Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 992 The most loyal member is back!

Do you want to continue fighting?

Ye Lin drank the potion guzzlingly and mobilized Wuxuan's origin to restore as much magic power in his body as possible.

The other party was indeed a peerless expert of two thousand years, and the blow from Wuxuan's bow seemed to only leave some wounds on the surface of his body.

Although, the consequences were shocking enough, and the other strong men in the Tower of Despair were shocked.

If Sodros insists on fighting again, he can only have two options. One is to completely detonate the space in the Canyon of the Dead and expose everything to the turbulence of the universe.

Of course, this is a lose-lose method. Turbulence is invisible and deadly. The dimension traveling star Xiaodou gave him may make him safer.

There is also a second way, what if you can't beat them, ask the crowd to beat them.

Naiyali, the little maid in a swimsuit, is a cosmic hunk. If that doesn't work, he can also pull Mr. Luo and Lao Pi down. In short, he respects everything about each other, but he doesn't want to fall here.

The breath is long, the hair is messy, the passionate blood in the body has not yet retreated, the heart is beating vigorously, and Sodros, holding the sword silently, is like an ancient evil god.

Fight again?

It's no longer needed.

Sodros loosened his grip, and Clarice flew freely in the air on her own. He confirmed the meaning of his two thousand years of waiting, and his spirit was naturally strong and uplifting.

This battle is over.

"Wonderful! It's not so much a draw as it is an undecided outcome~"

Liang Yue was not stingy with her applause. She held a hard wicker stick under her arm, with caterpillars crawling slowly.


Shaking his head, Hwarang Dao saw a clever little bird standing on his shoulder. The little bird was coveting the delicious meal on Liang Yue's weapon~

The low whimpering coming from the depths of the canyon, and the cold and humid air pouring in from the entrance and exit. It is estimated that in just one more night, the fog will rise here again, blocking the view.

After some minor terrain repairs, the Canyon of the Dead is still the mysterious place that has been passed down by word of mouth among adventurers as a place where one can break limits and gain wealth.

Erica was shocked by the shocking battle. She waved her fist excitedly, raised her chest and raised her head, and said impatiently: "Uncle Liang Yue, let me tell you~ I have challenged the Demon Emperor of the Demon Realm before. In that battle It was also a battle where the sky was dark and the earth collapsed, but unfortunately, I was distracted in the end and was slightly inferior. I regret that I lost."

After speaking in a proud and proud tone, Erica didn't receive a response for a long time. Only then did Erica realize that Liang Yueren had slipped away and was no longer where he was.

Sodros was on the first floor of the Tower of Despair, slowly collecting his weapons, including the Terrastone lightsaber, the giant hammer made by the dwarves, and his previous weapon, the Dragon Sword, etc.

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"Ye Lin, I will go out for about two months and fight once with the brilliant and powerful people of this generation who still exist in the Arad continent. I will have no regrets in this life."

He tied the weapon with different kinds of specially made leather and slung it behind his back. He moved neatly and left immediately. Liang Yue was already waiting for him at the door.

Ye Lin nodded lightly. He had no choice but to comment on Soderos's choice.

"Okay, tell me where those strong men are. Did you understand anything about my sword?"

"My talent is dull, I only have a little..."

No wonder Sodros had the confidence to locate the person in two months. If he usually found someone in a clumsy way, he would have to travel all over the continent of Arad. If he was lucky, it might take two or three years. If he was not lucky, he would not find him in ten years.

"A little bit, if you are just a little bit, then other swordsmen will have their eyes covered with ink."

Soderos gave a rare smile. He held a piece of paper in his hand, read it carefully and wrote down the location, then moved his fingertips and crushed it into a piece of powder.

Having been in the Tower of Despair for a long time, that dull and slightly numb heart was now eager to get excited because it was about to challenge those famous and strong men.

Erica, a member of the demon world, once told him that the very powerful fourth apostle, the Conqueror Casillas's training method is to fight and challenge all opponents worthy of drawing his sword!

After two thousand years, even if it remains silent in this tower for a few more years and decades, it is estimated that it will be difficult to make a stronger breakthrough.

It's better to challenge the strong like a conqueror. Through fierce battles, you can awaken your sword soul and blood little by little, and regain the expectation and fanatical strong heart of your youth.

The sadness of parting was obviously not suitable for this legendary sword spirit. When he carried his luggage, he felt free and uninhibited.

