Arcane Lord

Chapter 3376: Preparation for a protracted war, taking the initiative again

Of course, in the process of analyzing and processing the data of the Tear Lake Magic Network, Xia Duo occasionally had some other ideas. After all, always focusing on one thing is still a great test for one's mental strength.

From the first week, Xia Duo felt that he could still hold on. In the next month, he began to understand Dormammu, but because the data of the Tear Lake Magic Network had not been analyzed and processed, he could still endure it for the time being.

But his emotions have begun to show negative attributes of irritability, dissatisfaction, and resentment. Daphne does have to pay a lot of price for looping time, but doesn't Xia Duo have to pay any price when he is in the loop?

Thinking itself is consuming, but you can rest and sleep when you are tired, and you can use other more relaxing leisure activities to relax your body and mind.

But now, in the loop, the body is reset back to one or two seconds ago again and again, so it doesn't feel tired at all, but the mental fatigue is inevitable.

Of course, if Xia Duo is doing a time loop at home, then he can certainly rest assured and boldly do a hibernation at the consciousness level to achieve the purpose of recovery.

But now he is in the time loop created by the enemy. If he relaxes a little, he may be doomed. In this case, he wishes he could be more careful and stay alert at all times.

Not to mention, he has to conduct high-intensity thinking and analysis while being alert.

Xia Duo suddenly found that his previous prediction was not realistic. With his current state of consciousness, it would be difficult to complete the analysis of the Tear Lake Ritual within a limited number of years.

He must take rest and recovery into consideration. The actual processing and analysis progress may be extended to a point that even he himself cannot bear.

But there is no way around it.

Since the body is always in a nearly fixed state, it only needs to reduce high-intensity thinking activities to recover through the body's ability to recover consciousness.

It's nothing more than time.

At present, Xia Duo is in a time loop. Time is the most meaningless thing for him. The only negative benefit is probably the continuous entropy increase of consciousness.

Or it can also be understood as the consumption of spiritual life.

It was also because Xia Duo had not considered enough before. He wanted to compete with Daphne in endurance right away. In fact, he greatly underestimated the time Daphne could maintain the time loop, and there might be a little misjudgment.

That is, Daphne might also be in the loop. Maybe Daphne did not participate in the loop in the first two days. Since she took the initiative to ask, Daphne might have put herself in the loop.

Through such means, he could avoid the fatigue of consciousness as much as possible.

Of course, Xia Duo did not think that Daphne had no back-up plan at all. If he relaxed his vigilance, he would be the only one who would suffer.

In addition to underestimating Daphne, Xia Duo also overestimated the endurance of his own consciousness. He started to think intensively right away and was not mentally prepared for a protracted war.

Fortunately, it is not too late to realize it now. Nothing unexpected has happened in the past month. Next, he just needs to adjust himself well and be mentally prepared for a protracted war.

Whoever can hold on to the end will win.

After calming down, Xia Duo temporarily stopped the analysis work, and instead eliminated the negative emotions in his heart bit by bit through meditation. Of course, this is on the premise of ensuring basic vigilance.

When his mental state was fully restored, he made a new plan to balance work and rest. It was also during this relatively leisurely and calm thinking process that he discovered some details that he had previously overlooked -

He could actually break the cycle on his own initiative!

The key to breaking the cycle or pushing the cycle to the level of synchronization with the present world is to completely anchor the timeline of the past, so that the past cannot be changed, and history cannot be reshaped for the past.

It is also impossible to be dragged into the time loop.

The most effective way to anchor the past that Shado found was to use the power of the God's Messenger. His own power can only maintain the continuity of his consciousness in the context of the current decisive battle, but it cannot anchor the past. (It was possible before)

Receiving a reply from the God's Messenger is one of the effective ways to anchor the past, but there is an even simpler way, that is, the God's Messenger is by your side.

At present, the God's Messenger Ted is leading his subordinates to clean up the prototype of the Abyss in the Underdark, and the God's Messenger Richie also went to the Underdark after returning from Tevimansa.

The two God's Messengers are not on the surface, let alone by Shado's side.


Shado has the holy seals of two God's Messengers, and they are holy seals that have part of the essence of God's Messengers. However, before, Shado was worried that keeping the holy seals with him might cause privacy problems, so he kept the holy seals in his personal space.

That is where he can absolutely dominate, and he will only take out the holy seals when he needs them.

And the personal space has always been anchored by Shado's consciousness.

In other words, even if Daphne sets the interval of the time cycle to a level that mortals cannot perceive, as long as the continuity of Shado's consciousness cannot be changed, Shado cannot be prevented from using the personal space.

In other words, Shado can now take out the holy seals of the two God's Messengers from the personal space at any time to obtain the effect of anchoring the past, thereby breaking the current time cycle.

But Shado did not do so.

On the one hand, he knew that manipulating the timeline could not be costless. In order to gain more advantages for the alliance, he had to make full use of the opportunity to consume the power of the Illuminati.

On the other hand, the time loop was actually an opportunity. In the real world, there was not enough time for him or the alliance to analyze the Tear Lake Ritual.

But in the time loop, since Shado's consciousness could remain continuous, it was equivalent to having almost infinite time to analyze the ritual.

Of course, the infinite time here not only refers to the time that Shado needs to persist, but also the time that Daphne needs to persist. If either party cannot persist, it is not infinite.

So it is only nearly infinite in theory.

In fact, Shado now has more than a month out of thin air. After resting and making a new plan, he can fully persist until he completes the analysis of the ritual. Now it depends on Daphne!

It depends on whether the Illuminati has the ability to push himself into the abyss of destruction.

Xia Duo was looking forward to it, and by the way, he also began to plan how the alliance would counterattack after the Tear Lake Ritual was analyzed to break the cycle. Now that he was in the time loop, he had enough time to think about these things because he had to take a break.

Not only that, he even thought about whether he should put some of the research he was doing (non-practical part) into this period. After all, it was the time given by the enemy, so it would be a waste if he didn't use it.

This is of course conceivable, it depends on whether the Illuminati will give this opportunity!

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