Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 83 Everyone has changed, but you have not.

Before entering the manor, a soothing and gentle sound of the piano floated into the ears, which relaxed people's mind and eliminated the fatigue all over the body.

On a green lawn, Alice caressed Mariette, her quiet face exuding a virtuous warmth. Rice cakes were rolling under her feet, and wheatgrass was happily eating on a tablecloth. Biscuit, Mailu didn't go to the team party just now because she was at home.

But after seeing him come back, Alice's piano sound suddenly changed, from gentle to passionate, with a hint of anger.

Ye Lin twitched her lips in embarrassment. It seemed that the experience at the West Coast Magic Academy had not been erased from her memory, so she could only lean over in annoyance.

"Rotus is the king of Solaris and looks down upon all living beings. The reason why it cannot escape from the back of the giant beast is not only because its body shrinks due to direct sunlight, but also because Lord Held's magic circle blocks it."

Alice still calls Herder an honorific, the apostle who gave her life. In a sense, the other person is actually her mother.

Ye Lin sighed and smiled bitterly in a low voice: "I understand that a person as strong and intelligent as Held will of course consider Lotus and the Faroe Bay below and the boundless sea. GBL has only been founded for more than a hundred years. , are not qualified to fight against the Dark One that has existed since the beginning of the universe."

The founder of the GBL religion, Leslie Baylans, was an adventurer and a member of the Delos Empire. In 867 of the Arad calendar, he boarded the Sky Veil Behemoth. He was shocked by the ruins on the Sky Veil Behemoth's back and determined to Traveled around the world and founded the GBL religion, formerly known as "Blue Truth".

The history of GBL is not as long as imagined. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a new organization. What is long are the relics.

Fortunately, he was now taking advantage of the tricks Held had left behind, rather than directly confronting Held. Although this terrifying woman seemed to only attack the apostles, he did not believe at all that Held would not Know the existence of the great will.

"I'll go up and say goodbye." He pointed to Tana's room above.

"Tana, are you there?"

Pushing open the door, a surging magic power rushed towards her face. She frowned slightly, but she saw Tana lying quietly with her hands on her waist, her eyes closed, as if she had fallen asleep. Magic chains were wrapped around her body, and there was a faint trace. A layer of cyan light envelopes the body.

"Sister Tana is evolving. The improvement of the dragon's strength is far more complicated than that of humans." Celia leaned her head and whispered.

"You didn't go to the store today?"

Ye Lin Qinghe, what she likes most is patrolling her territory in the store and watching the customers "paying tribute" one by one.

"Pino will keep the account books. As a boss, shouldn't you be at home and the gold coins will come to you?"

With a confident look, Celia already knows the secret of being a boss. It's her own territory. She just needs time to patrol it.


He pinched Celia's little face, and then tasted her waist and fat. When her face was red and her eyes were full, she let go and let out a long sigh that made her angry: "Even if you change history, you can only change it." This alone cannot be changed."

When we first met, she was dressed plainly and elegantly, with thin arms and legs. Later, after buying too many gift bags, she became plump and full of jewels. The same is true for Celia now.

She often goes to bed when she is tired from counting money. When she wakes up, she sees the increasing amount of money in her account book, and it is another happy day.

"Are you going to embark on an adventure? Safety first, be sure to come back safely. I will always be here waiting for you."

Celia whispered softly, which made him tremble all over. His eyes were complicated and full of emotion. Such warm and touching words, but his intuition told him that it should not be over yet...

"There are ancient ruins on the back of the Sky Curtain Beast. You might be able to find some ancient treasures. These things can be sold for a lot of money by the nobles. GBL's mask is also a best-seller, and there are also the scales of the Sky Curtain Beast..."

Celia simply took out a list and asked him to collect it while he was on the Sky Curtain Beast and sell it for a big price!

He took the list, glanced at it and put it away. He suddenly raised his eyes and asked, "What color?"

"Moiré, blue, bow..."

After he was satisfied with getting the answer he wanted, he touched Celia's head again. After going downstairs, he sincerely asked Alice, "I'm sorry to trouble you during this time."

I always feel uneasy when there is no strong person in the family. Now Alice is a good candidate. Tana said that Alice is stronger than her.

