Arcane Lord

Chapter 3358: Candela guides the magic weapon

Of course, the ability of a high-level mage to deal with external risks is far from that of a senior mage, but given the relationship between Larian and Shado, wouldn't it be safer to let Shado take care of him? It's not a big deal anyway.

But Larian didn't let Shado take care of his son. Instead, he used his favor to ask Shado to take care of Elder Devin's son. Although both were care, the consumption of favors was completely different because the objects of care were different.

Shado and Larian's son also had a relationship. Giving a certain amount of care actually didn't require any favors at all. It was just a matter of convenience.

But Candela and Shado had never even met each other before this incident, and they didn't have a deep friendship with Elder Devin. It was more of an official cooperation with Everiska.

But his cooperation with Everiska was basically a win-win situation, and Everiska even won more, which made him not need to care too much about his personal relationship with Elder Everiska.

With Larian, that was the beginning of the cooperation. If Larian hadn't been the matchmaker, perhaps --

Shado would have found other elders, not necessarily Larian, but in the process of continuous communication, the friendship was real.

So this time he agreed to the other party's request, in addition to the request from Larian, an old friend, although he was reluctant to admit it, Elder Devin was indeed one of the factors that Shado considered.

After all, Elder Devin may not be able to make things happen, but he can definitely make things bad. As long as Shado needs to deal with Everiska in the future, Elder Devin will always be there.

Then the contact with Candela was very smooth, and there were no moths, such as refusing to accept orders or disappearing directly.

Candela's attitude was quite humble, but he also repeatedly confirmed many details of the mission. After a brief explanation, Shado asked him to wait for other teammates to gather in the teleportation hall of Everiska.

Soon, Dumu had arranged everything. There were twelve elite mages in total, most of whom were from Everiska, perhaps because Dumu considered the problem of cooperation with Candela.

None of them were from Yeerlan.

For Dumu's choice, Shado couldn't say anything, but he also felt that it was a bit inappropriate. Before leaving, he called two elite mages from Yeerlan to act with Candela and others.


Tanza Peak in the north of Yeerlan.

The Ruiwen River flows eastward from the foot of the mountain. A little further east is the surface city of Askel in Danzo, where a secret base of the Moon Shadow Family is hidden.

Previously, Shado did not track the escape destination of the Moon Shadow Family when he was in Tevimansa, but how could the portal, which was so loud, not leave any traces?

Combined with Carano's memory, Shado can basically determine that the destination of the Moon Shadow Family's escape was a secret base located in Tanza Peak.

As for whether there will be further transfers, he thinks it is possible, but the Illuminati should be too busy to care about it now. If the Moon Shadow Family transfers on their own, they will most likely go to a secret base known to Carano.

Of course, it is also possible to go to a place unknown to Carano, but with such a large family, the Moon Shadow Family will not leave no trace at all.

Daphne may not be there to help cover it up this time.

"Kandela, keep the team alert and go to the location shown on the map." Xia Duo issued a command in the command network.

At the same time, he also synchronized the situation detected by Yongle City to Candra and other action personnel. Tanzan Peak is located in the north of Yeerlan, but strictly speaking, it is no longer within the territory of Yeerlan.

The Yeerlan maze does not have much impact in this area. There are only some supply points and observation stations scattered along the Ruiwen River. Xia Duo has already greeted them in advance.

In this case, of course, Xia Duo directly sent the floating city up, and there was no need to drive the floating city to Tanza Peak. In the absence of other interference, [Wide Area Exploration] was enough to cover this area.

Even if Yeerlan's ideas were not considered, it would be possible to directly use [Light of Annihilation] to wipe Tanza Peak off the map of the North.

Of course, even if Yeerlan's ideas were not considered, direct destruction was not the best option. Unless it could be proved that the wise men of the Illuminati were within the range of Tanza Peak, it would still be necessary to try to capture them alive.

And judging from the ability of Daphne to transcend the world that she had shown in Tevimansa before, Xia Duo doubted whether the Light of Annihilation could kill the other party.

No matter how efficient and fast [Light of Annihilation] was, there was still a process. It was impossible to completely turn the area on the Tanza Peak into nothingness in an instant.

In fact, the shorter the time, the greater the power required, the longer the preparation time required in advance, and the greater the impact after the attack.

In this case, unless he was 100% sure that he could kill Daphne with one strike, it would be impossible for Xia Duo to make such a big move at the border of Yeerlan.

Sending a team of mages to investigate nearby and then wait for an opportunity to act might be the only option at the moment.

After about a quarter of an hour, Candela stopped the team's march and reported to Xia Duo in the command network: "Advisor Xia Duo, we have arrived at the designated area. The front is the secret barrier you marked. The relevant information has been synchronized. Please instruct the next action."

"Take out the guiding magic weapon and provide precise strike coordinates." Xia Duo ordered calmly.

In fact, if there were enough high-level mages in Yongle City at this moment, he would not need Candela to provide accurate strike coordinates. He could obtain them through [Wide Area Detection] and then strike synchronously.

But now, he is the only one in Yongle City, and he can only control and apply [Wide Area Detection] in a very superficial way, which does not meet the requirements of accurate strikes.

This is like driving an aircraft carrier alone. Maybe he knows how to use all the functions of the aircraft carrier and can use them skillfully, but can he lock on to distant targets alone and then strike accurately?

It is basically impossible. He can't operate it at all. He still needs to cooperate with many people.

According to Xia Duo's idea, in order to effectively exert the war potential of the war spells carried by Yongle City, at least more than a hundred high-level mages are needed, and more than 500 are needed if they are fully staffed!

Unfortunately, such a requirement is estimated to be difficult to achieve in a short period of time. Generally, people are temporarily called from the Tower of Time when needed to meet a lower state of war.

If you want to maintain the full-time standby state of 500 high-level mages, I am afraid it will take a long time.

Now, even though [Wide Area Detection] was already in use, Shado still needed Candela to guide [Light of Annihilation] nearby for precise strikes.

After all, he was still thinking about capturing someone alive, rather than just using a "map cannon" to wipe out the entire Tanzan Peak.

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