Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 983 Take me away!

Regarding the sudden appearance of General Ye Lin, Marianne's attitude was one-third of anger and hatred, and one-third of subtle admiration.

The hatred is that he led the team to rescue Alijie, disrupted the noble house's shocking plan to completely control the heavenly power, and even caused Grand Duke Andy to leave sadly and be deprived of his title.

The commander of Mospis, Billif, and the coast guard Hailan were killed, and the aristocratic power began to disintegrate from that time.

Marianne's crazy delusion also came to nothing.

What is admirable is that the apostle Antuun was so brave that he was brave enough to kill the enemy leader Matega and restore a precious peace and tranquility to the heaven.

There was also an invasion from another world that no one knew exactly, and the sea water that was fought over ten thousand meters was dyed red. So far, the achievements have been hidden under the sea water.

Some people who did not recognize his identity at the first time were surprised and murmured who this guy was and why someone in the prosperous Sigg family would dare to cause trouble.

Ye Lin put his hands in his pockets, with a rather casual attitude, looking at the frowning head of the Sigg family on the stage, and asked directly: "Olashe, Dr. Nairn, you brought him to Nospi Si’s?”

"Who are you? I don't know where this place is? You don't seem to be on my invitation list."

Olaxie didn't answer and asked instead. At the same time, he was full of dissatisfaction and slight anger. What kind of ghosts were coming here, and he was clinging to every little thing.

The Sigg family is currently undergoing a historic class leap. From ordinary nobles, they have risen to the sky and become well-known nobles similar to the Venn family, the Jurgen family, etc.!

Moreover, what do the guards of the Sigur family do? It is simply unreasonable that cats and dogs can break into the main hall of the family at will!

Why don't they have any professional and responsibilities literacy? They will all be fired later. From now on, the status of the family will be different and more elite people will be needed.

"I'm from the military department, Olashe, where is Dr. Nairn?"

"Which military department? Whose subordinate are you?"

Olashe frowned deeply and avoided talking to Nain, because she was in a very bad state right now, and she was in a daze and would tremble with fear at the slightest movement.

What on earth do those security guards and soldiers do for a living? They haven't come here to expel these two uninvited people for so long. Are they drunk and confused?

Although the Sigg family is not a grand and famous noble family, the size of their private army is about three hundred.

He also has a plan, which is to take advantage of the situation and expand the family's private army to a thousand people!

"I am... from the Mospis Military Department." Ye Lin showed a strange smile on his lips. Alijie had once intended to let him serve as the commander of the lawless zone, but he later declined.

"Lawless Zone? Tsk~ I thought you were from the Imperial Capital Army. Your hands are stretched long enough."

Olashe snorted loudly from his nose. A row of interview microphones was right in front of him, so this voice full of ridicule quickly spread throughout the entire hall.


Marianne and Terrassa covered their foreheads with their palms, their mouths twitching slightly, their eyes full of pity.

Is this guy so swollen that he's dizzy? Even if you make such a low-level political mistake, don't take advantage of the situation and insinuate the person in front of you.

In the past, when the "romance" of the Ardennes ended, a group of roaming gunmen with romantic justice, led by the "Sand Shadow" gunman, besieged Kallet together and helped rescue Her Royal Highness.

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Later, during the shocking battle in Antun, Mospis also worked tirelessly, rushing all the way to the aid of the Sman Industrial Base, cooperating with armies from all over the country, and made a lot of contributions.

During this period, Nospes still had no troops at all, which was in sharp contrast.

Nowadays, the contemptuous title "lawless zone" is already a very disrespectful term.

This topic can be big or small, it can be laughed off, or it can make a big fuss. Whether it is big or small depends on who is making the fuss.

And this person obviously no longer wants to be simple and kind.

Ye Lin's eyes were a little playful and he asked lightly: "Why, is there any difference between Mospis and the Imperial Army?"

Fortunately, his mind was not completely confused. Olashe, who felt that he had made a mistake, waved his hand and said: "It doesn't make any difference, but you are from Mospis. Shouldn't you inform the Mospis military department first if something happens? In private Trespassing is against military regulations! Who is your boss? Which general?"

From a procedural point of view, what he said is not wrong. There are four major military departments in heaven, and each has its own leader.

Originally Jacket of Ghent, Billif of Mospis, Pedra of Sman Base, and Jurgen of Nospis.

The nominal supreme commander of the heaven is Jackett, who retired on his own initiative and spent the rest of his life looking for his daughter.

According to the rules, the official actions of foreign soldiers must be notified to the local area first to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings and accidents.

"My boss, um... how should I put it, there doesn't seem to be one in the military department."

"What? Are you still the leader of a special team directly under the royal family? The leader of the Royal Courtyard is Ma Lin, and the Sky Eagle Organization is O'Connell. Who are you? Enough farce. If you apologize, maybe I will let you attend the banquet. "Olasie sneered, the other party's move can be punished.

"Hi~ It's the general!"

Finally, after careful identification for a long time, someone took a deep breath, looked horrified, and let out a cry.

The young and handsome man in front of him was clearly another general in the heaven.

Since Jackett retired, the Supreme Commander has been vacant, which means the military department has no boss!

Because no one has a higher military rank than him.

But according to uncertain news, didn't he venture into another world? How could he suddenly appear in Nospes?

If you belong to different military departments, you need to notify them in advance when operating across regions. However, this rule does not apply to the holders of the highest military rank in the military department.

