
Chapter 7

After reading the meditation method, Huo Ling learned a lot.

Huo Ling read the meditation method word by word, and then memorized it, not only checking the original text of the meditation method.

He also tried hard to learn and understand the meditation techniques and notes left by Alik at the back, with which he could master it more conveniently.

After studying seriously for a long time, Huo Ling began his first meditation practice.

Recalling the steps of meditation practice in his mind, Huo Ling found a most comfortable posture to sit down and began to meditate.

As time passed, more than half an hour later, Huo Ling opened his eyes with a look of surprise in his eyes.

Could it be that he was still a genius?

He got started with the Breath of Darkness meditation method the first time he meditated, and felt the magic power absorbed into his body because of the meditation just now.

Huo Ling had a smile on his face.

After thinking for a while, he called out his attribute panel to check if there would be any changes on the panel after his meditation this time.

Name: Huo Ling

Bloodline: Human

Rank: Level 0 Apprentice

Strength: 1.3

Constitution: 1.1

Agility: 1.1

Mental Power: 2.1

Magic Power: 1.7

Skills: Introduction to "Breath of Darkness"

Potential Points: 0

Some changes appeared on the panel, and his rank appeared, Level 0 Apprentice. It seems that it was only after he got started with meditation that he truly entered the extraordinary.

There was one more item in the attribute column, one more magic power, but the magic power value was not high enough.

According to Huo Ling's own physical feelings, the magic power value should be able to continue to increase, after all, he had just meditated for the first time.

In terms of skills, there is an additional entry to the Dark Breath, which should be the reason why I just learned this meditation method.

Thinking of this, Huo Ling was excited. With the help of the attribute panel, he could observe his practice progress in time and get positive feedback.

Then his mood for meditation practice was different. The reason why many people could not persist in practice was that they found that there was no change after practice.

After the meditation, Huo Ling stood up and stretched, then looked out the window.

Now the sky has gradually darkened, and it will be completely dark in less than an hour and a half.

Not finding any signs of danger, Huo Ling continued to sit down and meditate.

Now he is like a child who has just got a good toy. He is in an excited period and wants to meditate every moment.


Huo Ling finished another round of meditation, feeling the abundant magic power in his body, and was very satisfied.

After calling out the panel to check, other attributes did not change, only the magic power increased to 21 points. It seems that the attribute of magic power is also linked to mental power.

It's a pity that I have magic power, but I haven't learned any spells yet, and there is no place for magic power.

Huo Ling smacked his lips and suddenly heard the sound getting louder and louder downstairs.

This made him panic and his face turned pale.

He stood up carefully, picked up the fire axe, and slowly moved to the window.

Through the leaky window, he saw the thing that made the sound below.

It was a large group of zombies, and they were staggering along the road.

Huo Ling's heart was as nervous as a drum, his palms were sweating, and he clenched the fire axe in his hand tightly, as if he had found a little support.

Zombies are a kind of unintelligent creatures that are not often encountered in the spirit world.

The reason for the emergence of zombies is very simple. After a certain world falls into the spirit world, if the races inside cannot withstand the infection of the spirit world's breath, they will become zombies that have lost their minds.

In some places in the spirit world, there will be such zombies.

Although they have no wisdom, they can naturally absorb magic power, which can support their physical consumption. As long as they are not killed, they can even live for hundreds of years.

After each world falls into the spirit world, the zombies produced are different. Some zombies can continue to grow and become as tall as giants.

Some zombies are bloodthirsty and will desperately look for living beings to suck blood.

Moreover, zombies can reproduce offspring. Although they have no wisdom, the instinct of reproduction still exists, and generations of zombies are produced in this way.

Perhaps in a certain year in the future, the descendants of zombies can also generate wisdom and become intelligent spirit world creatures.

Huo Ling also roughly browsed this information when he was reading an encyclopedia of the spirit world. Now it is especially

I regret not reading the information about the zombies carefully.

Of course, even if I read these materials carefully, it is useless. The zombies produced in each world have different habits.

Some have vision, some have enhanced hearing, and some have a strong sense of smell. These are not certain and cannot be distinguished from the appearance.

Now, Huo Ling finally understands what the skeleton in the next room is like. I am afraid that this skeleton was discovered by the zombies.

Although zombies can survive by relying on magic, they are also bloodthirsty. If other creatures break into their territory and are discovered, they will easily become the food of zombies.

I am afraid that this skeleton was once an unlucky guy. No wonder there are teeth marks on the bones.

Everything is rounded.

There are probably thousands of zombies downstairs. They stagger along the road, not knowing where their goal is.

Although zombies have no wisdom, their hearing and sense of smell are indeed enhanced, and they can hear sounds from far away.

But they are basically blind, because zombies are afraid of light. Although the sun can't cause any harm to zombies, it will make them uncomfortable, so zombies basically stay in dark places to rest during the day.

When it's night, these zombies will come out in groups, attracted by various sounds at night and go to different destinations.

Huo Ling is on the fourth floor, as long as he doesn't make any noise, it's relatively safe.

The zombie group downstairs, thousands of zombies dragged out thousands of meters of zombies, swaying.

Now Huo Ling didn't dare to rest, for fear that he would make a sound after falling asleep, or that a zombie would come up later.

Fortunately, he had been meditating before and didn't make any noise. After the meditation, he heard the sound of the zombies directly and came to check carefully.

Otherwise, if he made a sound at that time, these zombies would not be so slow now.

The zombies recorded in the book move very quickly when hunting, which is no less than the running speed of normal adults.

Moreover, there are many powerful zombies among the zombie race.

Although they have no wisdom, their strength will be improved after absorbing magic power for many years. Generally speaking, the longer the zombies exist.

Then their strength will be stronger. Although the lifespan of zombies is only hundreds of years, some lucky ones will accumulate huge magic power in their bodies.

After being promoted to a higher level, his physical strength will be even stronger.

In the information, a wizard who went deep into the spirit world once encountered a huge group of zombies. Among this group of zombies, there were many black iron and silver-level zombies.

He even found a few zombies of the gold level. Fortunately, even though these zombies are powerful, they have not gained wisdom.

Only beast-like instincts, otherwise it is hard to say whether this wizard can escape.

After waiting for a long time, the group of thousands of zombies finally left, which made Huo Ling feel a little relieved.

When the zombies were there just now, his heart was always tense, and this tense state was very tiring.

After relaxing, he slowly slumped on the backpack, not daring to make a sound.

At this time, he did not dare to meditate. When meditating, he was in an unguarded state and he did not know what was happening in the outside world.

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