
Chapter 74

After traveling more than 400 kilometers and spending nearly half a day, the group finally arrived at the outpost.

This is a complete fortress city, with tall walls, perfect fortifications, and stationed troops.

There are 5,000 garrisons stationed here, and the configuration of the army is basically similar to that of the Daxia Army.

However, here, squadrons, battalions, and detachments are used as the organization. The basic strength of the soldiers is apprentice-level combat professionals, and the officers are all formal professionals.

There is a gold-level mage as the commander here, and there are five gold-level combat professionals assisting him.

The defense here is quite strong. After all, the plantations in the vast land behind them are all guarded by them.

If they encounter a serious beast tide, they have the right to requisition the guards in the rear plantations to strengthen the defense here.

If this place is broken through, the plantations behind will suffer.

The hunting group accepted the most basic task of clearing monsters here.

This task requires entering the forest to clear monsters. For apprentice-level monsters, ten magic stones are rewarded for every hundred heads. For black iron-level monsters, one credit and ten magic stones are rewarded for every three monsters.

As for silver and gold levels, there is no need to look at them. Their target this time is not these things.

After killing the monster, you need to take a photo to record it, otherwise it will not be counted as a kill.

The reward for the task is not high, but hunting monsters itself is rewarding.

There are many materials on the body of the monster, all of which are of extremely high value.

First of all, their fur, scales, and teeth are one of the raw materials for making enchanted equipment.

Secondly, their magic organs are the source of the power of the beasts and the key to their ability to release spells. This value is relatively high.

Finally, some beasts will grow magic crystals in their magic organs. This value is the highest. These magic crystals are necessary for various staffs and even advanced enchanted equipment.

In general, the value of a Black Iron-level beast is between five and ten magic stones.

If there is a magic core, the value of this beast will be even higher.

After accepting the task, the Iron Fist Hunting Group set off.

This outpost fortress gathers many hunting groups, including large hunting groups and small and medium-sized hunting groups.

Hunting teams set off in different places, and many hunting teams return from the forest with full loads.

At the beginning, the hunting group walked on the main road. The trees here have been cut down, and the road has been flattened by heavy machinery. Although it is a dirt road, it is relatively easy to walk.

But as the team moved forward faster, the road ahead became more and more difficult to walk. We also encountered many hunting groups on the way, but everyone tacitly kept a certain distance.

As we left the outpost farther and farther, the traces of civilization gradually decreased, and the figures of other teams around us gradually disappeared.

After walking for a day, when the moon was three poles high, the team stopped to rest.

The forest at night is more dangerous than during the day. Most predators during the day are in the resting stage, and at night they are hunting.

Hunting groups usually choose to rest at night. After all, for monsters, the dark night is their protective color, but not for hunting groups.

Hunting always requires taking advantage of one's own strengths and attacking the opponent's weaknesses. Rest well at night, and wait until the day, when the monsters are resting, they can show their skills.

Everyone found a slightly flatter ground, cleared the surrounding grass and trees, and began to camp.

The wanderer and the hunter took out some prey hunted on the way and prepared for today's dinner.

In the forest, not all prey are magic beasts, there are also ordinary beasts.

The ecology of the entire forest is that big fish eat small fish, and small fish eat shrimps. However, for magic beasts, most of them can survive by absorbing the magic power in the air.

However, there are still many predators among magic beasts. The main reason is to satisfy their appetite.

In addition to this, another reason is to hunt other magic beasts and devour their magic organs, which can also accelerate the development of their magic organs.

If you eat the magic core, you can even promote the development of magic cores in their own bodies.

Magic beasts with magic cores have the ability to release spells.

The wanderer explored the situation around and set up some alarm traps around to serve as a warning at night.

Huo Ling was of course not idle either.

, after joining this team, you always have to do some work.

He used all his mental power to scout the surroundings, then nodded to Li Feihong, indicating that there was no danger around.

Mental scanning is more useful than other scouting. Unless you encounter something that can block mental scanning, most of the dangers cannot escape Huo Ling's scouting.

During the scanning process, Huo Ling also found some small animals, some rodents.

After a little thought, he began to cast a spell, and several white bone teeth circled for a while and then burst out.

Then, Huo Ling summoned a skeleton warrior and headed towards the target.

After a while, the skeleton warrior came back with a dozen mice.

Seeing this scene, the other people in the team couldn't help but look shocked. They found that the strength of the skeleton warrior in front of them was even higher than them.

Especially Li Feihong, the others were okay, they were all hunters or wanderers, they were mobile forces, and he was the only warrior.

As a melee professional, he was most stressed by the combat power of the skeleton warrior in front of him.

Huo Ling ignored them. This hunting group was just a passer-by for him. It was impossible for him to work as a part-time worker. Only starting his own business was the kingly way.

Now he just joined this hunting group to get familiar with the situation here.

Then, Huo Ling cast a spell and aimed it at the rats in front of him. The bodies of the rats quickly changed, and the flesh and blood gradually disappeared.

A dozen skeleton rats appeared at Huo Ling's feet. With the slight movement of mental power, these rats scattered. They lay down hundreds of meters around the camp and hid themselves motionlessly.

These rats will also have the same warning function. If any monster passes by, they will notify Huo Ling.

Dinner was soon ready. Huo Ling quietly released a zero-level spell to detect toxins. He ate it with confidence after the test.

In this world, the only person who can really be assured is oneself. This is Huo Ling's life code.

In the forest at night, even if you are resting, you need someone to keep watch. Of course, Huo Ling has nothing to do with these things. The manpower comes from the hunters and wanderers, and they are divided into three shifts to keep watch.

However, Huo Ling also summoned three skeleton warriors, who stood around the camp at three angles.

When it comes to keeping watch, these undead creatures are the best. They don't need to sleep, and they won't feel tired before their soul power is used up. If there is danger, they can also stand up in the first time.

Huo Ling returned to the tent and entered a shallow meditation, restored his magic power, and practiced slowly.

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