Arcane Lord

Chapter 936: Fan lock update, 0 million a day

In this way, Xia Duo paid attention to the flaws indicated by the Trojan horse magic from a macro perspective, and at the same time mapped it to a micro perspective, that is, the normal magical vision obtained by focusing.

He probably guessed what Master Byron was going to do, so he confidently manipulated the magic net at will, regardless of whether it was able to form real magic.

If it is done in the normal magic net environment of the outside world, it will definitely cause countless elements, energy turbulence, or some strange magical effect, and eventually eat itself back.

But here, all the consequences are taken over by Master Byron, and even what the Master needs may be these chaotic effects!

Xia Duo noticed that whenever he triggers the fascination loophole, Master Byron will follow him closely, weaving all the energy changes caused by the string of the magic net after being bent, entangled, joined, and overlapped into a new spell. Among.

As this spell gradually took shape, Xia Duo found that the vulnerabilities of the Mishang became more and more, "Can the two of us be able to remove the Misun perfectly?"

The situation was so good that Xia Duo inevitably had some illusions, but reality quickly broke this unrealistic illusion——

From a macro perspective, the locked structure suddenly appeared, just like a sandy palace in the desert suddenly enlarged, becoming especially obvious.

And this is the first time that Xia Duo has seen a macro structure locked in the magic net panorama so clearly. Before the magic net is hidden in the magic net environment, he can only realize that there is, but not really.

Even "Trojan Horse" spells can only indicate a certain part of the flaws and loopholes, and cannot fully insight.

Although we can see the truth now, but then, the structure of the mystery lock has undergone continuous changes, and in the normal magic vision, there are also countless equivalent transformations of the strings of the magic net, which is dizzying.

When all the changes are over, the macro structure of Mizuo is recombined with the magic net environment, but in front of the changed Mizuo, the original "Trojan Horse" spell becomes dull.

And the new spell that Master Byron just wove by using the Misun loophole, in a macro perspective, was originally closely integrated with Misun, but now it is completely eliminated by Misun.

It feels like for Chateau—this mystery is alive! And also used a series of operations that he and Master Byron have just done for self-renewal iteration!

Xia Duo didn't know much about the specific technical details of Misuo, so he could only make a relatively reasonable and relatively conservative guess based on some of his existing knowledge:

"Master, was there an elf mage controlling Mishou just now?"

"No, but don't be fooled by this kind of appearance. You feel that the lock is irresistible! Although I failed to seize the permissions just now, I haven't gained anything at all!"

Afterwards, Master Byron further explained: "I can see that the mystery is arranged in a hurry. There may be countless changes like that, but the loophole itself will not disappear. As long as you try a few more times, you may be able to Discover the law of change, so as to seize more permissions for Mishou!"


Xia Duo was overjoyed. Doesn't that mean that the mystery can be solved perfectly? In that case, the whole consequence of the murlocs will only be those murlocs that have been cleaned up in a large but limited number!

At least Lake Mecht is saved.

As if seeing Xia Duo’s thoughts, Master Byron shook his head, “It’s not that simple. What I’m talking about is just the ideal situation. It’s possible that you won’t find the pattern after 100 attempts, or the pattern itself will change. To discover the laws of regular changes, this is even more complicated. Our biggest enemy at the moment is not anything else, but time!"


"Yes, it's time!"

When it comes to time, Byron can't help sighing, "It's just that the flow of time here is faster than outside. This is how I told you. If it is outside, do you know how many new murlocs will appear if we don't say a word?"

How many new murlocs? Chateau hadn't had time to think about this issue, but when he recalled the speed of the murlocs in the north and south of Lake Mecht, he could roughly estimate a number.

More than ten murlocs can swim out of Lake Mecht in one second, and then merge into the murlocs along the two rivers in the north and south.

I don’t know this. If you count it as a fright, if you count it, in one day, there will be more than one million new murlocs in the Nise River Valley!

The wave of murlocs did only appear today, but it was also squeezed all the way from Lake Mecht to Savill, and was discovered by Savill. How many murlocs exist in the middle of the river?

Xia Duo knew what Master Byron meant, and he still had to destroy the locks as soon as possible. If it wasn't for the time acceleration effect here, perhaps he would have gone out and did it a long time ago.

In addition, there is another point that Master Byron did not say clearly, but Xia Duo also understands that although there is no elf mage to control here, it may not be gone after a while.

Variables or something, in the current situation, naturally the sooner you can pinch them out, the better!


Xia Duo sighed slightly in his heart. He knew that Lake Mecht might not be kept, and he didn't know what the only non-magical passage between north and south would become in the future.

Perhaps it is possible to mobilize the southern labor force to bypass the ruins of the destroyed Lake Mecht and re-dig a section of the river, but it is hundreds of kilometers away from Saville ~ ~ personnel exchanges are no less than a new development .

The cost of this is difficult to estimate.

It seems that the consequences of magic must be filled with magic, and it is impossible to easily abandon the southern border and the city of Connefera if you want to come to the Seventon Parliament or the Seven Towers.

In addition, it is impossible to clean up all the murlocs from the south. You must know that half of the murlocs have passed to the north of Lake Mecht!

When the Sevinton parliament sends people to clean up, the murlocs flowing from the south to the south are also cleaned up. Isn't that easy!

Now that he knew the decision of Master Byron, Xia Duo started to make up the idea of ​​the Sevinton Council. Anyway, the murloc proliferation is not affected by his own family. The big guys have to work hard, so average it!

Xia Duo could already think of the scene where lords from all over the world wrangled over the issue of sharing the cost of cleaning up the murlocs at the meeting of lords after the year.

Of course, the premise is that there will be no moths in the New Year's celebration in the near future, so that he can smoothly turn to the right, so that he can sit there as a lord and wrestle with other people.

Otherwise, he might have to bear a huge debt for this!


"Master, shall we go out now?"

"Don't worry, this place will be destroyed when you go out. Then the weird water plants mentioned by the Said consultant before can not find the source!"

Anyway, here is inconsistent with the time flow of the outside world, and Byron is not worried that going out later will increase a large number of murlocs. He re-opened the Austrian fire, covering a small area, and then said to Chateau:

"follow me!"

After speaking, he swam (flyed) in one direction, and Xia Duo followed closely behind.

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