The whole day, Qin Ran was worried, like a criminal waiting for judgment.

But the judgment was delayed, and his heart was still hanging.

In the evening, Qin Ran finally plucked up the courage to send a message to Su Qingmo.

"Mr. Su, is the investigation report of Liangcai Company ready? Is there anything that needs to be changed? I can help."

Qin Ran only dared to ask about work, he didn't dare to mention what happened in the morning.

Although the relevant scenes played over and over in his mind.

After sending the message, Qin Ran stared at the screen of his mobile phone.

One minute passed.

No reply.

Three minutes passed.

Still no.

Five minutes passed.

Qin Ran's heart sank. Su Qingmo usually kept his phone with him. If it was about work, he would reply quickly.

If he was busy, he would say he would wait and see.

But the message he sent fell on deaf ears.


Qin Ran quickly unlocked the screen as the vibration sounded.

After seeing Su Qingmo's reply, he felt like he was struck by lightning!

[The investigation report has been sent to Mr. Luo]

[The morning matter is not over yet, come here!! ]

Qin Ran's eyes widened.

So fierce!!

And two exclamation marks.

It's over!

Su Qingmo didn't plan to pretend that nothing happened.

Yes, if it was any girl, it would be hard to pretend that nothing happened after being "slept" for a night.

Qin Ran sighed deeply.

If I had known, I wouldn't have climbed into Su Qingmo's bed last night.

Now, I didn't feel it well last night, and now I have to bear the consequences.

Qin Ran put his phone in his trouser pocket and knocked on Su Qingmo's door resignedly.

There was no other way.

The door slowly opened, and Qin Ran saw Su Qingmo's cold expression, and his eyes trembled.

It was so cold without a trace of warmth!

Qin Ran seemed to be frozen, his body stiff.

"Come in."

Su Qingmo turned around and walked to the end of the bed to sit down, but felt that this was not enough, so he stood by the window with his arms folded.

Although her expression was cold, she was holding back her smile.

She could see that Qin Ran was scared, but this was exactly the effect she wanted.

She had been brewing for several minutes just now.

Su Qingmo raised his chin slightly and looked down at Qin Ran.

"Speak up."

"Speak, what?"

"Do you think that what happened this morning is over? Don't you have to take responsibility?"

"Ah?" Qin Ran was stunned for a moment, "Responsible? That kind of responsibility?"

Su Qingmo's beautiful eyes glared, "What are you thinking?!"

"No, no, Mr. Su, you must believe me, I didn't do anything last night."

Su Qingmo stared at Qin Ran without saying anything.

The latter couldn't help but retract his hand.

It seemed that he did do something, but he really didn't have time to experience it carefully.

He could swear on this.

But he couldn't say this to Su Qingmo in person.

Qin Ran gritted his teeth, "Mr. Su, you tell me what to do, I will do what I can."

"What can't be done?"

"I am a principled person."

"Then where did your principles go last night."

. . .

Qin Ran was stagnant!

"Boss Su, what do you want from me?"

"What do you mean? You took advantage of me, but now you seem to be the one who is wronged. Hmm?"

"No, I sincerely apologize to you. I will do whatever you ask, okay?"

Su Qingmo didn't expect that his idea would be fulfilled so easily, and he almost couldn't suppress the smile on his face.

"Ahem." Su Qingmo coughed lightly, "You said it yourself."

"A man's words are as good as his words."

"Okay, write it down. After you complete my three requests, this matter will be over."


"Write it!" Su Qingmo pointed to the letter paper on the table, "Otherwise, what if you regret it? Remember to sign your name and put your fingerprints on it."

Qin Ran was dumbfounded.

What's going on?

Can black and white words guarantee that you will keep your promise?

Qin Ran has never seen such a strange request.

But under Su Qingmo's sharp eyes, he still sat down obediently on the chair.

I picked up the pen but didn't know what to write.

"Boss Su, what should I write?"

"Keep it simple. Just write that I, Qin Ran, promised to fulfill Su Qingmo's three requirements. If I don't fulfill any one of them, then... I will be struck by lightning and die miserably! Bah, bah, bah, I will never find a girlfriend in my life."

"So vicious?"

"So you

You'd better finish it obediently, understand? "

Qin Ran nodded, and wrote it all down as Su Qingmo said.

It doesn't matter if you can't find a girlfriend, after all, you can find a wife, a baby, a sister, and...

Qin Ran wrote down the date and signed his name.

"There is no ink, so why don't you press your fingerprints."


Su Qingmo took out a lipstick from his bag, a limited edition of Givenchy's fine lambskin tube.

"Mr. Su, it's unnecessary, this lipstick looks expensive."

"Is your promise not as valuable as lipstick?"

"That's not what I mean."

"That's it, don't move. "Su Qingmo bent down, grabbed Qin Ran's right hand, and painted his thumb red.

Qin Ran stared blankly at the beautiful face so close to him.

And the rosy red lips.

He suddenly remembered the soft touch of helping Su Qingmo wipe the rice grains from the corners of his mouth last time.

What tempting red lips!

Su Qingmo stood up straight and smiled slightly, "Press your fingerprint."

Qin Ran came back to his senses and pressed his fingerprint resignedly.

He suddenly had an illusion that he seemed to have signed a "sale contract."

It's just that this "sale contract" looks a bit frivolous and not serious.

Su Qingmo signed his name, picked up the letter, blew it gently, and nodded with satisfaction.

Qin Ran asked, "Just sign one?"

"Otherwise, why do you want to keep one? ”

Yes, how can a contract of selling body be given to the person who sells body?

Qin Ran had a bad feeling and reached out to take back the "contract of selling body".

Su Qingmo took a step back swiftly and hid the "contract of selling body" behind his back.

"What are you doing!"

"Well, Mr. Su, if you have any request, just ask directly. This is actually unnecessary."

"It is necessary."

Su Qingmo took another step back as if he was afraid that Qin Ran would snatch it back.

"I haven't thought about what to ask yet. This piece of paper will be a reminder to you in the future."


Seeing Su Qingmo's "faceless" look, Qin Ran knew that he couldn't get it back.

Just now, he was also confused. How could he really write such childish words?

If it was exposed, I dare not imagine it.

Qin Ran took a piece of paper and wiped the lipstick on his thumb, "Mr. Su, then this matter is temporarily exposed, right?"

"I guess so. But you still owe me a lipstick. ”


Qin Ran said in disbelief, “I just said no, I can use a pen to paint my fingers.”

“Then why didn’t you do that? And you wasted my lipstick.”

Qin Ran suspected that Su Qingmo’s brain was burnt out.

Why did he become so unreasonable?

Is this still the same Su Qingmo?

He is almost like a spoiled girlfriend.


Qin Ran was stunned.

The look he gave Su Qingmo became more and more weird!

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