Chapter 45 Are you my daughter’s new father? (Seeking flowers evaluation votes!!)

Tang Sihan’s father Tang Long.

The chairman of Star City Real Estate, a billionaire worthy of billions.

But he is not good at disciplining his daughter.

Tang Sihan exploded as soon as he saw this man.

It looked like a threatened cat with a fierce face.

“Follow me home, hurry up!”

Tang Long pulled up his daughter and pulled directly to the side of the road.

Tang Sihan struggled to break free: “I won’t go back with you, you have to die!”

“You… asshole thing, do you treat me as your father?”

“You are not my father, I don’t have a father like you.”

Tang Long took a deep breath: “You are a waiter here, what do people think of me, Tang Long? Can I not afford my daughter?”

“Why do you only care about the opinions of others?”

Tang Sihan’s eyes were red: “Family is so important to you?”

“I gave you all the money you spent on food since you were a kid!”

“I don’t need it anymore!”

Tang Sihan suddenly looked at Jiang Wen: “I have found a new father, and he will take care of me.”


Jiang Wen’s heart trembled, and a mouthful of old blood almost came out.

A father who hears this sentence will be pissed alive, right?

The old father is gone, and a new father is found.

Tang Sihan’s train of thought was so strange to heaven.

Sure enough, Tang Long turned his head in disbelief: “What did you say?”

“I don’t need you anymore, Mr. Tang.”

Tang Sihan’s teardrops fell: “Compared to you, I hope it is the boss’s daughter more.”


The corners of Jiang Wen’s mouth twitched constantly.

Tang Sihan, this girl, really poured good oil on the fire.

Is there anything more cruel than a biological daughter who recognizes another man as a father?

Tang Sihan’s words do not hurt much, but the insulting nature is really against the sky!

“I think you have hardened wings and don’t know what your last name is!”

Tang Long raised his hand angrily, and fell down fiercely.

Tang Sihan gave a sorrowful laugh, and didn’t intend to dodge at all.


At this moment, Jiang Wen with quick eyes and quick hands grasped Tang Long’s wrist.

The tremendous force shook his mouth numb.

“Stupid? You don’t know how to hide after being beaten?”

Tang Sihan looked at Jiang Wen aggrievedly: “Boss…oooo…”

“Mr. Tang, if you have something to say, it’s wrong to hit someone.”

Jiang Wen let go of Tang Long’s hand, only feeling hot in his palm.

Tang Long narrowed his eyes: “Are you her boss? To be my daughter’s new father?”

Damn, how do you answer this question?

People with normal intelligence will never admit it, right?

He admitted that he would be hammered to death by his old father.

Besides, I don’t have such a very exciting idea at all.

Jiang Wen chuckled softly: “Mr. Tang, this is a misunderstanding. Quarrels will inevitably be angry, don’t take it seriously.”

“I don’t care who you are, but I think you should know who I am.”

Tang Long spoke and took out a business card: “I want to take Sihan home, she won’t have all her salary.”

Tang Long, chairman of Star City Real Estate Group.

Jiang Wen held the business card for a moment.

Isn’t this the head office of Xinglong Real Estate?

I just rented 16 shops from them.

Does this count as flooding the Dragon King Temple?

However, at this moment, Jiang Wen’s ear rang the system alert tone.


The host encounter has been detected, and the real estate copy has now been activated.

Option 1: Keep Tang Long and talk in detail.

Have the opportunity to obtain multiple business opportunities.

Option 2: Silence, Tang Long takes Tang Sihan away.

Lost business opportunities, get the title of counseling egg.

Jiang Wen was taken aback for a moment.

Is there a virus in the system?

This is clearly asking him to keep Tang Long.

But apart from the Ye Boss barbecue recipe, it seems that I haven’t had a business opportunity for a long time.

Well, then stay.

Jiang Wen raised his head: “Mr. Tang, introduce yourself, my name is Jiang Wen.”

“Whatever, I thought it would be great to open a barbecue restaurant? Tell you, I don’t care what your name is.”

“Oh, that’s how Star City treats customers.”


Jiang Wen turned his head and pointed to his shop: “This shop is rented from your company.”

“Hehe, a retail investor, dare to call himself a customer of Star City?”

Tang Long’s eyes flashed with contempt.

There are as many as such retail Star City Group.

Jiang Wen was not angry: “Of course one is not counted, but I rented fifteen rooms a few days ago.”

“How many……?”

“Fifteen rooms, if you add this, it will be sixteen rooms.”

Tang Long frowned suddenly and began to look carefully at Jiang Wen in front of him.

The Star City Group has hundreds of shops and countless tenants.

But I never rented 15 rooms at a time.

So Tang Long had an impression of the tenant’s information.

“Mr. Jiang?”

Jiang Wen nodded: “Yes, it’s me.”

Tang Long’s eyes were suddenly full of surprise.

He couldn’t think that this man who was able to rent fifteen shops at one go was so young.

She seems to be about the same age as her own daughter.

Is it the young master of which hidden family?

“Mr. Tang, are you interested in chatting inside?”

Tang Long hesitated, then nodded: “Since it’s really a customer, let’s talk.”

“Please inside of you.”

Jiang Wen watched Tang Long walk in, then pulled Tang Sihan aside.

Tang Sihan’s teary eyes were hazy: “Boss Dad…”

“Don’t scream, I didn’t promise you.”

Jiang Wen has a black line on his forehead: “Bring in some skewers and beer later, don’t say much.”

“Huh? Why?”

“Only at the wine table can we talk about business.”

Tang Sihan suddenly widened his eyes: “Boss Dad, are you going to do business with that Tang? He is broken, so be careful!”


This Tang university flower is really a good girl of her father.

Jiang Wen couldn’t help laughing: “Don’t be long-winded, go quickly.”


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