Ye Lin stood aside silently with his hands tied. When Soderos strode past in front of him, he saw a young swordsman with black hair and a rebellious expression in a daze. He was already invincible at the age of thirty, and he was proud and arrogant. Besides, I also regret and feel lonely.


Suddenly, a huge sword with a simple appearance but powerful sword intent penetrated the alloy floor of the Tower of Despair diagonally, and fell trembling in front of Ye Lin.

Yilong Sword—choice!

"A little gift. As for Clarice, if I am unlucky in the future, Liang Yue will bring her to you."

Obviously, this is a gift for him to start his military career, and it is also a reward for the information on the location ahead.

There were no extra companions, only Liang Yue accompanied them all the way. The two of them walked along the rugged canyon road and slowly disappeared from sight.

Only the devastated environment around them told of a shocking battle that broke out half an hour ago!

After scratching his hair vigorously, Ye Lin suddenly remembered that he had thought about inviting Soderos to go to the Demon Realm before. In the blink of an eye, he accidentally forgot about it.

He had been to the Tower of Despair several times and lived there for a period of time, so he was familiar with the structure and devices inside. He was familiar with the road, so he walked to the door of the group leader Azera and knocked gently.

"Captain, your bravest and most loyal member is back!"

"Captain? Are you in there?! Not seeing you for one day is like three autumns. I have missed you for a hundred years~ Open the door quickly."

At this time, Erica, who came around another corner, pouted, patted him on the shoulder, coughed dryly, and then quickly put her hands behind her back, remaining coy and silent.

"Ah, isn't this the beautiful girl Erica, the little princess of the violent hunting team, a famous figure in the demon world~a strong person who bravely challenges the Demon Emperor!"

"Huh huh~ huh huh!"

Erica sniffed, satisfied with his sweet praise and no longer pretending to be reserved. She immediately took his forearm and asked eagerly: "I heard that you have been to the devil world. How was it? Is it the environment? Very ugly? Also, have you fought against the Demon Emperor?"

She bravely challenged the Demon King Charles Foz, which was of course a sign of great courage. If it weren't for her father's life-saving tool, she would have been almost annihilated on the spot with a slap.

She remembered this great feud clearly.

"No, the Demon King seems to be in seclusion. I heard that he got an egg that he couldn't open and is worried. But, I have a fight with Workman, the emissary of the Ka Xiu Sect."

"Then you must have won?"

"Of course! If my Silent City mechanical Torrent hadn't been repaired and it was inappropriate to launch a regional war, I would have killed him with a sword."

"Silent City? Is that the dimensional fortress of maker Luke? How did it become yours?"

"The maker has returned to his hometown. That city is empty, but it belongs to me! How about we take a look together next time?"


Erica's little head clicked. She was also looking forward to returning to the demon world, her hometown.


The mechanical door in front of him suddenly moved to one side, and Azera, who looked a little tired, had no choice but to move aside.

The Tower of Despair is the crystallization of Ancient Terra's technology. It has a doorbell and an alloy door panel. Knocking on the door with your fingers is not a fool's errand.

If he hadn't accidentally seen it through the surveillance camera, the two of them would have been chatting at the door for a while.


Entrance to Canyon of the Dead

To the west here are the Lorain Forest and the Arnofa Forest. When spring sprouts, the earth turns green, and the trees sprout branches and are dotted with green.

Due to geographical reasons, the first place on the journey was Xuzu Yuelun Mountain.

"What's wrong? You haven't moved for a long time and you're exhausted?"

Soderos stopped and looked back at Liang Yue, who had stopped moving forward for no reason. There was a small town with a strong flow of people in front of him, where he could buy a carriage for transportation.

"No, it's like this, look."

Liang Yue raised the branch in her hand, and there was a slowly crawling caterpillar on the top of the green shoots.

However, it seems that because it has left the Tower of Despair and has no special effects, the caterpillar is in an abnormal state and is working hard to spin silk and make a cocoon.

"The weather has not completely warmed up yet. Now that I have emerged from my cocoon and become a butterfly, I am afraid I will encounter misfortune."

Liang Yue put the branches on the sunny shrubs on the roadside, hiding them for a while, with a sad look in her eyes.

"But if it succeeds, maybe it will be the first butterfly around."

"You are right, Lord Sodros, let's go."

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