Arcane Lord

Chapter 3328 Carano, you are guilty, come with me!

Between several high tower buildings in the city of Linnaeus, in the original visual blind spot, or the blind spot of thinking that is easily overlooked, a quiet manor that seems to be independent of the outside world appeared in front of Shado.

Before obtaining the permission to Daphne's private maze, he did not expect that the Moon Shadow Family would hide here. It would be so bright and upright that anyone who passed by the high-altitude trail could see the wanted criminals on the list by glancing down.

He originally thought that the Moon Shadow Family might be hiding in the huge trunk of Linnaeus. If this is the case, it would be tricky. He would not break the trunk of Linnaeus in Tevimansa, right?

Among the more than 100 giant trees supporting Tevimansa, Shado estimated that at least one or two of them had awakened their self-awareness and became tree elders.

The original origin of elf magic may come from the tree elders who awakened their self-awareness. A group of elves living in trees learned magic through imitation.

Xia Duo had also incarnated as a tree man in the projection plane. The most commonly used sage form incarnation spell now is called [Shilin's sage form incarnation], where Schilin is the name of the tree man he incarnated.

He had personally experienced the power of the tree man elder, which was almost similar to the elf's high-level wizard entering the sage form, but even if the elf wizard did not sublimate all the time and only maintained a low liberation state, he could not maintain it for a long time.

But the tree man elder could, and the tree man elder had a more significant advantage over the elf wizard, that is, his energy was almost unlimited.

A tree man elder who had awakened his self-consciousness might not be as flexible as the elf wizard in terms of offense if he did not incarnate, but in terms of defense, a tree man elder could at least match ten high-level wizards.

It was not easy to break through the bodies of such powerful creatures to find people. Basically, once this happened, it was equivalent to the start of a full-scale war.

Of course, Shado was not sure that Linnaeus had awakened himself, but it was certain that among the more than 100 giant trees on the side of Tevimansa, there must be an awakened tree elder.

In this case, would those tree elders watch him attack his kind who were waiting to be awakened? The elves who were responsible for protection would not allow it.

Therefore, one of Shado's bottom lines in Tevimansa was not to destroy the giant tree, regardless of whether it had awakened its self-awareness. It was not that he was afraid of the tree elders. In fact, in his opinion, who carried a war spell platform with him, no matter how strong the tree elders were, they were just living targets. He made such a decision more out of the idea of ​​protecting special species.

Of course, this was also related to his incarnation as a tree man.

He knew very well that the tree elders were not the same as the elves and Yeerlan. The elves just made their homes on the tree elders and their kind. Other races could also do the same.

He refused to associate the treeman elders with the elves. The treeman elders should be a miracle belonging to the entire Northland and even the entire main plane, and should not be monopolized by the elves.

The treeman elders themselves actually don't mind changing or adding a new resident on their bodies. As long as they don't disturb their free growth, they don't care who lives on them!


Although he was not sure whether Linanies had awakened his self-awareness, Shado directly assumed that the other party was a treeman elder, and the hiding place of the Moon Shadow Family was not the tree body, which made him greatly relieved.

Next is the moment of justice.

Shado first turned invisible and quickly traveled through this independent manor that could be hidden. With the help of the Tevimansa maze authority obtained from Daphne's private maze, he was not worried about being discovered by the casters in the manor.

Because no living creature in the reason also has the Tevimansa maze authority.

In other words, this hiding place that they may be very proud of is not their home court, but Shado, an outsider, has gained the home court advantage.

After a search, Shado finally locked onto Karano, the high-ranking wizard of the Moon Shadow Family who used to appear in the outside world as tough and unwilling to endure hardships. He was also the elf who signed a sacred contract with Shado on behalf of the Moon Shadow Family.

Seeing Karano, Shado knew that this trip was not in vain. Next, as long as he caught Karano, he could dig out the real secrets of the Moon Shadow Family and the Illuminati from his consciousness.

Of course, before that, he still needed to make one last attempt.

He sent a message to Ambassador Fimae, asking him to meet King Helian immediately and inform Helian that he had tracked the Moon Shadow Family to Tevimansa.

And he himself began to take over the protective barrier here little by little in the manor where the Moon Shadow Family was hiding, which was actually the prototype of the puzzle lock by using the superior authority.

At the same time, the transformation plan was not launched. In this case, even if Karano also had the authority to own Daphne's puzzle lock, it was obviously impossible for him to continue to erode the superior authority like Shado.

Being wanted is one thing, so he dare not act too recklessly. More importantly, Carano is unlikely to have the knowledge of the puzzle lock that Shado has now, and he is powerless to erode the authority of the superior.

Almost at the same time when Shado made all the preparations, Ambassador Fimae sent a message-"I have arrived at the Crown King's court. Although I don't know why you do this, I still hope you can consider the overall situation more."

If someone else replied to him like this, then Shado would most likely reply "I am the overall situation", but the other party was Ambassador Fimae, an elder he respected, so he simply replied-

"I will, please excuse me, Ambassador."

The palace of Mian Wang.

Although Helion was very puzzled as to why Ambassador Nese asked to see him at this time. He could have refused on the grounds that the country was in a state of emergency, but after discussing with his advisers, he decided to meet with Fermae.

In the Starlight Hall, which was specially used to receive foreign ambassadors, Helion stated calmly, but before he could finish speaking, Helion stood up from the throne with a look of shock on his face and asked subconsciously:

"You said Advisor Shado tracked the Moonshadow family to Tevi Mansa? Does he have any evidence?"

At this moment, he no longer cares about whether Shado has entered the country illegally. He is more concerned about how the Moon Shadow family is in Taivi Mansa. If what Fimaai said is true, then the nature behind this matter is not simple. !

Thinking of these recent events, Helion couldn't help but feel a chill in his back even if he was in the palace at the moment.

But in response to Helion's inquiry, Fermae also gave a satisfactory answer to the other party. He repeated what Chateau asked him to say again, but added one more of his own thoughts——

"Advisor Shado tracked the Moon Shadow family to Taiwei Mansa. He just told me in a summons. I think it is necessary to report this to King Mian.

"If King Mian has doubts about this, he should handle it more carefully. After all, under the current circumstances, who dares to say that Advisor Xia Duo must be wrong?"

After hearing this, Helion was silent for a few seconds, and then said to Fermae: "I am aware of the situation you mentioned, and please tell Advisor Shado on your behalf that you must abide by the order of Taivi Mansa. If you need assistance, you can directly Contact me."

"I will."

"If there's nothing else, you can leave."

King Mian issued an order to expel the guest, and Fermae did not stay any longer, but quickly left the palace. On the way, he conveyed to Shado the entire process of meeting King Helion Mian, as well as Helion's request.

This time Xia Duo didn't reply, or not replying was a kind of reply.

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