
Chapter 14

The dead body was broken, and the dead body was broken.

Just then, a faint light flew out from the headshot zombie and landed on Huo Ling.

Hmm? This is it!

A thought flashed through Huo Ling's mind. Could it be that killing zombies can also increase potential points?

He stopped where he was and called out the attribute panel

Name: Huo Ling

Magic power: 18/21

Skills: "Dark Breath Meditation Method" Zero-level spell: Bone Fang

Potential points: 0.5

Sure enough, the potential points increased by 0.5!

Having seen the benefits of potential points, Huo Ling was overjoyed. Potential points are good things.

A zombie can only provide 0.5 potential points, which is less than that of a goblin. Is it because zombies have no wisdom?

Thinking of this, Huo Ling's heart was burning with passion. Why not kill all these zombies!

The ugly and cruel zombies in the room are so cute in Huo Ling's eyes now. He seems to see several potential points waving at him.

But Huo Ling suppressed his greed. Now he is not out of danger yet. He can't put himself in danger for these potential points.

As long as he is alive, there will always be opportunities in the future. Huo Ling is too weak now.

Thinking of this, Huo Ling no longer hesitated. He walked down the corridor carefully, still making no sound.

Gently stepped over the zombie that was shot in the head by himself, so as not to step on the blood.

After coming downstairs, Huo Ling carried his backpack and changed direction, ready to stay away from these zombies.

In the original direction, there were several groups of zombies passing by last night. According to his current guess, these zombies may have hidden in the corridors on both sides due to the sunlight. If he walked over now, he might enter the group of zombies.

So Huo Ling slowly moved towards the direction he came from yesterday, preparing to find another building to live in.

But the spirit world is always full of surprises. Before he took a few steps, he heard another sound coming from the front.

He knelt on one knee on the ground and listened attentively, and his face changed.

The voice coming from not far away was the same as the voice of the goblin he heard yesterday. I'm afraid there is another goblin in front.

Could it be that the goblin tracked the traces he left yesterday and came to take revenge? !

It shouldn't be. It's been a night, and there are so many zombies passing by at night. How could they still track him?

There was no time to think about it. Huo Ling didn't even bother to hide his steps. He turned around and ran.

Anyway, there are zombies all around here, and I dare not go out during the day, so it is a safe place.

After running a hundred meters, I turned my head and saw a line of green figures appearing on the street in the distance.

Huo Ling did not dare to run anymore. He opened his mental power to find a building without zombies and climbed in through the gap in the first-floor window.

He climbed to the fourth floor carefully, hid in a room, and leaned against the window to observe the situation of the goblins.

There were many more goblins this time than yesterday, more than 20 goblins, and they were very noisy.

He kept chattering in his mouth, and there were goblins fighting from time to time.

The weapons in the hands of these more than 20 goblins were no different from the goblins yesterday, and there were even more goblins wearing feather grass necklaces.

Huo Ling was even more afraid to move. With so many goblins, the combat power was definitely not something that he, a newly-initiated apprentice mage, could deal with.

With his three-second-shot Bone Fang, even if these goblins stood still, he could only kill seven goblins.

Not to mention close combat, three goblins together would be enough to kill him.

Now he could only hide well and hope that the goblins would not find him.

This group of goblins walked on the street, knocking on the walls of the building from time to time, making noises. Sometimes one or two goblins would go deep into the building and come out after a while.

What are they doing?

The actions of the goblins puzzled Huo Ling. In such a dangerous place, shouldn't they try not to make any noise? Why are these goblins so arrogant?

Finally, these goblins came to the building where Huo Ling had been hiding. There were dozens of zombies nearby.

What would happen if these goblins met the zombies? This made Huo Ling curious.

He showed a pair of eyes on the building and stared at the goblins not far away.

These twenty or so goblins pulled out a long

Team, two of the goblins walked into a building again.

This made Huo Ling, who was staring at them, feel nervous. There were several zombies in this building.

Soon, the two goblins rushed out of the building. They shouted and chattered, and their tone was full of excitement.

What's going on? Huo Ling was puzzled. Although he couldn't understand what the goblins were saying, he could hear the joy in their tone.

As the two goblins shouted, the rest of the goblins also burst into happy shouts.

They excitedly rushed into the building with spears. The distance was a bit far, and Huo Ling's mental power could not reach it, so he couldn't find out what happened in the building.

However, after more than ten minutes, these goblins came out.

Some of the goblins' spears were stained with blood, and they came out of the building happily.

Huo Ling, who had been staring at them, saw a scene that made his pupils shrink slightly.

The goblins at the back came out in groups of two, carrying zombies!

These zombies were completely dead this time. Marks of being stabbed by spears could be seen on their bodies, and black blood dripped from the wounds onto the ground.

The zombies’ hands and feet were tied to the goblin’s spears and carried out of the corridor by the goblin.

None of the three zombies in that building escaped, and they were all killed.

That was not the end. The next goblins swept through several buildings, killed the zombies inside, and then tied the zombies to spears and carried them downstairs like piglets.

The most recent time, Huo Ling was able to observe their movements with his mental power, and he naturally would not miss this opportunity to observe.

After the goblin discovered that there were zombies in this building, he began to shout to his friends, and then another seven or eight goblins rushed in.

After the goblins found the zombies, they all smiled.

In contrast to them were the zombies. Although they heard the noise of the goblins coming, they did not open their eyes, and did not even move.

A goblin grinned, then thrust his spear straight at the zombie's chest, and the sharp stone spear pierced into the zombie's body.

Only then did the zombie react, he suddenly opened his eyes and waved his hands vigorously, but it was too late.

With his chest pierced, he could no longer get close to the goblin, and then another goblin stabbed again with a stone spear, ending the zombie's life.

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