Arcane Lord

Vol 14 Chapter 2310: billions of years

However, Xia Duo speculates that there should be no such thing, because there is no need, the design principle and production process of the secret device are quite complete, and there is no need to add any additional things.

If there is a secret method for the finishing touch in the last step, Xia Duo is more inclined to think it is an encryption method, which cannot be counted as part of the normal production process.

And the problem is that the complexity of the crypter itself is enough to allow it to have a natural encryption with sufficient strength. As long as the secret of the material cannot be cracked, it doesn't make much sense to decompose the crypter into every element.

This is very similar to the technological creations on the earth, but it is even more extreme. Even if you get a product, you can only imitate its shape at most, but cannot reproduce its god. The most typical example is the engine.

If the material is not up to standard, never try to make it.

The extreme point of the secret device is that the design of almost every kind of secret device will make corresponding adjustments according to the material. Although there is a high probability that there is a more general principle and principle, subtle changes are often fatal.

This makes each kind of secret device almost a separate existence system, and it is almost as difficult as heaven to crack.

Even if one can be cracked, it can't be applied to other secret devices. Only by accumulating enough experience in making secret devices can a further principle be obtained.

In the words of the earth, this is the first-mover advantage of the industrial base, and it is difficult for latecomers to catch up.

Xia Duo, who traveled from the earth, can better understand the difficult and transcendent barriers that may be contained in it.

Even if he chose a different route of creating a fan lock from Imasca, the early accumulation of secret device production is not only the manufacturing tool itself, but also a large number of gaps in principles, experience, craftsmanship and other aspects.

It's hard to make up!

Fortunately, Xia Duo didn't mainly develop the creation magic system, he just wanted to absorb the advantages of the creation magic system into the arcane magic system.

He doesn't care how much the highest achievement in the creation magic system can be. What he really cares about is how much change the creation magic can bring to arcane magic.

As for the current secret device production, it is actually just an attempt.

Next, Xia Duo will use the means of arcane magic to complete the final step of making the secret weapon. Thanks to a lot of practice in the past few days, the materials he prepared this time are not small, enough for several experiments.

The first thing he used was the [thermal] shaping of the alchemy circle. Many materials will soften after being heated to a certain extent, and will not change their essence. This is the principle of thermal shaping.

Xia Duo has operated the alchemy circle thousands if not tens of thousands. He is extremely proficient in this step. What he is most worried about now is whether the oral inheritance is ready.

Although there are also specific descriptions of numbers and graphic correspondences, word of mouth itself is very easy to cause deviations, especially this part of the inheritance is not known how many years ago.

Even if all other aspects are fine, except for a slight deviation in the design blueprint, the follow-up experiments will actually be meaningless.

— Shaping!

Under the control of the [Mage's Hand], the two groups of creation materials automatically entered the reaction area of ​​the alchemy circle, and then Xia Duo adjusted the development of alchemy while controlling the materials.

Soon, the two materials were close to their respective melting points. Seeing this, Xia Duo immediately cast a spell to extract the part needed to make the fingerprint locker, and the rest fell back to the standby area of ​​the alchemy circle—one located on the side Angular floating field.

The part he proposed, under the precise control of the alchemy circle, quickly transformed into a specific form, and in the process, the two materials gradually merged into one.

In a short while, a fingerprint lock without a casing was completed, and then smoothly fell into the completion area of ​​the alchemy circle, which was also a floating field at the corner.

While waiting for the first fingerprint lock to cool down, Xia Duo operated the alchemy circle again to carry out—[element] shaping, which is relatively high-end.

Although the softening of many materials will not change their essence, compared to the infinite total number of materials, even a very small part of the material will change its essence when heated, which shows that [thermal] shaping is not universal.

It's just that Netheril uses the arcane magic system. Generally, most of the metals that need to be shaped are metals that only need [heat] treatment, such as mithril and fine gold, and a few gems used for encapsulation. Its essence needs to remain unchanged.

It even needs to change its essence to better encapsulate the core of the mithril component of the magic item. For this reason, it is necessary to add a special softener or something else.

[Element Shaping] is a method that Xia Duo extended from the Mithril extraction method [Element Extraction] for material processing, which can shape the material without changing its essence.

Such as trees, petals and other biological materials that cannot withstand heat treatment, or materials such as high-purity mithril that will be reduced in purity due to elemental transmutation reactions after heat treatment, and so on.

In essence, it is to stimulate it to the critical state of [element-substance]. In this state, the material will naturally lose the restraint of its shape, and then restore it to the state of matter, and prepare the "mold" in advance.

[Element Shaping] Theoretically, it is most suitable for the processing of a single type of material, but it is also effective for composite materials with a certain composition.

The necessary materials for these two types of fingerprint lockers are processed by Xia Duo himself. UU Reading does not have any blind spots, and there should be no problem with [Element Shaping] processing.

It's a pity that if you want to stimulate the matter to a critical state, you need to use at least 9th-level spells. At present, even with Mythra, it is very difficult to popularize it.

Basically, once it is used, the alchemy circle needs to be maintained again, which is the main reason why Xia Duo puts [Elemental Shaping] after [Thermal Shaping].

Compared with thermal shaping, cooling is required, and the speed of [Elemental Shaping] is much faster. A pile of plasma-like substances are directly fused together under the control of the spell, and then the shaping is completed in a flash of inspiration.

Xia Duo took the second fingerprint lock into his hand, and within a few seconds he felt that the cipher began to synchronize. When the synchronization was completed, he put his palm on the protruding surface of the fingerprint lock.

After a few seconds, I heard a "snap", and the thing split neatly into two pieces from the middle.

When it is closed, it will be automatically absorbed and integrated, and it cannot be pulled apart even if it is pulled hard. Only when the protruding surface of one side is pressed with the palm of the hand, the secret device will check the state of coherence and the state of disturbance of the internal energy flow by the palm.

If it is the same as the previous record, the two parts of the lock body will be separated again. If it is installed on a secret door or a treasure chest, it will be a fingerprint lock or palm print lock that belongs to the individual.

"Elemental shaping works! What about thermoforming?"

Xia Duo glanced at the first lock in the area where the alchemy circle was completed. That one hadn't cooled down yet, and the cooling down by casting spells might damage the lock body during the rapid cooling down process.

But the ventilation is still okay, Xia Duo randomly summoned a gust of wind to wind around the surface of the lock body, and then started the third shaping method—

Pressure shaping!

(end of this chapter)

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