Chapter 4 Can the iceberg school flower blush?

“We enrolled together, and today is only the next day.”

The three roommates looked at Jiang Wen: “So what?”

“So how can I know the school girl?”

Jiang Wen presented the most favorable evidence.

None of the four people in their dormitory are locals in the magic city.

But everyone knows that Yan Dahuahua is a native of Demon Capital.

Therefore, it is impossible for her and Jiang Wen to know each other before.

They stayed together every day during the two days of school.

Jiang Wen never had the opportunity to tease the senior sister.

Thinking of this, the mentality of the three roommates couldn’t help being slightly balanced.

That’s right, Jiang Wen does have a little white face.

He is more than 1.8 meters tall and has a good body.

In terms of appearance, it is simply the strength of the idol group.

Sword eyebrows and star eyes, red lips and white teeth, the outline of the face is sharp and angular.

They even bet.

If Jiang Wen goes out and shouts, it is estimated that a rich woman will rush to support him immediately.

But no matter how good his condition is, he looks good.

It is also impossible for him to capture the heart of the schoolgirl.

That’s the shimmering schoolgirl.

So many rich, handsome and handsome in the school do not have this kind of ability.

He didn’t even have a chance to make friends with the schoolgirl.

What is so special about Jiang Wen, who only accounts for the difference between tall and handsome?

There is no man worthy of her for a shining existence like the school flower of Yan Dahua.

“Well, it makes sense, it seems to be just a coincidence.”

The three roommates nodded to each other.

They returned to their beds and started to dry their meals.

Even if I let go of the lucky guy who drank the milk tea delivered by the school flower.

It only boils down to this kid’s shit luck.

Jiang Wen couldn’t help but breathed a sigh of relief, then opened WeChat while eating.

“Fairy, what are you doing?”

Fairy Never Sleepy: “Eating dinner, how about you?”

“I’m eating dinner too.”

“Did anything fun happen on the first day of military training?”

Jiang Wen: “Today…the school flower gave me a cup of milk tea.”

“Okay, you, have just been there for two days and started hooking up with senior sister? Do you still have me in your heart?”

“That’s not the case, it’s because the school flower played Truth or Dare and lost, so I have to find someone to give milk tea.”

“So she found you? Then you are really lucky.”

“You don’t know, those seniors look like they are going to strip me alive, can this be lucky?”

Never sleepy fairy: “So beautiful girl gives you milk tea, are you lucky?”


Jiang Wen was taken aback for a moment: “How do you know that she is beautiful?”

“Um… Didn’t you say that she is a school flower? How could it be that the school flower is not beautiful.”

“Oh, it makes sense, but I always find it a little weird.”

“Why is it weird?”

Jiang Wen: “I was standing in the middle of the team, but the school flower squeezed out the others and found me specifically.”

Fairy Never Sleepy: “Maybe she just came to you.”

“Impossible, I don’t even know her.”

“Then do you think the school flowers are beautiful? Do you feel shocked?”

“Pretty, really beautiful, but I only like you.”

“The mouth is pretty sweet, you wouldn’t say the same to your schoolgirls, would you?”

Jiang Wen: “No, I told her less than three sentences in total.”

“Then do you think your school flowers are beautiful or I am beautiful?”

“Of course you are beautiful.”

“Bah, you haven’t seen me at all, and you dare to talk nonsense.”

At the same time, 403 in the third dormitory.

The three girls wearing the mask all looked at the northeast corner with incredible eyes.

There, Yan Shu was holding his mobile phone, with a slightly shy smile on his lips.

The four of them have been roommates together for three years.

What is already familiar with each other can no longer be familiar.

What shocked the three girls was that they had never seen Yan Shuyi like this before.

It’s like…a little girl in love.

How is this possible?

How many rich and handsome in the school chased her desperately, the result?

Either he dropped out of school discouragedly, or he was turned into a poor worm.

Yan Daxiaohua, who gets along with them day and night, seems to have a heart of love in terms of feelings.

Regardless of the high-end confession method, you can’t even try to impress her at all.

But she behaved a bit strange today.

This is obviously the expression that a girl who is in love will have.

“Shu Ye, what happened?”

Yan Shu also regained his senses slightly: “Nothing happened, what’s the matter?”

Qu Ge, Du Qing and Liu Yufei all couldn’t help but jumped out of the bed and surrounded her.

“Since you came back this afternoon, we have felt abnormal.”

“That’s right, you are not like the college girl we know at all now.”

“Say, what happened today?”

Yan Shu also pursed his lips and smiled: “I, I just sent a cup of milk tea to a fool.”

“milk tea?”

“Well, milk tea.”

The three roommates looked at each other, with doubts in their eyes.

What does this have to do with milk tea?

Yan Shu also realized something suddenly, his cheeks were reddening: “Why are you all looking at me like this?”

“Because you are not normal,” Qu Ge said, “we have never seen you like this.”

Du Qing and Liu Yufei nodded: “Yes, are you in love?”

“No, what are you talking nonsense.” Yan Shu also denied immediately, “I just met a very interesting person.”

The three looked at each other: “Man?”

“Female!” Yan Shu also quickly replied.

“Really? Why don’t I feel like it.”

“Oh, sisters, when did you see me talking to a guy?”

Quge nodded thoughtfully: “That’s true, if someone can pick you up, I really don’t believe it.”

Yan Shu also coughed with some guilty conscience: “So, don’t think about it, I will tell you if I fall in love.”

The three roommates looked at each other.


That is to say, Yan Shu has really moved the thought of falling in love?

Yan Shu also knew that he had missed his mouth, so he quickly stood up: “Forget it, don’t talk about it, who wants to eat ice cream?”

“I am I!”

When the three girls heard the food, their eyes lighted up.

“Okay, let’s go for a stroll in the supermarket.”

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