Arcane Lord

Chapter 3354: Caught the Secret Goodbye Afanduo

As the source of the magic network riot, the magic network in the center of the ritual was even more dilapidated and almost incapacitated. Although the area outside the center was in chaos, magic could still exist, but the center area-

the foundation of magic was already shaky!

Maldivica could only use the limited magic network resources to try to re-control the ritual, but some key elements were missing, so he knew what to do to succeed, but he couldn't do it.

So, he could only choose to go further to promote the destruction of the ritual from the perspective of a complete outsider.

At the same time when he made this decision, a group of Alliance mages with embarrassed appearances but particularly firm eyes suddenly appeared near the golden liquid twisted into the altar in the center area.


Maldivica wanted to send a few provocative messages, but found that the magic network here could no longer support the use of the communication spell, but he still didn't want to make the Alliance mages happy.

He sublimated the saint form to the extreme, turned into a ray of light and rushed into the golden liquid in the center area that was still twisting and changing. For a moment, the magic network seemed to be restored to its original state.

But the next moment was an even more tragic destruction.

On the other side, Xia Duo could still connect to the Alliance mages on the front line, but unfortunately, three of the original sixteen mages were unfortunately hit by chaotic magic that exceeded the protection limit when they crossed the strongest area of ​​the magic network and entered the central area, and they had already gone to Afanduo one step ahead.

More than half of the remaining thirteen permanently lost the upper limit of affinity with the magic network, that is, the upper limit of spellcasting was permanently reduced, which also meant that the depth of their magic visual perception was weakened.

Fortunately, the senior mage was not affected much, and the psychic detector that he had been keeping was not affected either, which was a blessing in disguise.

Now, Xia Duo has confirmed that the environment is not a body of water, nor a physical vacuum, but a pot of elemental energy soup that is almost a big pot of stew. This may be the original form of magic, with no order, only chaos.

Xia Duo did not see the figure of the Illuminati mage who entered this area earlier. Only the feedback from the psychic detector told him that the other party was in the most central area, and the soul fire was almost extinguished.

"What a pity!"

If they could catch him alive, it would definitely deal a heavy blow to the Illuminati, but now this result is not bad. They didn't let him escape, which means that the Illuminati will lose one high-level mage in the final decisive battle.

Maybe this is the key to victory or defeat.

As for the thoughts of this high-level mage of the Illuminati, Xia Duo couldn't guess it. He just wanted to keep the secret here, but he might have miscalculated.

If the other party didn't come to the central area before, but ran away, the Alliance mage could only passively collect some ritual information when he came here, and it is very likely that he would die because of the environment here without collecting much.

But the other party did a stupid thing. He actually actively integrated into the ritual and made the ritual more thoroughly destroyed. This would accelerate the destruction of this central area, but at the same time, the speed of ritual information exposure would also be accelerated.

For individual researchers, whether it is passively collected information or information released by the accelerated exposure of information related to the disintegration of the ritual, it is an extremely large collection of information.

The difference between the two is not big, and both are almost impossible to solve mysteries.

But for the collective, especially the collective that can use the Lingsi network to collaboratively calculate and think, the latter is undoubtedly more advantageous.

This is like reverse engineering an electronic device with unknown functions on Earth.

At first, the Alliance mage's attempt was like powering up an electronic device and trying each button one by one. Later, the Illuminati mage gave up and destroyed the ritual, which was equivalent to a hammer that hit the electronic device.

Perhaps some key components were destroyed, and it was almost impossible to reproduce all its original functions, but for those who do reverse research, it was barely a help, and they could see the internal structure of the device very intuitively.

In the end, the Illuminati mage integrated into the ritual to promote further destruction of the ritual, which was equivalent to the complete disintegration of the device. Although the process was very short, if there was a reverse engineering team next to it, it would probably be too late to record it.

After all, conventional records can only record images, and the most critical electronic circuits cannot be recorded.

But in the magic world, the most basic effect of magic vision is to see the essence of magic operation, which is nothing more than the difference in depth and precision.

In other words, the existence of the Alliance mage itself is equivalent to a detector + recorder, and the recorded information can be synchronized to the mind network in real time.

The Illuminati wizard's final move actually helped the Alliance, allowing the Alliance wizard to record more information about the ceremony within a limited time.

Of course, Xia Duo still has more hope for the psychic detector. After all, the perception of individual creatures may be better than artificial detectors in terms of perception dimension.

Even through the multimodal perception fusion characteristics of individual creatures, it can show effects far beyond artificial detectors in certain specific scenarios.

For example, humans can easily identify moving objects and even the key features of their surfaces, but it is quite difficult to do so through artificial detectors.

But in the established detection field, the perception of individual creatures is far inferior to that of artificial detectors. For example, in terms of farsightedness, no matter how powerful the human eye is, it is impossible to compare with a telescope. The same is true for microscopic vision. The structure of the human eye is destined to be unable to see the microscopic.

In the magic world, the magic vision of the spellcaster can see the aura generated by the movement of the magic net string. Experienced ones can even reverse the movement state of the magic net string through the aura.

Furthermore, in a highly focused state, the spellcaster can even directly "see" the magic net string. It can be seen that magic vision also exists at different levels.

Artificial detectors can easily reach the limit of the spellcaster in a specific direction. Using multiple detectors for joint detection is enough to collect the detection depth and accuracy that individual spellcasters can hardly achieve on their own.

At present, the center of the magic net riot area, the magic net is broken, and the elements are missing. Even if the Alliance mages have not lost their ability to cast spells, they cannot perform high-precision detection with sufficient depth.

They can only rely on their own magic vision to collect external information.

In this case, how can it be compared with the psychic detectors that specialize in detection!

“Everyone, goodbye Afanduo!”

In less than two seconds after Xia Duo sent out his last thought, the remaining thirteen Alliance mages “went offline” one after another. They didn’t even have time to send out their last thought before everything came to an abrupt end.

In the command hall of the Alliance headquarters, Xia Duo sensed the direction where the thirteen Alliance mages were missing from the link, and he couldn’t help but feel a little sad, but this was not the time for emotion, so he quickly adjusted his mood and threw himself into the next action.

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