"Do me a favor and get the tears of the Sky Curtain Beast." Alice put down Mariette with a serious expression.

"Tears...I'll try my best."

Ye Lin's expression also changed slightly, not because he was shocked by the difficulty of the task, but because the material, Tears of the Heavenly Curtain Beast, was once involved in a weird thing, an incident involving the goddess of beauty, Venus.


"You mean, the super-ancient ruins Ophelia mentioned are all fake?"

On the carriage, Hiatt was stroking the Hidden Dragon Sword with his palm, telling him to cut off his hand if he dared to sneak it out from behind. Everyone in the team was listening to his story attentively.

"I'm not sure, but one thing is certain. The Temple of Venus on the giant beast is real. By the way, have you heard the story of Rommel, the first hero of the dark elves?"

"I read a little bit in the books within the order." Yuena recalled the almost desperate story and couldn't help but feel sad for Rommel.

"Boss, I haven't heard of it!"

Mo Mei played the role of a fan girl at the right time, raising her hand to express that she didn't know and was very interested.

"Ahem, well, this has to be traced back to the branches of elves and dark elves..."

Ye Lin gave Mo Mei an approving look, well done!

The goddess of beauty Venus fell in love with a handsome human youth, but the human youth fell in love with an elf girl.

The tyrant "Augustus", the king of the dwarves at the time, reported this to Venus in exchange for the location of a gold mine. Venus was furious and cursed some of the beautiful elves, making their skin black and beginning to become unfit for the earth. Life.

Rommel was also one of them. He had killed the swamp dragon and was very powerful. He agreed to complete seven tasks for Venus in exchange for lifting the curse.

Go to the Soul Moon Spring to retrieve the spring water, retrieve the golden scorpion poison, capture the blue spirit wolf, go to the gold mine to retrieve the sulfur cloud ore, assassinate the green giant elephant, go to ancient times to retrieve the non-burning sesame oil, and...get the sky The tears of the curtain beast.

"Rommel completed the mission, but Venus did not keep her promise. Later, he died of his injuries. Venus built a Hero's Tomb for him."

After Yuena finished speaking, she wiped the crystal from the corners of her eyes. She could imagine the despair Rommel felt when he went to see Venus with great expectations, but was betrayed by the goddess.

"Is this Venus a bitch and building an arch?"

Siatt looked disdainful. In her opinion, since there was no intention to lift the curse on the dark elves from the beginning, why bother playing with the hero Rommel? The most annoying thing is that they also built a hero's grave for Rommel. This is not clear. I don’t want to let go of the corpse, is it a mockery on the grave?

"There is a saying that one of Rommel's materials was that the tears of the Sky Veil Beast were secretly replaced, so the mission failed. But in summary, Venus is more vicious."

Ye Lin's eyes couldn't help but be worried. If Rommel's failure was really caused by tears, those Yashas who believed in the goddess on the giant beast of the sky couldn't explain it clearly.

It is quite ironic to believe in the beauty of Venus and then be turned into an ugly Yaksha.

At the West Coast Magic Academy, in Shalan's office, he met Ophelia, a red-haired twin-tailed girl, a girl who was dressed in a rustic style and wrapped in a gray robe, but was extremely strong. However, Ophelia's face was full of frustration at this time.

"We tried our best, but the temptation of ancient ruins was too great. Many adventurers didn't even understand what an apostle was and thought it was a big octopus."

Shallan smiled bitterly. Even she herself actually learned the apostle's news from Alice.

"I repeated to them many times the danger of Lotus, but they didn't listen..."

Ophelia murmured, distressed and depressed.

"Understood, give me the route map of the Heavenly Curtain Behemoth. We have interference transmitters that can block Lotus's mental control. The winning rate is extremely high!"

Ye Lin gestured to what was on his wrist.

"Is there anything extra? I'll go with you. The GBL religion's holy book does record the method of making interference transmitters. Only those who have interference transmitters can defeat Lotus!"

Sure enough, Ye Lin showed his hand to Siatt and the others. The method of making the "interference transmitter" was not only owned by Alice, but also in GBL's prophecy book. So whose handiwork was the ancient ruins on the back of the Sky Curtain Beast? Don't make too many guesses.

ps: (After the end of the Sky Curtain Monster, whose ticket do you want to buy? Quietly: jpg)

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