Arcane Lord

Vol 13 Chapter 2161: tough attitude

"Eberk, De Park, you two are responsible for controlling [Wide Area Detection], first to discover and lock high-energy targets above level 9, and at the same time pass the information to Niya;

"Fisher, Anthony, the four of you are responsible for controlling the [Wide Area Ban], and the primary goal is to separate and ban the command targets received from Niya."

In fact, in the presence of [Light of Annihilation], Xia Duo doesn't need to arrange detailed tasks. The reason why I called Ayboke and others this time is not only because they really want to expand the results of the war, but also because they want to Let them feel the real external situation, and don't be distracted by the quiet time in the Tower of Time.

"As for Polly—"

Xia Duo didn't say it directly, but sent a message to Savile privately to ask the other party to take care of Niya when the war started. Although Floating City has its own protection system, it is not allowed to be rushed by the enemy. Quite apprehensive.

Just as he was about to continue explaining the points of attention when operating war spells, Xia Duo suddenly received a reminder from Zhinao that someone had entered the warning range of the floating city, and there was also a detection feedback about the intruder with the reminder.

If there is no accident, it should be someone from Zamdas. After all, there is such a big movement in the floating city, and it is still flying straight there. It is impossible for there to be no response.

Whether it's normal vigilance or a guilty conscience, Zaamdas sent someone here.

However, Shado didn't want to have any dialogue with Zamdas at the moment, but greeted Abeke and others, "Now you have a chance to practice your hands, during which I will let Nya give you guidance at any time, I hope you will get acquainted as soon as possible. ."

Then he signaled Niya to perform a spellcasting mind link, and he himself joined in with his intellectual brain. He could obtain some information in the mind link through Niya's transfer, which was the first time to understand the situation.

On the other side, in the direction of the floating city.

A middle-aged man in armor and a long sword on his waist looked solemnly at the sky-blue giant that was whistling in front of him with a gust of wind, and subconsciously held the hilt at his waist.

The sheathless, translucent sword body stretched slightly when exposed to the air, which seemed to reflect his uncertain mood at the moment.

"Sooner or later the arrogant Zekis will ruin this country!"

The anger in Clydiso's heart is hard to contain, but what makes him more angry and dissatisfied is not the plan of the Zeki faction itself, but the fact that he was so well prepared, but it still failed, and even led the disaster to the mainland, which he couldn't. accepted.

But looking at the behemoth in front of him that kept his psychic energy oscillating and shrinking, Clydiso still stabilized his emotions with a strong will.

At this moment, he understands in his heart that the other party is here to retaliate, and what he needs to do is not to directly confront the other party, he only needs to delay as much time as possible.

When the cyan giant came close to a certain distance that day, Claidiso adjusted his emotions again, and used the invisible psionic mimesis to send a real voice to the other party in Elvish language:

"Respected Lord Shado, I am Clediso, the blade lord of the ruling council of Zamdas. I was invited to the Northland to witness the establishment of the Northland Alliance. We met in Everiska at that time. On the one hand, does Lord Shado still have any impressions?"

At the same time, in the floating city.

Niya hesitated for a moment, and asked Shado: "Didn't you say before that you met a psionic master who Zamdas used to worship in Evereska? Is it him?"

"It's good that he is, but we didn't have the slightest friendship, and we didn't even say a word. I still can't forget the high-spirited, emotionless look in his eyes when he looked at me at that time, but now he's coming to friendship—"

Xia Duo didn't say anything after that, but Niya immediately understood Xia Duo's meaning, her eyes became sharp, and she gave instructions to Aberke and others in the spiritual link:


The information that can be conveyed through the mind link is far more than the language. Following Niya's order, the six Aberk people all acted in their respective roles.

And all of this was received by Xia Duo's intellectual brain through Niya's transfer. Xia Duo has no disagreement with Niya's arrangement. Usually, he conducts floating city operation training with Niya from time to time. Which of course also includes the command of war spells.

For a single person, let alone multiple high-level mages operating war spells together, even relying on the passive defense of the floating city is not something that the opponent can easily resist.

Of course, the premise is that the other party is a spellcaster under the normal magic system.

Now that I encounter a psionic caster, the accident is completely within Xado's expectation. In the feedback of [Wide Area Detection], [Wide Area Ban] did not have the expected restrictive effect on that psionic mage.

"Xia Duo, how should psionic magic be countered?" The first time she encountered such a situation, Niya couldn't help but panic, and kept asking Xia Duo for help in her heart.

Xia Duo indirectly sensed Niya's emotions through his intellectual brain, so he sent a message to comfort him: "Don't panic, there are indeed elements beyond normal magic, but the realization of many effects has to conform to the grand order of reality, it is impossible to let They want to play around with it at will."

Afterwards, he pointed out to Niya that through the feedback results of the [Wide-area Detection] just now, he had discovered some spell elements that were unavoidable even with psionic magic.

"Limiting the realization of these elements can limit most of the other party's teleportation spells."

In Xia Duo's view, the other party has lost the last chance without the first escape. Even if he does not impose any restrictions on the other party's teleportation and directly sweeps away the light of annihilation, as long as the timing is right, it is enough to interrupt the other party. 's transmission.

The light of annihilation is so powerful that it can be used as an extremely effective means of breaking spells. Even the space is annihilated. What spells can exist independently?

Of course, because the power of the Light of Annihilation is too great, and because of the willingness to access the Mystery Lock, the control accuracy is reduced. Under normal circumstances, Xia Duo is not very willing to use the Light of Annihilation, worried about accidentally Can't end.

After all, he himself does not have any good protection against the Light of Annihilation.

Although the Light of Annihilation is a sharp weapon, it is also a double-edged sword that needs to be used with caution.

Although Xado did not use the Light of Annihilation when dealing with the psionic mage who broke into the warning range of the floating city, the result of [Wide Area Ban] did not disappoint him under the operation of many high-level mages.

After getting the forbidden elements he suggested, the psionic mage, who was already left and right, immediately fell into a desperate situation. In the end, he only left the sentence "all this is a misunderstanding", and was completely banned and sent to the floating city prison.

(End of this chapter)

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