Arcane Lord

Vol 3 Chapter 2871: The Holy Land of Fertility, Determination of Priority

the next day.

Xia Duo walked into the airport with an elf appearance. Before entering the magic ship, he was still a little uneasy. It was not until the magic ship set sail that he felt a little calmer.

After that, they flew all the way without any accidents. Almost an hour later, Shado received the news that Cyberholm had arrived.

There are two stops at Cyberholm, but Xia Duo got off the spaceship at the first stop. The security check at the airport here is obviously much stricter than at the Mercator City Airport.

First of all, when disembarking from the spaceship, there will be a fully automatic routine check to confirm whether the identity information of the passengers disembarking is consistent with the one that purchased the ticket and boarded the ship. This is an inspection performed by the Magic Ship Passenger Operation Association.

The fact that Chateau was able to use his identity as a gangster to purchase tickets and board the ship at Mercator without being discovered was enough to prove that the guild's private inspection was very loopholes, and it was naturally impossible to find anything when he got off the ship.

But before leaving the airport, there is an inspection based on the mysterious lock authority. It's just that this airport has never had a blackmail pass in the past. There is only one guard watching over the inspection process, and he doesn't even care.

Xia Duo hid behind a normal passenger and walked out of the airport openly.

Of course, this is also because he is now in a transparent state in the mystery detection. If he forged his identity, there is a high probability that he will be found out.

In this way, as long as it is not inspected in person by a high-level authority, there will be no problem.

The guard's authority in access inspection was indeed quite high, but he was so perfunctory that Xia Duo got through without even using his brain.

After walking out of the airport, Sha Duo judged the direction for a while and then walked towards Sebo Lake. There were many elves with him along the way, and he was inconspicuous among them.

Compared with the Mekato City I went to before, the frequency of mystery lock inspections here in Cyberholm is significantly higher. A large-scale scan will be carried out almost every hour to re-confirm the elves in this range. have the permissions.

Perhaps because of too much reliance on automation, or the failure to effectively combine real-time imaging with permission checks, Xia Duo walked from the airport to the edge of Sebo Lake without attracting any inquiries from the city guards.

But going one step further, it won't work. So far, Shado has been operating in tourist areas or urban public areas, while the area where Paffin is located is already considered a private area.

You must go through multiple checks before entering, and this level of disguise is not enough to sneak in.

So Xia Duo, like the elves who came here to travel, first found a hotel to stay temporarily. Cormanso's hotel may have been officially required to record suspicious targets, but after all, it has not entered the passenger information directly into the official secret lock. , and the extent of comparative inspection.

Xia Duo easily checked in using the pseudonym "Athos". The only suspicious thing about him now is that he has no partner. Cyberholm in the main plane may have many details that are inconsistent with the projection plane, but there is one thing. Same, that is—

This is a famous fertility holy land in Cormanthor and even the entire elven world. It is said that elves born here have a greater chance of having mage talents than in other places.

Therefore, after many elf couples get pregnant, they will find a way to come to Cyberholm to give birth. The specific length of time they will stay here depends on their personal financial resources. If they have the money, then everything from pregnancy to delivery will be carried out here.

And if you have less money, then you should make more accurate calculations and give birth to the child as soon as you arrive here. But generally speaking, you will stay for a month or two, and stay for a while before and after the birth.

Let your children fully absorb the blessings here and have a better chance of becoming a mage in the future.

But of course, not only pregnant couples come to such a famous fertility holy land. Many elven couples come here before deciding to have children.

In other words, many elves regard Cyberholm as a place for courtship and marriage proposals.

Shado boarded the ship from Mercator and stayed at a hotel on the edge of Sebo Lake. Most of the elves he saw along the way were accompanied by their companions. There were very few individual elves walking on the road. They were usually locals. Elf.

Except for himself, he has never seen a single outsider.

This is the only suspicious thing he left behind, but it is not enough to alert the city guards. Maybe he came from his hometown to visit his wife who is raising a baby here?

Or are you here to inspect the living environment in advance?

Or even if he is single and comes here just for the reputation of a fertility holy land? This is not impossible. Before he shows any further suspicion, the city guards will not easily stop him for inspection or questioning.

In the final analysis, tourist attractions will only create opportunities to attract more tourists, but will not find ways to drive tourists away. Not to mention that this is not only the tourism industry, but also assisted reproduction, baby care and many other industries.

If a soldier's personal behavior damages Seberholm's reputation, thereby affecting the income of related industries, then the soldier may die a hundred times without being able to atone for his sin.

So this is convenient for Xia Duo. Even if he uses a pseudonym, he can easily check in at the hotel. You must know that Comanso has a household registration system, but it is not fully popularized or even connected to other systems.

But after all, there was. The hotel could have asked Sha Duo to show his identification, but it turned out that he didn't. Sha Duo didn't think this was a trap deliberately set by Puffin for him.

Because if Puffin knew in advance, he could have set up a dragnet to capture him the moment he entered Cyberholm, without using himself as bait.

It was also because of the smooth check-in procedure at the hotel on the edge of Sebo Lake that Sha Duo was sure that the Puffin he saw in the previous prophecy ceremony was not from the past, but from the future.

If Puffin comes from the past, UU Reading will definitely not be able to be the same as in the past. Not to mention changing his usual residence, at least he will be more vigilant in the surrounding area.

As the opponent's prophet, it is not out of the ordinary to slightly interfere with Seberholm's alertness. This is not only the privilege of celebrities, but also the privilege of the strong and the superior.

As for the income from tourism, babysitting and other industries, in fact, to a large extent, it is not worth the momentary mood of the person in charge.

Inside the hotel room.

While Xia Duo was trying to steal the secret lock authority, he was thinking about the next course of action. First of all, the mystery lock authority must be obtained. Even if the authority is very low, it can be used as a trump card at critical times.

As for how to act, of course he wouldn't go straight to kill all the elves who found him on the road, then face the BOSS directly, defeat the BOSS, and kidnap the BOSS.

But this is obviously unrealistic. (End of chapter)

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