
Chapter 175

After the battle, the two sides of the river were in chaos.

Huo Ling brought Wilmot back to the Green Vine Tribe. This time, no blind goblins dared to block Huo Ling's way.

Since Huo Ling came last time and killed a group of goblins, the remaining goblins directly made a statue in the tribe to prevent goblins from blocking the road next time.

Huo Ling looked at the wooden statue in the tribe. It had nothing to do with himself. It could only be said to be a person, but he didn't care.

During this period, without external pressure, the population of these goblins has expanded significantly.

In the spirit world, goblins are like leeks in the ground. No matter how many die, it won't take long to find a lot of goblins popping out again.

Huo Ling found some strange goblins through his mental power, which made him stand there in a daze.

He couldn't help but take Wilmot to find them. Seeing the goblin in front of him, he couldn't help but feel a little confused.

Is this a goblin wolf cavalry?

Unlike the previous goblin wolf cavalry, what Huo Ling saw now should also be called goblin wolf cavalry.

The previous goblin wolf cavalry was mainly composed of earth elf warriors riding wargs, which existed as the mobile force of the goblins.

The combat effectiveness of this kind of goblin wolf cavalry depends on the level of the earth elf warrior on the back of the warg.

What Huo Ling saw now should be the product of flesh and blood transformation. The wargs are still those wargs, but the goblins are different.

The goblins grew directly on the back of the wargs, and the two creatures merged into one, with the goblin's legs connected to the back of the warg.

This thing is definitely not a natural product, and in this goblin tribe, the only one who can do this kind of thing is, as expected, the goblin shaman Soni.

Huo Ling walked into Soni's shaman hut. Soni, the goblin shaman in front of him, was transforming a warg and a goblin.

Soni saw Huo Ling coming in, but seeing that Huo Ling did not stop her, she continued her work.

The warg was tied to a stone platform like a split, and on the other side was a goblin sawed off from the knees.

Despite such a huge injury, the goblin did not struggle. It should have taken a potion and lost its sense of pain.

Soni used witchcraft to temporarily stop the blood flowing from the goblin's legs.

Then, she took a piece of meat from the back of the warg and dug out two flesh holes. The wound was so deep that the bone could be seen.

With the help of an assistant, the goblin sawed off from the knees was inserted into the back of the warg.

Then Soni took out a can of green magic paste and applied the paste to the wound where the goblin and the warg were connected while releasing witchcraft.

Finally, the wound was sutured with a clean black thread, and the operation was completed.

After finishing her work, Soni led all the assistants to kneel in front of Huo Ling: "Master."

"Soni, it seems that you have done something amazing during my absence!" Huo Ling looked at the goblin who had completed the operation and couldn't help but admire.

Wilmot asked: "What is this?"

Soni first glanced at Huo Ling, and when he nodded, he said: "This is the goblin wolf rider I transformed."

Huo Ling asked: "How is the combat power?"

Soni thought for a while and said: "After the transformation is completed, they are the combination of goblins and wargs. The speed of absorbing magic power is accelerated. They can cultivate blood and qi through this magic power, and finally have the combat power of the black iron level."

"Is the success rate high?"

Huo Ling walked forward and scanned the body of the goblin wolf rider on the stone platform with his mental power. Soni's method was very rough and the witchcraft she used was not perfect.

"The success rate is not high, only about 30%." Soni knelt on the ground and said.

"How much! 30%?" Huo Ling was shocked when he heard it.

Soni's transformation method, so crude, actually has a 30% success rate. This is extremely unscientific and not magical.

Moreover, this is a grafting fusion between two creatures. Huo Ling and He Wenhan transformed the gnolls together before. They had such perfect equipment, but they only transformed a few organs. The rejection effect caused all the experimental subjects to fail.

Soni fused the two creatures together so abruptly, and there was a 30% success rate. This is not right.

"How did you think of transforming the goblins and the wolf together?" Huo Ling asked a question.

Soni lowered her head and said nothing. After a while, she continued: "I inherited a little memory from my bloodline.

"I don't know when a goblin shaman had done this transformation."

"So I wanted to try it, so I followed his process and combined the goblins and the wargs to do a transformation experiment."

"Is there any witchcraft inheritance?" Huo Ling asked.

"There are several witchcrafts." Sonny nodded.

"Very good, Sonny, right! You teach him the inherited witchcrafts." Huo Ling pointed at Wilmot and said.

After hearing this, Sonny looked at Wilmot and looked embarrassed.

"Your master, Marlowe, I enlightened him. Now he has regained wisdom. I will let him accompany you during this period." As he said, Huo Ling summoned the skeleton Marlowe.

After Marlowe came out, he saluted Huo Ling and Wilmot first, then turned to look at the goblin shaman Sonny.

"Sony, you did a good job, and the master is proud of you. "Skeleton Marlowe reached out and gently stroked Sonny's forehead, and the soul fire vibrated and spoke.

Skeleton Marlowe possessed the soul of the former goblin shaman Marlowe, and his bones were also his. Now he was enlightened by Huo Ling's magic.

It is hard to say whether the skeleton Marlowe with Marlowe's wisdom is the second life of the goblin Marlowe.

Sony looked at the skeleton Marlowe in disbelief. This was the first time he spoke. Sonny's tears burst out like a mountain torrent, and she cried: "Master"

"Sony, don't cry, I was going to die, and now the master has revived me, I can live a second life again, which is already very good. "

With his hand that was only left with bones, Marlowe gently wiped away the tears on Soni's face.

At this moment, Skeleton Marlowe could truly understand the memory of Goblin Marlowe. At this moment, he was truly complete. He gradually understood the feelings of the living Soni in front of him.

He also understood the scenes that Marlowe had experienced in his memory, understood the meaning of life, and comprehended the feelings of the living with the body of the dead.

Skeleton Marlowe's spirituality bloomed with brilliant brilliance in the soul fire. So far, he has opened the way to the golden level.

Next, he only needs to practice step by step, and kill, to advance to the golden level of the Death Skeleton Mage.

Huo Ling watched this scene from the side and couldn't help but be overjoyed. This Soni is really his lucky star!

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