After a long time, the two sides of the family were still busy.

Yu Qianxia didn't get to eat sesame balls or chive dumplings today, and she was a little unhappy.

But she still shared her breakfast with Qin Ran.

This made Qin Ran feel a little guilty, and he planned to bring Yu Qianxia a fried dumpling with red bean paste tomorrow.

Qin Ran ate a little before making coffee.

Less than a month had passed, and he no longer had to rush to work as soon as he got to work.

He could slowly make a cup of coffee and show off his latte art skills.

Then send it to Su Qingmo's office.

He would make another cup of coffee for himself later.

"Knock knock knock"

Qin Ran pushed open the office door, "Boss Su, today's French latte, the milk flavor is stronger."

Su Qingmo paused while typing on the keyboard, took the coffee and smelled it, her nose moved slightly, it smelled so good!

It was the smell she liked.

"Why are you so attentive today?"

"Boss Su, this is what I should do. There is no such thing as attentiveness or not."

"Really? Then you go out. I have to work."

"Ahem" Qin Ran coughed lightly, "Um, Boss Su, Manager Ma is back today. Can I go to her to assist with the project of Founder Group?"


"Thank you, Boss Su. I'll leave first. If you have anything, just call Xiao Xia. She has been...working."

"Did you forget what I said before?"

"No. How dare I forget? I can't forget my job responsibilities. I am the general secretary. I am responsible for you."

Su Qingmo nodded slightly, "Go."

"By the way, Boss Su, has Manager Zhao submitted his resignation to you?"

"No. You don't have to worry about it, and don't get involved. Do you understand?"

"I'm just asking."

"In the future, you will have to connect with various departments of the company. Pay attention to the impact."

"Thank you, Boss Su."

Qin Ran secretly praised him. This is a good boss.

Unlike some bosses who like to let their secretaries be the bad guys and take the blame.

Qin Ran returned to his workstation and said to Yu Qianxia, ​​"I'm going to Manager Ma."

"Who is Manager Ma?"

"Manager Ma Yuanxia from Project Group 4, the tall one."

"I know, it's her. She's really tall."

"I'm leaving. If there's something you need to do, you can handle it yourself. If you can't handle it, it's okay."


Yu Qianxia felt like something was wrong.

But when she came to her senses, Qin Ran was gone.

On the way, Qin Ran received a message from Chen Xiaoming, asking why he hadn't come yet.

Qin Ran then remembered that today was the day to select a supervisor for the graduation thesis.

Each supervisor will bring a certain number of team members.

Although it's called selecting a supervisor, in fact, everything has already been decided, and it's still sorted by the first letter of the name.

It's just that I have to meet with the supervisor, confirm the subsequent topics, and chat by the way.

Qin Ran hesitated for a while, but decided not to go back.

The paper was more like a formality for him, after all, his paper could not be submitted to SCI.

He said that he had to report to Ma Yuanxia today, so he could only go to his supervisor to apologize and build a good relationship with him another day.

Otherwise, it would take a lot of time to revise the first draft of the paper after it was submitted.

Qin Ran asked Chen Xiaoming to help tell his supervisor that he couldn't come today because of something.

The project was important.

To be precise, the reward was important.

Qin Ran walked to the department office of project group 4.

"Sister Xiaojing, good morning, is Manager Ma not here?"


"Haven't you come yet?"


Fang Jing's answers were always so concise.

Qin Ran didn't care, and pulled a chair to sit next to Fang Jing, "Sister Xiaojing, do you need to record data today?"


"Then what can I do to help?"

"Will you proofread?"


Fang Jing pulled out a large blue folder from the table and handed it to Qin Ran.

The latter took it, and it was not the report of Startech Energy Storage.

Fortunately, otherwise the report would have come out, and he would have nothing to do.

It was a good opportunity to learn first and see how the formal report was written.

Qin Ran proofread and studied at the same time, sitting quietly aside and slowly flipping through it, marking the doubtful places with pencil.

Fang Jing occasionally glanced at Qin Ran with her peripheral vision, and was busy most of the time.

She didn't talk much, but she was very efficient, not the kind of person who slacked off.

If it weren't for her personality, she could be fully qualified for the position of supervisor.

However, Fang Jing's personality was destined to prevent her from becoming a manager. She had the opportunity to become the supervisor of the new project team, but it would be difficult to move up.

Qin Ran read for nearly two hours.

At almost eleven o'clock, Ma Yuanxia came back with team member Huang Changbin.

Qin Ran heard the noise,

Put down the documents and stand up, "Manager Ma, Brother Huang."

Ma Yuanxia glanced at Qin Ran, "Come to my office."


Huang Changbin gave Qin Ran a look, indicating that it would be fine as originally said.

Qin Ran smiled and returned a grateful look.

He not only had a good relationship with female employees, but also with male employees. Although he had been here for a short time, he had a good relationship with people.

Generally, employees would have a good attitude towards the general secretary and the general assistant, but it was more because of the boss.

But Qin Ran was not like that. He used his personal charm, was good at speaking, and understood the ways of the world.

Qin Ran liked a good office atmosphere, and Yueying's was good.


Ma Yuanxia didn't like beating around the bush, so she got straight to the point.

"I received the notice from General Manager Su, and I also heard about what you did at Liangcai Factory. You did a good job."

"But I don't like people who are too good-looking. I prefer people who can do things."

"If you can't provide help and drag us down, I will kick you out of the project team."

"I don't have time to bring in new people. I want to learn slowly and go to other teams. What I want is results. Do you understand?"

Qin Ran nodded, "I understand."

"Okay, go ask Huang Changbin for information and get familiar with the project as soon as possible."


Seeing that Qin Ran didn't say a word of nonsense, Ma Yuanxia was quite satisfied.

But it's not a pillow, it depends on the subsequent performance.

What she said just now was not to scare people, but she really would do it.

But Qin Ran didn't mind it. Working under a leader like Ma Yuanxia, ​​who is vigorous and resolute, has obvious advantages and disadvantages.

The advantage is that there is someone to protect you. If there is anything that can't be solved, Ma Yuanxia will come forward.

Dealing with other departments in the company is also more straightforward, because other departments know what kind of personality Ma Yuanxia has.

Rather than waiting for Ma Yuanxia to come to you, it is better to coordinate early.

In addition, the more you do and the more you learn, the more hope you have for promotion.

Ma Yuanxia is not a smiling tiger, she will not flatter the superiors and bully the subordinates.

She will promote her subordinates when she has the opportunity.

The current project manager of Group 5 was brought up by Ma Yuanxia.

There are many advantages, but also disadvantages.

That is, you need to be able to withstand pressure, there are many projects, short time, and high efficiency.

Without enough resilience, it is difficult to persist.

There are very few new people in Project Group 4 now, and Ren Hongxia always gives priority to other groups when recruiting people.

Because Ma Yuanxia scolded two fresh graduates to tears, and there were even more who left because they could not bear the pressure.

Some newcomers even cannot accept what Ma Yuanxia said to Qin Ran just now, and they think Ma Yuanxia is too domineering and strict.

But Qin Ran doesn't care.

Of course, it is not because Ma Yuanxia said he is too good-looking.

But he likes Ma Yuanxia's capable and straightforward spirit!

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