Arcane Lord

Chapter 3411: Open Secret: Land Ambition

This historical experience is wrong for any spellcaster with logical thinking. If there is no inheritance ceremony, it is impossible to master the power of tides. So how did the inheritance ceremony come about?

It is impossible that the perfect ceremony came first and then the power of tides came into being, right? It must be that the sea elf wizard mastered the power of tides first, and then created the inheritance ceremony that made it easier for other wizards to master the power of tides.

It’s just that later this inheritance ceremony was monopolized by the queen’s lineage.

There must be a large deviation in the inheritance information in the inheritance artifact, otherwise there would not be a Belluno wizard who mastered the power of tides alone for so many years.

But the inheritance information must also have a true part, otherwise it would be impossible for the successive tidal queens to master the power of tides in a short time after accepting the inheritance.

Today in Belluno, many wizards are studying the power of tides. They may not have evil thoughts about the queen, but objectively, they have formed a joint force, so that even the queen of tides dare not ban it outright.

Therefore, studying the power of tides became an almost open secret of the Belluno wizards, but the reason why it was still a secret was that the queen still kept a bottom line. Private research was allowed, but public discussion or even public display of the inherited magic weapon was absolutely not allowed.

For someone like Dali, it was normal to study the power of tides in private, but carrying the inherited magic weapon with him was no small matter.

Although there were some storage magic weapons with independent spaces in Belluno at present, most of them were substitutes like the shrinking shells used by Dali.

Without independent spaces, the inherited magic weapon could not be completely hidden. Once discovered, it would be a very serious stain. Many were severely punished, or at least they would be far away from the center of power.

The biggest difference between Belluno's high-level wizards and high-level wizards on land was that they did not have the saint form, which greatly limited the high-level wizards' performance, making the queen who mastered the power of tides have an almost overwhelming advantage.

Unless the whole world rebelled, no one could defeat the Queen of Tides in a one-on-one situation. If there were a few opponents, once the attack point was found, they would inevitably make concessions.

But even so, Dali still chose to keep this inheritance artifact that was quite disadvantageous to him. Tess could guess what he was thinking without thinking deeply.

This was of course due to the fact that Dali had betrayed the main idea, but even if there was no such incident today, if Tess found that Dali was carrying the inheritance artifact with him, she would have doubted him.

Now it is even more evident that Dali betrayed.

While Tess was explaining the role of the inheritance artifact to Shado, Ira had completed the preliminary identification of the land artifact that Ira found in the shell.

However, the identification results seemed to be unexpected. Ira was excited but forced to hold back. His eyes turned back and forth between Tess and Shado, wanting to say something but stopping.

"Okay, Ira, just say whatever you want to say. I have decided to join the Northern Alliance, and Advisor Shado is not an outsider, so go ahead!"


Although he had received the Queen's order, Ira was still a little reluctant. Of course, this was not directed at the Queen, but at the land visitors like Shado.

But an order is an order, and Shado may ask for this magic weapon at any time in the name of investigation. Ira hesitated for a while and decided to answer truthfully:

"Your Majesty, and Messenger Shado, after my inspection, I found that this magic weapon is a special domain magic weapon. Its function is to allow sea elves to adapt to the land environment, and as time goes on, this effect will become permanent."

In other words, this is a strategic magic weapon that can turn all sea elves into land walkers, which is of great significance to Belluno.

It's no wonder that Ira didn't want to say more in front of Shado and others. In fact, after Ira told her the real function of this magic weapon, Tess couldn't help but feel a little regretful. She thought of this-

The Northern Alliance might allow a marine country to join them so that they can obtain marine resources that were originally difficult to obtain, but would the Northern Alliance allow a country that spans both the sea and the land to join them?

With this magic weapon, as long as they can find a way to analyze the spells in it, it is possible to turn all the sea elves in Belluno into land walkers. At that time, the land will no longer be an untouchable area for the sea elves.

Instead, it will become a place for survival and development that can be truly fought for or even competed for!


When Ira said that the land-style magic weapon could allow the sea elves to obtain the ability of land walkers with almost zero threshold, Shado almost immediately noticed that there was a slight movement in the water element field within the Star Palace.

So he quickly said: "Queen Tess, since this magic weapon is useful to sea elves, let's give it to Belluno to keep! The biggest purpose of the Northern Alliance is to help each member country develop, not to contain them, but the premise is to join the alliance."

"Thank you for your understanding, Envoy Shado. I believe in the purpose of the alliance and look forward to Belluno becoming a member of the alliance."

In fact, Tess wanted to leave Shado and others on the seabed for a moment, but considering the current situation, Belluno can't even deal with the Illuminati, so why should it go against the Northern Alliance!

In Tess's view, the Illuminati's conspiracy to subvert the timeline is indeed difficult to solve, but the Alliance is obviously not powerless to fight back, and the appearance of Shado and others is proof of this.

Even if the Northern Alliance was not strong enough, the Illuminati would have succeeded long ago, and it would not have dragged on until now. If that was the case, perhaps Belluno would have been destroyed without knowing it!

Thinking of this, Tess became more determined to join the alliance. She did not seek any benefits, but at least she could find a strong shield to block the enemy when it came.

As for the alliance charter, principles, and purpose mentioned by Shado, she did not completely believe it. For example, Belluno was a small country that was almost in a state of uncertainty. It was reasonable that all forces in the country should unite and seek common development, but in fact there were still all kinds of bad things. If we put ourselves in others' shoes, the Northern Alliance would certainly not be as beautiful as Shado described.

But now, Belluno has entered the alliance's vision. In addition to joining, is there any other choice? It can even be said that the only choice is to actively join.

Thinking of this, Tess decided to have a private chat with Mela after this meeting to talk about the bottom of Sinaria. If possible, the two countries can cooperate and win-win on the topic of joining the alliance.

Inside the Hall of Stars

As the alliance representative, Terran's communication with Queen Tess and Consultant Ira has not yet ended, and the discussion about Dali has been inserted from time to time, while Xia Duo only occasionally pays attention to him when he is mentioned.

Yongle City is still analyzing Dali's consciousness copy. This work occupies most of his attention, and the results of the analysis are undoubtedly quite satisfactory to him.

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