Arcane Lord

Chapter 899: Justification by faith, re-promotion

[Renren Novel Network]

Back in the study, Xia Duo woke Atwood, who was still immersed in the interaction with nature, and when he returned to the chair, he continued:

"I already know about nature's response. Now, Elder Atwood, can you tell me when will you perceive the sacred power of nature?"

Under the gaze of Xia Duo's expectant gaze, Atwood gave a wry smile: "Lord Lord, I have a hard time answering this question.

"Although I have received a natural response, I am not sure whether I can perceive the Holy Power. Maybe I can perceive it in the next moment, or I may not perceive it for the rest of my life."

Hearing this answer, Xia Duo couldn't help but frowned. This was not the answer he wanted, so he asked: "Then what do you think is worse?"

Atwood thought for a while, and replied thoughtfully: "Perhaps it's still a little ritual."


Speaking of this, Chateau immediately remembered the scene where Atwood had just knelt down and prayed in front of him. It was the ritual and norms Atwood had brought from the Golden Oak Branch, which had even turned into his instinct.

The priests of the Glory Lord naturally also have many rituals and norms. Xia Duo understands these things, but in his opinion, the functions of these rituals and norms are quite limited.

There is a saying on the earth called "justification by faith". This was originally a slogan put forward by a certain religious reform on the earth, saying that only true faith can lead to God and be redeemed, and all other external forms are not important.

Of course, Xia Duo himself did not believe in these. After all, in his concept, the kind of **** that could neither be verified nor falsified could be regarded as non-existent.

But here, the objective entity formed by the new natural idea seems to exist. Whether he is a **** or what else exists, Chateau is not sure.

But obviously, what does the external form have for such existence?

Whether it is the ritual that creates the sacred power, or the ritual assists the belief in the perception of the sacred power, Chateau is undoubtedly more inclined to the latter.

Therefore, when he heard Atwood mentioning the ceremony, he instinctively thought of opposition, but since Atwood mentioned it, Chateau did not want to be too direct, so he proposed:

"You can have rituals, but try to be as simple as possible. You can't bring in anything related to the Golden Oak Branch and elves. In addition, you should be cautious about rituals related to other gods, and it's best not to involve them."

"Yes, sir." Although Atwood was very puzzled, he agreed.

Seeing this, Xia Duo nodded in satisfaction, and canceled all the ceremonies hastily. Perhaps it was not a good thing, at least it would make Atwood who was accustomed to various rituals and norms become confused.

As for the others, the literacy education of Daxia Ling has only been conducted for less than half a year, and the continuous influx of new people has greatly reduced the literacy rate.

If you don't even know a few words, what do you talk about knowing the world? What about understanding the new concept of nature?

Xia Duo could almost guess the scene when his people listened to Atwood's new concept of nature. It is estimated that except for a few people who might understand, most of them should be at a loss.

But the same thing, as long as you say it hundreds or thousands of times, you can at least give them a relatively universal basic understanding, that is, "Nature produces all things, all things are natural"!

This has no effect on normal production, life, or study, but once they encounter elves' arguments about nature, they will instinctively develop resistance.

This is the ideological battle.

It seems invisible, but it has far-reaching influence.

As for the "natural druid" born on the basis of the new natural concept, it can only be said to be a bonus.

Of course it is good to have. If not, forbearance will pass, but the spread of new natural ideas cannot be stopped because this is an important policy against the spiritual colonization of the elves.

It's just that, without the proof of nature druids, the [New Nature Concept] is naturally a bit shorter than the [Elf Nature Theory].

The elf only had to say "My theory is the truth, because I have a druid in my house", and Chateau didn't know how to refute it.

Therefore, whether it is the spread of the new natural idea or the birth of the natural druid, Chateau attaches great importance to it.


Continuing to talk to Atwood for a while on the topic of the new concept of nature, Chateau already had the intention to send off guests, but at this moment, Atwood mentioned again a question that had been asked several times before:

"My lord, after I feel the sacred power of nature, I want to go to Sevinton to spread the new concept of nature!"

When I heard this question, Xia Duo was a little big head. Atwood had mentioned it several times before, but each time he used the other party's undetected Holy Power as an excuse and fooled it.

But now, having received a natural response and at the same time sensing the holy power has become possible, Atwood once again ignited the idea of ​​going to Seventon.

But this time, Xia Duo could no longer use the sense of holy power to let him leave and reply to him, because this time Atwood could really feel the holy power soon.

Will you let him go?

Not to mention that Xia Duo has long used Atwood as the training instructor of the new nature druids in the How could he willingly let him go in this situation!

Furthermore, the attitude of the elves must be considered. The emergence of the new nature druids means that humans have begun to get rid of the spiritual colonization of the elves. At least it also means that the profession of druids is no longer monopolized by the elves.

Will the elves remain indifferent?

It is impossible to think about it.

After thinking about it, Xia Duo put on a serious face and solemnly said: "Elder Atwood, I can understand your feelings now, and at the same time I hope to spread the idea of ​​the new natural concept to Sewenton, and even the whole of Cerel, even the elven world, but—

"A new thought, a new power, no matter how stalwart, is very fragile at the beginning of its birth, just like the seed of a big tree, only when it grows up can it resist the violent storms of the outside world.

"I don't think it's time for exposure!"

Xia Duo said it very seriously, Atwood listened to it in silence, his eyes were a little dim, in fact, he knew very well in his heart that it was unrealistic to go to Seventon in a short time, but he was not reconciled.

He thought of the disgusting eyes of the former companions of the Golden Oak Branch, and thought of the arrogant posture of the elf messenger who came to spread the message.

He wanted to show the new natural sacred power in front of those people, and then tell them-you are wrong!

After a long time, Atwood asked again, "My lord, when is the best time?"

Xia Duo knew that he had to give the other party a clearer opportunity, otherwise the people who could keep him would not keep his heart, so he said:

"Elder Atwood, as long as you can perceive the sacred power of nature, within ten years, I will definitely arrange everything so that the new concept of nature will appear on the main plane in a fair manner."

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