The flowers were so beautiful, but the flowers were so beautiful.

Qin Ran ordered a bouquet of champagne roses first.

The last time I sent flowers in Longshi Town, I could see that Su Qingmo liked flowers.

When men and women get along, a sense of ceremony is indispensable.

Even if the girl said it was a waste and unnecessary, she was happy in her heart.

The smile on her face and the various photos of flowers can prove it.

Then Qin Ran asked An Ke to get up early to help him.

He wanted to know which hotel a person was staying in, and then he would go to block him.

An Ke, who was disturbed from sleeping, was in a bad mood, but she still helped.

She complained, but she was really envious in her heart!

With the help of the rich woman An, Qin Ran got the information he wanted as he wished.

This also made him more certain that An Ke, or An Ke's in-laws, had great power.

Not only did they find out the hotel where she was staying, but they also knew the room number.

Qin Ran did not knock on the door rashly to visit, as that would be too abrupt.

Instead, he sat in the restaurant and waited quietly.

He didn't know whether the other party had already eaten or didn't have the habit of eating breakfast.

Qin Ran stayed in the restaurant all the time except for going to the toilet around 10:30.

As time passed, Qin Ran inevitably became a little anxious.

He was worried that the other party would leave directly, and in that case, he would have waited in vain.

Until 12:30, Qin Ran had finished lunch himself, but no one was waiting.

When he was about to leave, he suddenly saw a handsome old man with silver hair walking into the restaurant.

"Finally I've waited for you."


Two hours later, Qin Ran left the hotel and drove to Yu Cui Garden.

The Bentley was still there, and Su Qingmo was at home.

Qin Ran rang the doorbell.

After a long while, Su Qingmo finally came to open the door.

"Are you ready?"


"Tonight's concert."

"You want to take me there? I've made an appointment with An Ke."

"Sister An has something to do and can't go." Qin Ran smiled and said, "I'll take his place to accompany you tonight."

Su Qingmo's eyes were full of surprise and a hint of joy.

"Then wait for me, I'll go change my clothes."


Qin Ran was very happy watching Su Qingmo go upstairs.

Su Qingmo had rejected Fang Yunsheng's invitation without hesitation before.

But he didn't reject him just now, which meant he accepted it.

After about ten minutes, Qin Ran faintly heard Su Qingmo calling his name.

So he went to the master bedroom on the second floor.

"Mr. Su, are you ready?"

"Can you help me unzip my zipper?" Su Qingmo's voice came from inside the house, and the sound became smaller and smaller.

"Okay, I'm coming in."

Qin Ran slowly pushed the door open, and his heartbeat began to accelerate.

What came into view was a black dress with long sleeves and a smooth back that was as white as snow and frost.

The dark-colored dress and the white jade-like skin formed a strong visual impact!

It was not yet night, but there was a faint moonlight falling on Su Qingmo's fair skin, giving Qin Ran a gentle and noble feeling.

"Qin Ran, are you there? Can you help me pull it?" Su Qingmo said with a trembling voice, and a ray of red was dyed on her slender swan neck.


Qin Ran swallowed his saliva and walked behind Su Qingmo.

When his fingertips touched the back, both of them felt like they were electrocuted.


The exquisitely crafted zipper was slowly pulled up and hidden in the gap.

Qin Ran's fingers slid all the way until they stopped at the back of Su Qingmo's neck.

Time seemed to have come to a standstill.

Su Qingmo's body was stiff. She could feel Qin Ran's hot breath spraying on her neck.

She didn't dare to turn around, and was even more afraid to look Qin Ran in the eye.

Qin Ran's breathing gradually became heavier.

Under the long skirt was a pair of smooth and white calves and flawless jade feet.

Like finely carved porcelain, white and delicate, like the most perfect masterpiece of heaven.

Qin Ran took a step forward and hugged Su Qingmo's slender waist from behind.

Su Qingmo's delicate body trembled.

The two figures were reflected in the fitting mirror in front of her.

Qin Ran's chin rested on Su Qingmo's right shoulder, and their faces were almost touching.

The two people in the mirror had very good facial features, like a fairy couple.

But even a fairy was in a mess at this time.

Su Qingmo was even more confused!

Qin Ran walked around to the beauty, "You are so beautiful! Qingmo."

The deep eyes contained Qin Ran's love, which broke through Su Qingmo's defense.

Qin Ran lifted Su Qingmo's handsome chin and lowered his head to kiss him.

Su Qingmo closed his eyes with a blank mind.



After a long time.

The lips parted.

Su Qingmo, with a disordered breath, pushed Qin Ran away, and the latter sat down on the bed.

"It's too late for the concert."

Qin Ran took a deep breath, "Wait for me."

Said, Qin Ran walked into the bathroom and splashed cold water on his face.

The restless heart gradually calmed down.

Seeing Su Qingmo standing at the door, like a panicked deer ready to run away at any time, Qin Ran laughed dumbly.

"Let's go."


Su Qingmo carried a small bag and high heels, patted his chest lightly, and walked downstairs quickly.


Qin Ran's voice sounded behind him, and Su Qingmo's pace became faster.

"Hey, put on your shoes, the ground is cold."

Su Qingmo heard this and then slowed down his pace and walked to the sofa and sat down.

Qin Ran, who came later, picked up the black-faced, red-bottomed high heels and said, "I'll help you put them on."

Su Qingmo hesitated, but Qin Ran had already grabbed his ankle.


Qin Ran looked up in astonishment, only to see Su Qingmo covering his mouth, his pupils shaking, and his cheeks flushed.

"I, I can do it myself." Su Qingmo said in a panic, snatching the high heels and putting them on quickly.

Qin Ran was a little disappointed that he didn't handle the most perfect masterpiece.

But it seemed that he had discovered something incredible.

It seemed easier to control Su Qingmo in the future.

"I'm fine, let's go, it's really too late." Su Qingmo walked out, speaking quickly, trying to hide his panic.

Qin Ran shook his head helplessly, and took off the coat hanging on the hanger by the entrance.

Then he walked to Su Qingmo and helped him put on the clothes.

"Dress up, don't catch a cold."

The weather today was still warm, but still a little cold.

"Does your stomach still hurt?"

"Much better."

Qin Ran started the car and headed for Zhonghai Grand Stage.

Today, Clayman will hold a music tour at Zhonghai Grand Stage.

On the way, Su Qingmo kept looking out the window, and his rosy face showed that he had not recovered from the close contact just now.

Qin Ran drove with one hand, and took Su Qingmo's cold little hand with the other hand.

The latter pulled back suddenly like a frightened deer.

Qin Ran's right hand held tightly, but in order to avoid hurting Su Qingmo, he was taken over.

"You concentrate on driving."

"Give me your hand, otherwise I can't concentrate on driving."

Su Qingmo stopped struggling and let Qin Ran hold his big hand.

The relationship between the two has undoubtedly taken another step forward.

Qin Ran looked ahead, seemingly driving seriously, but in fact his mind was floating.

It seems that he can take the initiative to shake hands next time.

First kiss, then hug, and finally shake hands.

This process seems to be the opposite of ordinary people.

The last step, I don’t know if there will be any show tonight.

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