Arcane Lord

Chapter 865: Extreme micromanagement, magic countermeasures

Unrestricted warfare is not only conceivable by humans on earth, and even in this magical world, the possibility of unrestricted warfare appears higher than on earth.

After all, those high-level mages or great arcanists who are alive and comparable to nuclear weapons all have their own emotions, and once they are in place, anything can happen.

On the earth, they are more inclined to collective decision-making and relative rationality, especially against weapons such as nuclear weapons, or certain war behaviors that exceed the normal bottom line.

Generally, a collective will come out to make joint decisions, even if only in a formal sense.

This avoids randomness and suddenness, and actually reduces a lot of conflicts.

Of course, in this magical world, as long as the human great arcane or elven high mage as the main body of the "nuclear weapon" remains rational, there will be basically no sudden accidents.

If you really want to, Xia Duo has nothing to do. He also said to him that it was completely force majeure, and there was no way to calculate it, and there was no need to calculate it.

If he had made even the high-level wizard's response and even the countermeasures, and it was accurate and properly handled, then what would those great arcanists think?

Xia Duo didn't think about the unrealistic things at all. At this moment, he had only one goal in his eyes to keep all these more than ten wizard wizards.

As for later, if you can take away the more elven mages, you can take away a few more. There are not many opportunities to kill the elves in a fair manner.


In Mind Link, Xia Duo continuously issued new instructions based on the real-time position of each team on the battlefield.

——Mage Rodit, [Protection-2-4], the target has been updated.

——Master Dart, [Protection-2-4], the target has been updated.


Several high-level wizards who later brought a team of mid-level wizards soon began to jointly cast [Protection-2-4] in the Resonance Spell Book, an equivalent 8-level prohibition technique, specifically used to block Transmit.

In addition to the elf mage, the target covers a large area centered on them, even including Wyatt and others!

Wide...Chapter 865 Extreme Micro Manipulation, Spell Countermeasure (Page 1/4),. A report, [\\mi\\mi\\reading\\app\\\\] really good, it is worth installing, after all, there are many books, all books, and fast updates!

But this does not affect!

Almost at the moment when the restraint technique arrived, the dozen or so high-ranking mages who had been in the vicinity long ago had been held down by Xia Duo, and under Xia Duo's instructions, they independently countered the wizard wizard's spells.

Although Xia Duo didn't know much about elven magic, there was no problem trying to counteract one or two, especially in [Projection Plane·Dark Region], he had received various assassination trainings against elven wizards.

Although spell antagonism does not play a major role in training, and they are all assisted in assassinations, there are some, and it is not difficult to make various plans for the color-resistant magic version based on Xia Duo's magic skills.

This is also one of Xia Duo's participation in this joint operation of the Seven Towers, or the official official statement of "plane war". As for the shadow of the incarnation, it doesn't need to be used.

After all, when it comes to Shadow Assassins, Netheril is still quite sensitive.

At this time, even though there were only a dozen high-level mages, this was already the limit of Xia Duo's command.

Different from other teams' joint spellcasting in a big way, the most is the difficulty of information processing, and the actual command is not much different from dragging the mouse when playing games.

But these more than a dozen high-level mages were all "true performers" selected by Xia Duo based on the strength of the execution of his orders by the people before. In the game terminology, each of them needs Xia Duo's extreme micro-manipulation.

Even if you just take a step forward or observe the state of the magic net from a certain angle, you must consider it very carefully.

In particular, Xia Duo needed these more than a dozen high-level wizards to counter and interfere with the spellcasting of the wizard wizards in a discrete state, and to achieve a unified state as a whole.

It is somewhat similar to the previous forced joint cast spells, but these more than a dozen high-level wizards are indeed independent. There is no need to forcibly contract a spell source point, and the fault tolerance rate will be much higher.

But even so, this matter also occupied a large part of Xia Duo's consciousness.

This part is not suitable for subconscious processing, after all, it is a fight...Chapter 865 Extreme Micro Manipulation, Spell Countermeasures (Page 2/4), . First line.

Although there is almost no delay in the psychic link, it will definitely take time from the front line to feedback information, to his side thinking about countermeasures, and then to feedback the instructions, to the front line to execute the instructions.

The specific instructions must be conveyed by the surface consciousness. After all, the other party cannot accept the subconscious information. In order to reduce the time for the transformation of the subconscious and the surface consciousness, Xia Duo will be able to use the surface consciousness to process almost all of it.

In addition, the more than a dozen high-level wizards themselves were almost thorough in their execution, and this was barely able to keep up with the impromptu changes of the wizard wizards.

——Essers, go forward 4, cast elements 1-ΞΟΣ, 2-ΛΙΠ, 3-Ψ, 4-Π, anomalous point in the front left of the target.

——Frost, go forward 2, cast elements have been updated, target has been updated.


In this world covered by the magic net, any spellcasting, even if the arcanist relies on his own arcane fire to unfold the micro magic net, it will definitely affect the normal magic net environment outside.

And the influence is mutual, affecting the outside magic net, can also affect the casting, this is also the origin of [spell countermeasure]!

Compared with the simple and rude forceful suppression of the magic net [Dispelling Spells], [Spell Counter] is undoubtedly more is simply the art of casting spells.

Because it is not a specific spell, but a way of dealing with different spells, it reveals the caster's deep understanding of the principle of the spell, the essence of the magic net, and the superb ability to cast spells.

It is almost impossible for an ordinary wizard to use the form of "spell countermeasure" to fight against spells.

However, Xia Duo is not a general mage. Regardless of his level, at least he is also an arcanist who is proficient in magic principles. This alone is more than countless ordinary wizards.

Not to mention, there are many projection planes and even the knowledge on the earth, allowing him to have a knowledge reserve and depth of thinking far exceeding that of ordinary mages.

At this moment, under the guidance of Xia Duo, only more than a dozen high-level mages had formed a suppression of the elf mages. Of course, this was under the premise that Wyatt and others were still stubbornly resisting and a large-scale restriction technique had come.

......Chapter 865 Extreme Micro Manipulation, Spell Countermeasure (Page 3/4),. Contrary to Xia Duo's expectation, even at this time, the wizard wizards still did not consider retreating, which really made him very puzzled.

But the matter is now, as if an arrow has to be sent on the string, let alone this situation, for the time being, it is still beneficial to Chateau's side.

All he can do now is to increase his suppression.

No matter what the elves thought, or what they said, it would be empty for Xia Duo if they didn't show it. He couldn't be fearful just because these elves were hiding something.

Even if he was there in person, he wouldn't, not to mention that he was only commanding remotely now, let alone.

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