After giving some instructions, Ren Hongxia took the two to their workstations.

"Boss Su has gone to a meeting and will probably be back in the afternoon. You guys should take a look at the company profile first and learn more about our business."

Yu Qianxia called Ren Hongxia.

"Manager Ren, are we going to work today?"

"What else?"

"I thought I was just reporting in today and I have a dinner date with a friend."

Ren Hongxia frowned and said, "Wait for Boss Su to come back, then ask her for leave."


Qin Ran looked at Yu Qianxia who was sitting down and playing with her phone, and thought to himself, is it really a cultural difference?

It seems that Yu Qianxia really plans to ask for leave from Boss Su later.

This is the first day of work.

Qin Ran suddenly felt a little envious of Yu Qianxia.

He came to be an assistant and entered the workplace life again.

But Yu Qianxia seemed to be here to tidy up the workplace, and there was no sense of distance between superiors and subordinates.

Qin Ran guessed that Yu Qianxia might be a relative of the boss, otherwise she wouldn't be so confident.

After flipping through the beautifully made company profile for a while, Qin Ran also felt a little bored.

No matter how well the profile is written, it is difficult to attract people.


Qin Ran looked at Yu Qianxia beside him in astonishment.

Oh my goodness, on the first day of work, you started playing games?

Qin Ran understood the principles of survival in the workplace.

In front of the leader, you must appear busy.

But not really busy, otherwise the leader will think you are incompetent.

Because no matter what, the leader will not think that you are too busy and always want to add tasks to you.

Qin Ran is not a newbie who just graduated, he is already an old hand.

But he did not play the game in the same way, but just gave a kind reminder.

"You don't have a jungler."

Yu Qianxia raised her head, "Do you also play Nongyao?"

"I know a little bit."

"Then let's add a friend and queue together."

Qin Ran looked at the shining silver frame on the screen, and said in silence for a while, "Maybe there's a chance."

Yu Qianxia chose Daji, whose skin was the latest one to be launched.

This hero is actually very brainless, but the damage is very explosive. In the later stage, a set of skills can kill a squishy in seconds.

But in Yu Qianxia's hands, it is really brainless.

Qin Ran was silent, and it was deafening.

Brainless heroes and brainless killing are completely different.

Eight minutes passed.

A "defeat" sounded.


The only kill was given by the opponent's fountain.

Yu Qianxia stuck out her tongue and said a little embarrassedly, "I just started playing not long ago, I'm not very good yet."

Qin Ran smiled.

It's really a turtle going to school, and the turtle can't hold it anymore.

Is this not good enough?

Qin Ran rejected Yu Qianxia's suggestion to add him as a friend.

He would explode if he looked at it again!

The silver rank was too complicated, and he couldn't handle it even with his 60-star King.

Yu Qianxia seemed to know that she was really bad at playing, and was embarrassed to continue playing.

After quitting, she played the star elimination game again.

Then it was the egg party.

Qin Ran also gained some experience.

Not to mention the game skills, the types of games she played were really varied.

But this also shows how bored Yu Qianxia was usually.

This also caused Qin Ran to yawn constantly.

It took a long time to get to eleven thirty.

Qin Ran closed the company profile and walked out, but was pulled by Yu Qianxia's clothes.

"Where are you going?"

"To eat."

"Sister Su... President Su hasn't come back yet."

"If she doesn't come back, will we not eat?" Qin Ran looked at Yu Qianxia in surprise.

Yu Qianxia, ​​who had been playing for most of the morning, didn't seem like someone who "loved" her leader.

Qin Ran figured it out soon.

"You want to wait for President Su to come back, and then ask her for leave to go out and have dinner with friends?"

Yu Qianxia nodded.

"Then go ahead. There's an hour and a half for lunch, which is enough. Come back after dinner."

"Yes." Yu Qianxia's eyes lit up, "Then I'll go. By the way, do you want to join us?"

"I won't go. I'll lie down for a while after dinner."

"Then I'll go."

Yu Qianxia sent a message to her friends while picking up her handbag and running out.

Qin Ran sat for a while and then walked to the elevator.

It was the peak hour of the elevator just now, and many people went to eat.

When going downstairs, Qin Ran happened to meet Tang Shilan and asked, "Is there anything to eat nearby?"

"There is a canteen on the underground first floor. The taste is average, but it is clean after all.

There is a rice noodle shop across the street, and it tastes pretty good. ”

“Then I’ll go try it.”

Qin Ran walked outside the building and found Tang Shilan still beside him.

The latter smiled and said, “I want to eat rice noodles too.”

“Then let’s go together?”

“Yes. "

The two walked into the rice noodle shop together. Most of the tables in the shop were occupied.

Qin Ran felt that the guests at one table looked familiar, as if they were colleagues from the company.

But he was not sure, after all, Tang Shilan did not say hello.

Suddenly, the voice of the system sounded in Qin Ran's mind.

[Congratulations to the host for officially joining the company, and the reward is the ability to remember everything at a glance!]

Qin Ran was a little surprised.

At first, he thought that he had to complete the task to get the reward, but he did not expect that there would be a reward for joining the company.

The ability to remember everything at a glance is very powerful.

Just by looking at it once, Qin Ran memorized all the menus on the wall.

By the way, he remembered the clothes and appearance of the customers in the store.

The system also gave a prompt.

A strong memory is one of the necessary abilities of a top secretary.

Whether it is the shorthand required for meeting minutes or remembering the names and appearances of guests at the banquet, it is needed.

Qin Ran felt that he was using a sledgehammer to kill a chicken.

But this is a good thing. It seems that Brother Tongzi is still very cool.

"Handsome guy, what do you want to eat? "

The voice of the proprietress brought Qin Ran back to his senses instantly.

"Signature rice noodles."

Qin Ran paid twenty yuan and then sat down opposite Tang Shilan.

Signature rice noodles were already relatively cheap. With only three-digit balance left in his account, Qin Ran wondered if he should find a part-time job.

After all, the salary will be paid next month, and it is already the middle of the month, so the salary next month will not be much.

The prices outside are much more expensive than in the school cafeteria. If you don't increase income, it will not be enough to just cut costs.

After Qin Ran sat down, he began to think about what part-time job he could find.

But he must not let his boss know.

After all, no boss likes his subordinates to do part-time jobs.

Even if it doesn't take up working time, the part-time job is not worth it. The profession is not good either.

Qin Ran thought about it and found that he only had two specialties now.

One is unlocking, and the other is photographic memory.

Relatively speaking, the former is easier.

Qin Ran searched on his mobile phone and found that the unlocking fee is generally tens to hundreds of dollars.

It depends on what kind of lock it is and whether the lock cylinder needs to be changed.

The fee at night is usually higher than that during the day.

This is good news for Qin Ran. After all, he only has time to help unlock at night, but he has to prepare a case first.

After the rice noodles were served, Qin Ran realized that he had ignored the long-legged girl in front of him.

Because her legs were too long, she accidentally rubbed against his lower body.

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