

Recently, the atmosphere in the new students has become very strange.

I don’t know if it was influenced by myself and Yan Dahua.

There are more and more freshmen who have succeeded in getting seniors.

From the first one or two pairs, then it became seven or eight pairs or more than a dozen pairs.

So far, every time they are in military training, there are no mathematics sisters onlookers.

Especially in the rest area on the periphery of the playground, there will surely be a few coolly dressed seniors.

These elder sisters are either holding drinks, milk tea, or water cups.

All obediently waited for the end of the military training, and then kept spreading dog food on the playground in various ways.

Those freshmen who have engaged in senior elder sisters seem to be taking revenge on their previous dog food.

So I can’t wait to let the senior sister turn over somersault to feed them water.

And what makes them most proud is that Yan Dahuahua did not come to the playground today.

That’s right.

Today’s Jiang Wen did not receive milk tea.

Did not receive mung bean soup.

He has never been a lucky man envied by everyone.

Become a poor worm who can only drink water by himself!

In addition to those freshmen who show their affection in a fancy way, the school’s flower suitors are all in high spirits.

The school flowers did not come, there was no mung bean soup, and there was no burning grass.

Only Jiang Wen was left alone on the playground.

This is really great.

The national football has not been so good in the World Cup.

“How can I say it, it is absolutely impossible for him to be with the schoolgirl!”

“Yes, the school flowers are still ours!”

“It may be the same as last time, is the school flower is because I can’t come because there is something to do today?”

“Who? Who said that, pull it out and play a hundred times!”

“Now that we are getting closer and closer to the international competition, it is impossible for a school flower to fall in love!”

“Yes, the time and the place are right and the people are right, Jiang Wen didn’t account for any of them.”

“It’s not a bad thing to fall in love. If you really talk about it, you will never hide it.”

“They are not public, in the final analysis, there is only one reason!”

“They are not lovers, hahahahaha!”

The school flower suitors talked more and more intensely, and couldn’t help tears in their eyes.

Great, they still have a chance.

They are not completely broken in love!

“Rivals, go, happy today, go out for a drink!”

Listening to their discussion, Jiang Wen felt a little bit dumbfounded.

They seemed to say the same last time when Yan Shu didn’t come.

As a result, she came with mung bean soup the next day, and these people instantly became half-dead.

But he also found it strange.

Why didn’t the senior sister come today?

Jiang Wen unscrewed the water cup, thinking about this problem gradually.

At the same time, in a coffee shop outside the Magic University of Finance and Economics.

Yan Shu is also sitting opposite a middle-aged woman in her forties.

They looked at each other, with faint smiles on each other’s faces.

There are many similarities between this woman’s appearance and Yan Shu’s appearance, even her demeanor is similar.

The reason is simple, because her name is Wang Minrou, Yan Shuyi’s mother.

“Mom, why do you have time to come over today?”

“It’s been a long time since I saw you. I miss you a lot and want to know how well you are.”

Yan Shu also rubbed Qiong’s nose: “I’m doing pretty well, and my roommates treat me very well.”

Wang Minrou took a sip of coffee: “I heard that you are going to participate in an international competition, right?”

“Well, I will represent Mordu University of Finance and Economics to participate in Sam’s International Finance Competition.”

“You really have grown up, and you are no longer the child in the eyes of your mother.”

Wang Minrou showed a face of affection and reached out and touched her head.

When she divorced Yan Shuyi’s father, it was this daughter who was most sorry.

At that time, she had just grown up, and it was probably the most innocent blooming season, but she had to endure the pain of this kind of family change.

So when Wang Minrou saw her, she felt like crying.

In the past three years of divorce, she has always been thinking about this daughter.

I’m afraid that she will be unhappy, and that she will not experience family affection.

So when she saw that Yan Shu was so self-improving and working so hard, she felt very distressed.

If it weren’t for their divorce, her daughter should be more lively than now.

“Mom, don’t cry,” Yan Shuyi’s voice trembled, “otherwise I will cry too.”

Wang Minrou took a deep breath: “Then let’s talk about something else.”

“Okay, you say.”

“You… still haven’t found a boyfriend?”

Yan Shu also bit his thin lip: “Mom, why do you ask me this every time you meet?”

“Because I know that my divorce with your dad has caused a lot of damage to your outlook on love, but you should not deny everyone who is good to you.”

Yan Shu also lowered his head slightly, two red clouds flew on his cheeks.

“Actually I have a boyfriend…”

Upon hearing the sound, Wang Minrou was stunned.


“You have a boyfriend?”*

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