
Chapter 55

After the battle, the two sides of the river were in chaos.

Back to Blue Star, Huo Ling brought the hemostatic herbs and boiling blood herbs he brought with him to Xia Yang for inspection.

"Teacher, here are the hemostatic herbs and boiling blood herbs made by the goblin shamans in the spirit world. See if you can use them." Huo Ling found Xia Yang.

Xia Yang grabbed the herbs Huo Ling brought, checked them, shook his head and said, "The herbs you took were made by the shamans. The refining method is too low-end. Most of the medicinal properties are lost, and if the medicinal properties are extracted and used again, it will be a bit of a loss."

After hearing this, Huo Ling sighed, thinking that this batch of medicinal materials could make money.

After saying goodbye to the teacher, Huo Ling thought for a while.

As for the captured herbs, since they have no use value, they can be traded with the troglodytes.

Huo Ling thought about it and prepared the next plan.

At present, the drug-buying team of the kobolds was destroyed by himself. The strength of the kobolds is not as good as that of the troglodytes, and now they should be even more unable to defeat the troglodytes.

However, destroying the kobolds or letting the troglodytes enslave the kobolds is obviously not in line with Huo Ling's purpose.

The kobolds have nothing, unless some high-value minerals are dug out from their mines, Huo Ling will not make much money by defeating them.

The goblins are different. Now Huo Ling can earn hundreds of magic stones just by seeing them, which can greatly relieve his economic pressure.

So, for now, driving the troglodytes to attack the goblins, after defeating the goblins, the power of the troglodytes will definitely be weakened.

At this time, Huo Ling becomes the role of the goblin shaman again, relying on magic and herbs to control the two tribes.

Only in this way can we achieve sustainable development and make a lot of money.

If the lizardmen can easily destroy or enslave the dog-headed people, Huo Ling will not be able to control it.


A hunting team of lizardmen is now carrying a lot of zombies and moving towards the tribe.

This hunting team is led by a lizardman warrior of the black iron rank. In addition to him, there are more than 20 ordinary lizardmen warriors.

Suddenly, the leading lizardman warrior stopped vigilantly. He found several skeletons standing on the road ahead, which made him nervous.

"Friend lizardmen, don't be nervous, I am not your enemy!" The man spoke a strange lizard language.

This is Huo Ling, who is proficient in language.

"Hiss~ Who are you? Why are you stopping us?" The lizardman warrior looked alert and asked with a hesitant tone.

He felt threatened by the strange creature opposite him, and the skeletons of the undead standing behind him made him feel uneasy.

"I am a traveling human wizard, and I want to make a deal with you warrior lizards."

Huo Ling seemed not to see the nervous expression of the lizard warrior.

"What deal, hiss~"

The lizard warrior relaxed a little.

Huo Ling signaled one of the skeleton warriors to put away his weapon, and walked in front of the lizard warrior with a box.

The lizard warrior looked at the tall skeleton warrior in front of him, and was horrified. In his perception, the strength of the black skeleton in front of him was comparable to his own, and behind the human wizard, there were nine skeleton warriors of the same kind.

The lizard warrior opened the box and looked at the contents inside, and his heart moved slightly.

Inside were the hemostatic herbs and boiling blood herbs of the goblin shaman. The goods were originally the goods of the kobolds, but now Huo Ling was preparing to sell them to the warrior lizards in a disguised manner.

"Hiss~ How many do you have?"

The lizard warrior picked up the herbs and smelled them. They tasted good.

"I have a lot, enough for your war, and I also have a bloodthirsty totem."

Huo Ling smiled, his white teeth reflecting the light in the sun.

"How do you know we want war!" The lizard warrior was alert.

"This is not surprising. After all, besides you, the dog-headed people also bought a lot of herbs and totems. What else can you do besides war?"

"If you want to trade, let your people bring magic stones here tomorrow, and we will trade here tomorrow." After saying that, Huo Ling turned around and left.

The lizard warrior looked at Huo Ling who was going away, suppressed his doubts, and returned to the tribe to inform the chief of the matter.


The place where Huo Ling chose to trade was not far from the war lizards, only half an hour away.

This distance was enough for the war lizards not to

No need to be so alert.

The next day, Huo Ling arrived as scheduled. In his perception, a small group of lizardmen also came.

There were more than 40 lizardmen who came, and there were five lizardmen who reached the black iron level.

"Mage, I heard that you want to trade with us?" Gesli Tooth is the patriarch of this lizard tribe.

His strength is also the strongest in the tribe, and he has reached the strength of a senior black iron. His profession is a lizard knight. With the help of the swamp giant lizard under his crotch, his strength will be even more outstanding.

"Yes, I brought the herbs and bloodthirsty totems you need." Huo Ling gestured to a skeleton warrior and moved the goods out.

Gesli Tooth narrowed his eyes and waved his hand. A lizardman walked over and checked.

"Did you kill the escort team of the dog-headed people a few days ago?" Gesli Tooth asked.

The speed of information circulation in this area is far beyond Huo Ling's imagination.

"Yes, this batch of goods was purchased by the Kobolds."

Huo Ling smiled slightly. Anyway, the news had been exposed, and he didn't mind showing his claws.

"My lord, the goods are fine."

The lizard man who checked the goods reported.

"Let's go with the price of the goblins, how about it?" Gusli Tooth reached out and took a bag.

Although Gusli Tooth was cruel, he was not stupid. He could easily kill the Kobolds who escorted the medicine guards, and his combat power would not be too weak. Now he didn't want to make trouble.

"No problem!"

The dispatched skeleton took the bag handed over by the lizard man, and through mental perception, there were hundreds of units of natural magic stones in it.

"Mage, your strength is very good. Are you interested in accepting my employment? Fight for me?"

Gusli Tooth's eyes moved away from Huo Ling and fell on the skeleton warriors holding weapons, with a trace of fear in his eyes.

"Employment, who is the enemy?" Huo Ling pretended to be interested and asked.

"The Red Fang clan's gnolls!"

Gusli Chi said in a cold voice, "You have killed many of their clansmen, including three Black Iron-rank professionals. The Red Fang clan has a blood feud with you."

"Come with me and destroy the Red Fang clan. You will also get a share of the spoils!"

Gusli Chi's tone became more and more excited, as if victory was within reach.

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