Arcane Lord

Vol 2 Chapter 1535: Fake action, harmony between man and nature

When retreating, Xia Duo paid attention to the surrounding environment and looked for a suitable casting site, while also observing the situation on Iolum's side.

The farther forward, Chardonnay's perception of the battle area between Iolum and the elves became more blurred. From the very beginning, the vision was obscured by various random spells based on elemental impact, followed by other perceptions of the five senses.

Even though the Five Senses are meaningless in this frantic magic net environment, there are too many random spells to interfere, if they encounter illusions, they might be misled.

Only the magic vision is relatively real, whether it is microscopic or macroscopic.

But until the perception of the magic net became blurred, Xia Duo knew that he could no longer retreat, and retreat would not be able to guarantee the immediacy of the spell.

He looked around, and finally his eyes stayed on a half-person-high stone burning with raging fire, but this stone was not his goal.

After removing the stone, he carefully checked the surrounding magic net environment, and then nodded in satisfaction. A stable magic phenomenon can be formed, indicating that there is a relatively stable magic net node.

Although Xia Duo can ignore the frantic magic net, if there is a better environment, it will also be a good gain for his next spell.

After launching the Olympic Fire, Xia Duo confirmed from the feedback of the Micro Magic Net that he had just guessed that this place is indeed less labor-saving than other places.

Then, he incarnates in a gas form, invisible, although this peaceful magic net environment looks very abrupt, but there is the next illusion disguise.

In fact, if it weren't for the fact that the Olympic Fire couldn't be launched when it was not for [Sending Heaven and Earth], Xia Duo would even hope to be able to send Heaven and Earth and completely turn into nothingness. This would be regarded as a real ignorance of harm.

Or, the magic net environment here is a little better, and it can calm down on its own without the help of the Austrian fire, and Xia Duo can also try to cast spells in the state of being in the world.

When everything was ready, Xia Duo deliberately created a little movement of the spell, and more and more movement, almost simulating part of the next movement of the spell.

He wanted to see if there were potential enemy cats waiting for him. Although the chances were small, they could not be prevented.

As the saying goes, "Be careful to sail the ship for ten thousand years." After a while, there is almost no resistance to the outside world, and even the perception will be greatly reduced (you must focus on the spell). If you are not careful, if you really encounter a situation, you will regret it.

Xia Duo has always admired tightness before looseness, bitterness before sweetness, and this critical moment is no exception.

After careful testing, Xia Duo didn't wait for the imaginary attack, but the situation on Iolum's side became more and more unfavorable, and the frequency of the elf's attempts to shape the lost lock became higher and higher.

This also made Xia Duo a little depressed. If the frequency is relatively stable, then he will be a lot easier when calculating the starting time of the spell.

Now, the faster frequency means that the calculation has become more complicated, and even has a certain nature of betting, which makes Xia Duo instinctively uncomfortable.

The timing of the attack cannot be chosen arbitrarily. This spell requires high concentration. Once the spell is cast, it is basically impossible for him to pay attention to what happened on Iolum. There is only one goal in his eyes, and that is to complete the spell.

What he originally wanted was to calculate the time, and it happened to be stuck at the critical moment when the opponent's formation of the mysterious lock would fail to complete the spell, and he attacked with Iolum in unison.

This will greatly reduce the possibility of the elf's resistance and even counterattack.

Now it's time to gamble!

Of course, from the moment Xia Duo decided to take a shot, the Elf was almost bound to lose. The difference was just the difference between "80-90% sure" and "90%-nine percent sure".

Try to overestimate your opponent, not yourself.

Xia Duo muttered a warning motto in his heart, and then entered a highly focused spellcasting state. However, he had not yet started to cast spells. Instead, facing the battle between Iolum and the elves, he quickly calculated the best time to start in his mind. .

"That's it! Bless the sage!"

Between the lightning and the fire, Xia Duo started a spell shaping up to 11 levels that had not been actually cast before. Starting from the surface of the magic net, the strings of the magic net were constantly combined under his will until he penetrated into the magic net. The tenth floor.

This is the end of the magic net in the conventional sense, and perhaps the end of magic in the eyes of many people, but in Xia Duo's eyes, this is just a new beginning.

A cycle from 0 to 10 is almost transformed into an 11-ring element that does not actually exist. If it is below 10, these elements with a higher level of equivalent will have a tendency to automatically transform to a higher level. Makes the caster maintain relatively low effort.

And now, all the 11 elements that didn't exist in Xia Duo needed him to maintain on his own, and he couldn't borrow the power of the magic net. This is true even if he is now using his own micro magic net to cast spells.

Perhaps this is the natural defect of the magic net itself.

If there is a certain power that can open up a new level for the magic net, it is almost no less than a feat of "opening up the world" for all casters.

Xia Duo has considered this possibility, but the magic net is not just the magic net of the main plane, this transformation may not even be possible for the magic goddess.

Not to mention he himself, he didn't even think about it, especially when the transformation of the magic net was not in line with his interests.

As the spellcasting gradually approached completion, it became more and more difficult for Xia Duo to maintain such a large and complex spell element in such a highly focused state, and distracting thoughts appeared almost irresistibly.

He subconsciously thought that if it was before the recent blood awakening, if there was no incarnation gas form to isolate the desire of the person, maybe he would not even be able to hold on to the current progress of the spell.

Or, UU Reading thought that it was so difficult to cast spells, so why not stop and wait for the support of the seven towers, and so on.

But when there are distracting thoughts, there are naturally mindful thoughts. Xia Duo's daily meditation training is not for nothing, even if distracting thoughts gradually arise, he did not interrupt the process of casting the spell.

On the contrary, in the process of fighting with distracted thoughts and righteous thoughts, the consciousness moved towards a higher level of detachment, which he had never expected before.

This feeling is a bit like [Send the World], "Heart is condensed and unraveled, and united with Wanhua", "Do nothing but do nothing". At this moment, Xia Duo suddenly found that he could simultaneously cast spells while still thinking wildly.

Of course, in this situation, cranky thinking is not the right approach. Xia Duo just used this to control distracting thoughts, and at the same time, he still has the ability to perceive the surroundings, and even the battle between Iolum and the elves.

This change makes Xia Duo's original calculation of the advance amount a bit redundant, because in this kind of spellcasting situation, he can slightly adjust the casting time to actively match the best attack time.

It's just this state, can it appear again later, if you can master it, perhaps the 12th-level spell is no longer a dream that can only stay in theory.

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