By asking the general to inform him of his itinerary in advance, is it because he is living too comfortably, to show off the ant's courage to challenge the dragon?

"General? Which general has the rank of general... ugh..."

The rest of the words were stuck in his throat, and Olashie was like a drake being strangled by the throat. He was suffering from the suffocation, his face turned green and white, and he was stunned and did not dare to say another word.

The gentle and handsome smile on Ye Lin's face, in his eyes, was like the ferocity of a devil from hell. Little by little, his heart plummeted into the abyss.

Not to mention the small and unpopular Sigur family, even if the entire Nospes nobles and soldiers were tied together, it would not be enough for him to kill them with one sword.

For no reason, his teeth chattered. Obviously nothing happened now, but the bad premonition was like a doomsday collapse, unstoppable.

"General, we've found him."

Feiyan took Nairn, who was obviously in a bad state and was in a daze, and walked into the hall from the side door.

With the little defense power of the Sigur family, for the elite members of the Royal Courtyard, fighting skills alone can solve all troubles, leaving them vulnerable to a single blow.

Dr. Nairn was still wearing the uniform of a researcher, her hair was tied back, and her eyes were silly and blank. Suddenly she saw so many people looking directly at her. She was considered strong-willed if she didn't faint on the spot.

Ye Lin nodded lightly, then turned his eyes and said: "Olashe, you personally contacted and took away Dr. Nairn, which violated the following imperial laws. First, the Elytra of the Seven Gods is not allowed to leave Ghent without permission. , need to protect the royal family."

"Second, your private actions have disrupted the military's GW mechanical plan and GX Star plan, causing huge economic losses. The details are inconvenient to be disclosed. Someone will inform you when you go to Ghent."

"Third, you are slandering the people of Heaven. Everything is under the control of the laws of the empire. How can you say that there is no such thing as a zone?"

"Fourth, the new energy project is absolutely closed and no one knows about it, because the site is provided by me. Your previous so-called provision of resources to Dr. Nairn is pure nonsense and suspected of slander and corruption."

"Five, you dare to harm the people of Heaven, the people of Her Majesty Alijie."

A series of accusations came out of Ye Lin's mouth, which made Feiyan stunned for a while. If they were all accumulated and investigated one by one, they would have to shed their skin even if they were dead.

Not to mention that Feiyan was confused, even Naien himself was confused and couldn't turn around.

Ye Lin flicked his fingers secretly and said with a smile, "Doctor, are you coming to Nospes on your own?"

He used some small tricks to create an illusion in Nain's vision, and nearly a hundred people in the room turned into turnips and cabbages.

In this way, the problem of fear of strangers has been greatly alleviated.

Naien was trembling all over. Although she couldn't see anyone, she knew that her strict father was watching her not far away.

Reprimanding, scolding, and even yelling, Teng Tiao pulled away, and when she thought about it, she was so scared that she almost choked.

"Doctor~" Feiyan held her hand tightly and said gently but firmly: "You can't expect Mrs. Meili and the General to rescue you every time. Are you the Nospis you want to come to? "

As long as you deny it, you can solve the deep fear coming from the family.

Dr. Nairn's eyes flashed a little, as long as he tried hard to speak.


Olashe's face twitched, he slammed the table, and said angrily: "Even if you are a general, this belongs to my Shige family..."

"Shut up!"

Ye Lin waved his hand, and a spiral metal spike hovered steadily at the opponent's throat, bringing with it a deep chill. He said coldly: "Based on your greedy behavior before, according to the military system, I can kill him directly." about you."


He got into trouble because of his efforts. Olaxie was sweating coldly. Who knew that the research site was provided by the general.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that the idea that the Sigg family is helping Nairn's research is pure nonsense, but such verbal abuses are common and have become commonplace.

It’s okay for the family to get some honors, just like the speech when receiving an award, saying thank you to “family and teachers”.

But once it is investigated in detail, it is indeed a headache. Taking credit is just taking credit. Everyone knows whether there is any contribution.

The five charges Ye Lin brought up were all major or minor, including the Star Project.

Although it is a new project of the War Core Workshop, the current stage and progress are just the beginning. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a "new folder" on the computer desktop.

As for hurting the people of the empire, that was what Dr. Gina told him. Dr. Nairn had been beaten by his parents before.

Everyone looked at Nairn subconsciously. Next, if the doctor speaks good words and excuses Olashe, her father, then the Sigg family still has room for maneuver.


Olashe's lips turned white, but his eyes were fixed on Nairn's trembling body. He had accumulated power in his daughter's heart for a long time, and she would definitely not dare to say no.

He knew his daughter's character too well. She was extremely talented, but timid and afraid of other things. She was more pathetic than a mouse under the sun.

"Nairn! Come back quickly!"

A lady came from the side hall. She was wearing heavy makeup, her narrow eyes were as sharp as a falcon, and she didn't have any of the softness that a woman can have.

She was Naien's mother, and she originally appeared to use her power to make Naien stop talking casually and go back to the back obediently.

The incident of the princess injuring a soldier of an imperial noble in the courtyard is worthy of a special mention.

However, he never thought that Nain's nerves, which were on the edge of the cliff, were instantly shattered by this cry, and his emotions completely collapsed.

If the general can defeat the apostles, then he should also be able to defeat the pair of demons in his family.

Nain ran away from his parents behind him in panic, grabbed Ye Lin's arm tightly, and begged with tears in his eyes: "General, please take me away, anywhere, not in Nospes. The further away the better, I’m scared, take me away.”

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