Arcane Lord

Vol 2 Chapter 1569: Suppress the 3 elements of backwardness and development

If there are other options, Xia Duo doesn't necessarily have to choose the Azurite Plane.

The green field plane like the Seven Pagodas is naturally a habitable plane, which can allow ordinary people to survive without any additional transformation, and long-term residence has the effect of prolonging life.

However, the Azurite Plane is not without its advantages. On the one hand, it is a plane with inferior attributes.

On the other hand, it is because of the pure water area on the other half of the Azurite Plane, which is the floating city manufacturing factory appointed by Chardonnay. In the future, the floating city will transform the body of water in this water area.

If it is placed outside, whether it is cutting mountain peaks or transforming from the sea, the movement will not be too small. Before this kind of strategic facilities is completely formed, it is best to keep a low profile.

At present, there are two things that Shaduo cares about most. One is Iolum's finding the magic goddess to "certify" [Misera], and the other is the Northland Alliance's Treaty of Limiting Magic.

The former depends on luck, even if it is not certified or endorsed, the [Missera] device is still impossible to give up; as for the latter, there is too much room for manipulation.

For the time being, the Seven Towers has not officially recognized the Treaty of Restriction of Demons, but the wind has been released. Recently, it is the snow melting competition, and the Seventon side may first conduct a round of consultations.

Netheril is not a problem for the time being. It will definitely stand on the same front in dealing with the Northland Alliance's Treaty of Limiting Demons. The key is how to distribute the "excess share" that belongs to Netheril in the treaty.

First of all, it is certain that no matter what Comanso thinks and how hard he tries to promote, the so-called magic restriction treaty cannot completely prohibit all large-scale magic activities.

Then only an "exceeding quota" can be drawn, similar to the "carbon emission standards" negotiated by countries on the earth, but within a specific country, each company has its own shares, and even these shares can be traded with each other. .

In Netheril, the various wizard tower organizations, and even powerful individual spellcasters, are undoubtedly fighting for the share of large-scale magic activities.

How to divide it, Xia Duo is still uncertain for the time being, after all, there is still no plausibility on the Northland Alliance, and he doesn't even know what form this share exists in.

But he was sure of one thing, that is, the contention within Netheril would not be too peaceful, or it might be the beginning of civil strife.

After all, everyone was in good condition before, and now suddenly there is some magic restriction treaty. Although most mage towers are not necessarily up to the standard of "large magic activities", who would like to suddenly have an additional restriction on their heads? !

It may not be enough for "large magic events" now, but what about the future?

Thinking of this, Xia Duo couldn't help frowning. There is a private plane like him. Although it is more troublesome, it can also transfer some large-scale magic activities, but not all mage tower organizations have private planes.

Or to put it more bluntly, most mage towers don't even have a plane exploration array, so how can they find a secondary plane?

As for the demiplane, it may be available for purchase, but who can guarantee that it will not be "recovered". More importantly, the demiplane is too small and its disaster bearing capacity is too weak. An accident may cause the demiplane to be damaged. How many net worth is defeated?

"How difficult the situation is!"

Xia Duo couldn't help sighing that elven magic developed and matured tens of thousands of years ago. Although there are many lost, the system is still complete and does not require much exploration. Most of the techniques can be used as long as they are found.

The color-resistant magic is formed late, even if it is to catch up with the elven magic that is now declining, it requires huge manpower and material resources to study hard, let alone surpass it.

Large-scale magic activities are restricted, almost as much as cutting off the flourishing development of color-resistant magic.

This is like on the earth, where advanced industrial countries have partnered to restrict the development of industries in non-industrial or backward industrial countries for various reasons. Valley

The first bonus was eaten up with greasy mouths, but he refused to let the latecomers share the pie.

In fact, the current Netheril’s development, including the Seven Pagodas, is actually a bit weak except for Chardonnay.

Conservatism prevails, and it is difficult to unify internal thoughts and actions. It can only rely on individual "heavenly men" to achieve a certain stage of explosive development, and cannot form the internal driving force for long-term stable development.

Once again, the Magic Limitation Treaty, if it were not for the change of Xia Duo, it would probably be devastated.

Even if there is a "heavenly man" like Iolum, who can promote rapid development for a while, it will inevitably end with a collapse of internal friction.

In a vacuum.

While maintaining the simultaneous existence of more than ten wind element plane channels, Xia Duo was thinking about the future road while replenishing air for the aquamarine plane.

Now that 【Misera】can be practical, the industrial age is already at hand, and the new age is the most important

It is people, and there is no doubt that we will work hard to develop the population.

Whether it is to encourage childbirth or introduce migrants, in short, we must do everything possible to increase the population, and at the same time integrate and assimilate the work, UU reading or the new life movement must continue to be synchronized.

Together with the population are resources.

To maintain the operation of a complex society with a large population requires a lot of resources, involving food, clothing, housing, transportation, entertainment, and development.

In this regard, Xia Duo is not too worried for the time being. The main reason is that Da Xia Ling is still in the transition stage at this stage, and most of the people do not have much material needs.

Maybe, yes, but what he provided by the lord has exceeded the imagination of the people.

The people outside of Daxia’s collar, I’m afraid that if their minds are broken, they can’t imagine the days when there are fixed days off every week, fixed working hours every day, and days when they must be paid as long as they work.

Not to mention ordinary people, even most spellcasters, I am afraid they can't imagine what the scene of education for all looks like.

There is even a special cultural and educational department that creates poetry and drama for the leaders to meet their spiritual needs.

Compared with the almost serf-like lives of the leaders of other territories, the leaders of Daxia Ling are almost like living in paradise.

For a considerable period of time, Xia Duo does not need to invest too much in the conventional resources of the territory, and the people themselves can create everything they need.

The resources he cares about are more in the raw materials of magic items, which is related to the sustainable development of such a high-consumption "Politics-Industry-University-Research" system like [Tower of Time-Territory].

At present, the volume of [Tower of Time-Territory] is still too small to achieve a complete internal circulation, and it needs to rely on external resources for development.

But even if it can be internally looped, if you want to grow faster, it still cannot do without the help of external resources.

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