Arcane Lord

Chapter 2213 The Origin of Artifacts and Paradox of Psionics

Human consciousness is a complex dynamic system, but it also has characteristics that run through it, which is what Chateau calls "personality."

In the personality, a large amount of active or passive sensory information and thinking information are added to form a roughly complete consciousness.

Of course, personality, as a distinctive feature of consciousness, does not appear at the beginning, nor does it never change after it is formed. Personality is shaped by a large amount of conscious information, which in turn can have an impact on conscious information.

Mojave's chaotic consciousness may be seen as multiple personalities representing different systems mixed together. If he is given enough time, a brand new personality may be formed in the chaotic dynamics.

But that time is uncertain, and Xia Duo is not sure whether the other party will become more difficult to deal with after forming a new personality. Of course, it is best to deal with it as soon as possible.

However, due to the confusion of the other party's consciousness, the information including sensory information and the thinking information processed based on it are also very inconsistent.

The main reason is that all conscious information is not directly readable, but needs to go through the step of subconscious analysis. If it is thinking information, there will be traces to follow. Of course, the premise is that this thinking is Mojave. , rather than the projected world characters that Shado abandoned.

If you only extract sensory information, it will be troublesome. You may not be able to understand it even if you analyze it, just like using an instrument that analyzes gravitational waves cannot analyze infrared rays.

All in all, analyzing consciousness information is not an easy task. Perhaps psychic powers can be done better, but after all, Xia Duo has not mastered psychic powers now.

Fortunately, while analyzing the memory fragments of Mojave’s sixth copy of consciousness, Shado found the key information——

A memory of Mojave pondering the differences between the two schools of thought in Zhamdas.

Shado grabbed this clue and traced upwards among the large number of memory fragments that were shattered in Mojave, and soon figured out a huge network with many branches.

And under his conscious search, the main upward direction of this thread has shifted from Mojave's thinking information to sensory information (more accurate objective memory) with thinking as the key node.

From this, Shado gradually sorted out the origins of Jamdas and its two schools that had been fighting for countless years, and even the origin of psychic energy!

All of this probably dates back three thousand years to the predecessor of Zhamdas - the Das tribe or kingdom. Whether it is older is difficult to verify in Mojave's knowledge. He even thinks that Zhamdas' past History is already thought to have been modified.

In short, Mojave believes that during the Dath period, people in that area began to awaken to spiritual powers one after another. The number was very small, but it never stopped. The most famous and powerful among them was Zam, the leader of the tribe at that time.

The Kingdom of Das was established by Zamu imitating the elves, and the latter's Zamu Das was actually a continuation of the Kingdom of Das established by Zamu.

Of course, due to the rise of psychic energy, the current Jamdas and the original Kingdom of Das have long been different. The descendants of Jamdas have not been able to occupy a dominant position in the current Jamdas.

The origins of the two schools of thought, Zeqi and Anti, can be traced back to the time when Zamu was still alive. However, the two specific names of Zeqi and Anti had not yet appeared at that time. They were just the origins of ideas.

As the most powerful psychic warrior at the time, Zhamu certainly had a large number of followers under his command, one of whom would later become what the Zhamdas people called the "first-generation psychic master."

It can basically be regarded as the original founder of the Jamdas psychic magic system in the current era. So what exactly did he do?

So far, there is only one thing that can be verified - the first-generation psychic master used Zamu's head to create a spiritual artifact that allows ordinary people to awaken psychic powers!

That artifact is still preserved in the city of Naya Kolis, the capital of Zhamdas, and is admired by countless people. After the first generation of psychic masters, everyone who made a psychic artifact was called a "psionic master." ".

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Among the twelve artifacts, a very small number are made from Zam's preserved body parts, but most of them are manifestations of the progress of the psychic magic system.

Of course, artifacts are artifacts after all. In Mojave's memory, every spiritual artifact comes with its own mental world that can exist independently, which is equivalent to being created out of nothing by just thinking in reality.

This is not without cost, every spiritual master has sacrificed for this, and the twelve mental image worlds can also be regarded as the continuation of the thoughts of the twelve spiritual masters.

So we come to a classic conflict environment. Among the twelve spiritual teachers, the influence of the first generation teacher is undoubtedly the greatest. The interpretation of the first generation teacher's thoughts has formed many different branches.

If it were just ordinary psychic scholars who disagreed, it would not actually have much impact. However, the eleven subsequent spiritual teachers did not have unified thoughts. The interpretation of the thoughts of the first generation of teachers was obviously biased in two directions.

Psychic teachers cannot make mistakes. This is the root of the ideological differences between the two schools of Jamdas, and the root of the differences that are difficult to resolve.

The two political factions of Jamdas now take turns in power, changing every ten years. In other words, their domestic ideological trends and foreign attitudes also change every ten years. This seemingly balanced approach determines the tragic future of this country.

This is not only Shado's own view, but also the view of the two schools. They both believe that it is the existence of the other party that prevents Zhamdas from developing stably or conquering everything.

For thousands of years, I have been switching back and forth between war and armistice, and I have never been able to escape. However, once I start to want to stop something like war, I may not be able to decide for myself.

Therefore, for thousands of years, the wars of Zhamdas have almost never stopped, and they only shrink every ten years.

As for the origin of psychic energy, upper-level scholars in Zhamdas generally believe that as long as thoughts exist, there is a basis for the birth of psychic energy. In other words, any intelligent species may awaken psychic energy.

Of course, from the perspective of the middle and lower classes in Zhamdas, spiritual energy stems from the continuation of the thoughts of the first generation of psychic teachers (and King Zhamdas), and it is possible to awaken spiritual energy only under the light of the artifact.

This is also the main reason why on the Western Continent of the Main Plane, whether it is the north or the south, if you want to awaken your spiritual power, you have to go to Zhamdas.

The uncertainty factor of natural awakening is too high, and it may not be possible to awaken after a lifetime of busy work. However, Zhamdas' spiritual artifact has a high probability of awakening spiritual power, but the strength is different.

In Mojave's understanding, the first-generation mentor once said a saying - as big as the heart is, so is the world. The world here refers to the world of mental images, but it can also be thought of as the strength of spiritual energy.

In other words, once modern people with open minds awaken their psychic powers, they will be more powerful than the closed-minded Zhamdas.

But spiritual energy essentially originates from the soul, and things on the spiritual level are very strange. Do modern people think that everything in the world can be changed by just thinking?

Others Xia Duo didn't know, but he himself couldn't identify with a world where thoughts alone could change everything. Under such circumstances, if he obtained powerful spiritual energy, would it deny the existence of spiritual energy itself?

This is a contradiction. If his spiritual energy denies the existence of spiritual energy, then he may not be able to awaken spiritual energy in the first place.

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