Chapter 31 The cleanliness of school flowers, separate people (seeking flowers evaluation votes!!!)

This is Jiang Wen’s dormitory.

Yan Shu’s eyes were shining at this time, and there was a little excitement in his heart.

She walked in and looked around for a week.

Um? A pair of four-cornered trousers hung on the small door of the cabinet.

Do housekeeping inspections and receive benefits.

I really don’t know what effect it will have on Jiang Wen.

Yan Shu also imagined a little bit, and two red clouds flew on his cheeks.

Then she raised her head and looked at the bed above.

The sea-blue sheets were laid flat on the bed.

There are no extra wrinkles, and no bottles of unknown liquids.

And the quilt seems very soft, it looks like the kind that is often dried.

I really don’t know what it feels like to lie on it.

Jiang Wen’s bed…

If you can lie down, it should be very comfortable and at ease, right?

Yan Shu also took a deep breath, seeming to want to suck up all the remaining smell of Jiang Wen.

The so-called “Love House and Wu” means not letting go of the air he has breathed.

The student cadres all around looked at each other, their eyes a little weird.

What’s the matter with Yan Daxiaohua?

How can you show an expression of enjoyment?

She was very resistant to entering the boys’ dormitory before.

And why did she keep looking at the newborn quilt?

Are you getting closer and closer?

“What is Colonel Yan looking for?”

“I don’t know, did the contact lenses fall out?”

“How did I see… She just took a deep breath in front of the newborn quilt?”

“Impossible, you must be mistaken, Yan Dahua has a habit of cleanliness.”

“Yes, I heard it is still very serious.”

Jiang Wen also felt a little at a loss at this time.

He turned around and sniffed his quilt quietly while others were not paying attention.

It doesn’t seem to have any weird smell?

But why does Yan Shu keep leaning on it to smell it?

Before he could find the answer, the instructor who went to check the sanitation of the toilet had already returned.

“Well, it’s good, this dormitory is by far the best one.”

“I gave you full marks, don’t be proud, keep it up.”

The instructor stretched out his hand and patted Jiang Wen on the shoulder, then looked at the student union cadre.

“I’m going to go down and check the information with the elder sister of the dormitory, and do a second scoring.”

“We also need to register the confiscated illegal items, as well as cigarettes and beer.”

“Sit here for a while first, and take advantage of this time to fill out the scoring form.”

Upon hearing the sound, the cadres of the student union nodded one after another.

“Good instructor, we are here waiting for you.”

“Well, it’s hard work.”

The instructor walked out of Jiang Wen’s dormitory with a bunch of illegal items.

The cadres of the student union of the school stayed in 302 temporarily.

As the host of the dormitory, Jiang Wen reported to them with a smile: “You are welcome, just find a place to sit.”

“Yes, just treat it as your own dormitory. Don’t be polite, just sit as you please.”

Yan Xiaohua bent her eyes into the shape of a crescent.

She stood with Jiang Wen.

“Entertaining” the student cadres very enthusiastically.

It feels a bit like the hostess entertaining guests at home.

Polite, polite and demeanor.

But the key point is that this is not a school dormitory.

The cadres of the school student union looked at each other, feeling that the picture was a little weird.

What’s the matter with this hostess’s personality?

Didn’t Yan Dahuahua bring them here for housekeeping inspections?

After entering 302, how come you suddenly changed to look like a mistress?

“Ahem, that… fill out the scoring form first.”

Tian Ge suddenly spoke, interrupting everyone’s guess.

Then she pulled Major Yan Hua aside: “Shu Ye, what’s the matter with you?”

“Ah? What’s wrong with me?” Yan Shu also blinked his beautiful eyes.

“Why do you speak like the hostess here?”

“I was what I was.”

Tian Ge patted his forehead: “It’s over, Shuyi, you are really crazy.”

There was a hint of cunning in Yan Shuyi’s eyes: “I mean, this is the dormitory of our finance department. Of course we are the hostesses.”

“Yes…Is that so?”

“Otherwise? Do you think I am in love with Jiang Wen?”

This time it was Tian Ge’s turn to be questioned.

No, isn’t this a question you should ask the school flower?

“So it’s not in love, right?”

“Of course not, I play the role of the hostess as a senior sister in the finance department.”

“Then… well, fill out the form first.”

Tian Ge breathed a sigh of relief, and greeted the other student cadres and began to fill in the report.

Although their conversation just now was not loud, it was enough for others to hear.

It turns out that Yan Daxiaohua is playing the hostess as a finance department.

This is a very reasonable explanation.

They were so scared that they thought the schoolgirl was really in love.

Everyone smiled at each other and then started filling out the form.

The scoring form is actually very easy to fill out.

Just tick it and write a score.

So they quickly finished their work, turned around and started chatting with each other.

After talking for a long time, Yan Shu couldn’t help feeling a little thirsty.

So she looked at Jiang Wen: “Boy, I’m a little thirsty.”


Jiang Wen is writing a branch operation plan at this time.

Without thinking about it, he handed his cup over.

Seeing this, all the student cadres couldn’t help but smile and shook their heads.

Yan Dahua has a habit of cleanliness, which is a well-known thing in the school.

She can’t even use the water glass used by a girl, let alone a boy?

So the school flower will definitely not drink.

This student might be embarrassed after being rejected.

But because of this, the school flower can maintain his purity and nobility.

But what I didn’t expect was that the next scene made everyone’s eyes wide open.

I saw that Yan Shu also naturally took over the cup that Jiang Wen had just used.

She didn’t seem to mind that there was still Jiang Wen’s saliva on it.

Then he emptied the water in the cup and put it back on the table for him obediently.

“Thank you, brother, I’m done drinking.”

As the voice fell, everyone showed incredible expressions.

f*ck, what’s the situation?

What just happened?

Yan Daxiaohua drank water from a man’s glass?

This…this this…this is indirect kissing, right?

Do things like cleanliness depend on people?

Intermittent cleanliness? *

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