
Chapter 112

The enemy was in a hurry to get out of the city, and the enemy's back was in a hurry.

Huo Ling in the central tower looked at the six-armed snake demon who was slaughtering on the city wall in surprise. Is this the combat power of the gold level?

"Damn it!"

He Wenhan had a cold face, and then his mental power moved, and the defense shield of the fortress suddenly opened, like a big bowl covering the entire fortress.

Once the defense shield was opened, the enemies outside the city could no longer attack the city wall, and the enemies who had climbed up the city wall now had no follow-up support.

"The bugs are angry!"

The six-armed snake demon swallowed and spit out his letter, looking at the defense shield outside. Once the shield was opened, his teleportation technique could not be used, and he could not escape without breaking the shield.

But the six-armed snake demon is not afraid, and he does not need to escape.

This is not his real body, but his projection. Even if he dies in battle, it will not have any effect on his body far away in the abyss.

This spell to summon the devil is to reach an agreement with the devil through a contract, and use the soul to summon the devil's projection.

If the devil's real body wants to enter the material world, it needs to obtain the coordinates of the spiritual world, and at the same time, it needs a more powerful devil to open the space crack or portal.

Their real bodies can enter the material world to kill, while the gold-level demons cannot enter the material world independently.

It is precisely because even if he dies in battle, it will not affect the body of the abyss, so the six-armed snake demon fights so unrestrainedly and arrogantly.

The combat power of the demon projection is only 70% of the body, but even this 70% combat power is about the same as the combat power of the general gold-level wolf warrior.

It is even stronger. After all, the six-armed snake demon also has several spell-like abilities, which the wolf warrior does not have.

Outside the city, the nobles of the gnolls looked at the defense shield rising outside the castle, waved their hands, and the siege vehicles set off to attack.

This siege weapon specially used to attack the shield finally came in handy.

Every impact would cause huge damage to the shield. The magic stones in the central tower were constantly consumed to make up for the loss of the shield. This was a protracted war.

Inside the city, the angry He Wenhan did not let go of the six-armed snake demon. With a move of his mental power, three terrifying knights were dispatched.

One of them moved the nightmare warhorse under his crotch and jumped onto the more than ten-meter-high city wall with a light jump. The city wall was wide enough for horses to run.

"Make way!"

He Wenhan used his mental power to convey the order, and his words rang clearly in everyone's ears.

Soon, most people and undead creatures took the initiative to move aside. Of course, there were some people who were entangled by the enemy or were so angry that they couldn't hear the words at all.


The Terror Knight would not wait any longer. The Nightmare Horse stepped on the black flames and ran wildly on the city wall.

The Terror Knight's aura of fear turned on, and the lance in his hand pointed directly at the six-armed snake demon that was still raging.

Along the way, whether it was the gnolls or the garrison that had not yet withdrawn, anyone who stood in the way of the Terror Knight's charge was smashed to pieces by the Nightmare Horse's violent charge.



A silver-ranked gnoll officer had no time to dodge. He could only hold up a shield and burst out all his fighting spirit in an attempt to defend himself.

But the impact of the Terror Knight's high-speed charge was not so easy to resist. The Terror Knight did not even use his lance.

The Nightmare Horse rushed over directly and violently. The horse was also wearing armor, and the thick armor on its head directly knocked the gnoll officer away.

The sound of bones breaking was endless. It was visible to the naked eye that the chest of the jackal officer had sunk a lot.

A large mouthful of blood gushed out of his mouth and nose, and he was obviously dead.

"The living, I will give you eternal death!"

The soul fire of the Terror Knight vibrated and made a sound. The whole person was like a heavy tank charging at high speed, unstoppable.


Evil strike!

Shadow entanglement!

The Terror Knight also possessed a spell-like ability. A group of shadow tentacles was released by him, entangled with the six-armed snake demon.

The six-armed snake demon's flexible swimming suddenly stagnated. He felt that his snake tail seemed to be entangled by hundreds of tentacles. Every twist required more strength and physical strength than before.


The high-speed charging Terror Knight had not arrived yet, and the lance had already stabbed over, and the sharp spear head was lingering with rich soul fire.

The six-armed snake demon tried hard to raise the shield in his hand,

The attack of the lance was blocked, and the collision between the lance and the shield caused a huge roar.

The demons had rough forging technology, so their weapons were not of good quality, but the rich magic resources of the abyss made them not lack of good materials.

Even if the forging technology was poor, the shield made of good materials could also prevent the Terror Knight's sprint attack.

The six-armed snake demon defended it, but the huge impact force brought by the Terror Knight's charge was not so easy to offset.

The six-armed snake demon was knocked down from the city wall by the Terror Knight. The city wall was more than ten meters high, and falling down would not affect his combat effectiveness.

But there were two Terror Knights waiting for him below. Seeing the six-armed snake demon fall down, the other two Terror Knights also started to charge.

Under the city wall, the space here is wider, which facilitates the Terror Knight's charge attack.


The six-armed snake demon was not panicked, but laughed morbidly.

Summon the demon!

The six-armed snake demon used his spell-like ability, which he could use once a day.

As the magic power surged, four silver-level sickle demons rushed out of the summoning circle.

Scythe demons are a kind of medium-sized demons in the abyss. As humanoid demons, they are about three meters tall and covered with black scales.

They have a natural sickle-shaped arm, which is extremely sharp and even better than many enchanted weapons.

The sickle demon's physical strength is also good, and it is a qualified warrior in the abyss.

The sickle demon was summoned from the magic circle, and before he could figure out the situation, he was ordered by the snake demon to rush towards the horror knight.

"Death will bless you!"

A horror knight rushed towards these demons like a hurricane, with a black shadow-like aura of fear wrapped around his body.


The sickle demon in front of him screamed in fear as if he had seen a high-level demon lord.


The Terror Knight wielded the broadsword in his hand, and with the help of the Nightmare Horse's charge, he beheaded it with one sword.

The huge head flew up, and blood gushed from the Scythe Demon's neck. The blood was still in the air, and it disintegrated into chaotic magic along with the Scythe Demon's body.

They were also projections of the Scythe Demon, projected creatures formed with the help of the magic of the spirit world.

After death, there would be no corpse left at the place where they died. Their corpses and weapons would turn into chaotic magic again, erasing the traces they left in this world.

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