Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 830 Energy Revolution

"New energy? Then, let me take a look at it for Lindsay and learn from it."

Following the excuse he gave, he got off the stage and reached out to grab the memory card at a speed comparable to You Yu's supersonic strike at his peak.

He grasped the gift from the Machine King again, looked at it happily for a moment, and then carefully placed it in the inner pocket of the researcher's coat.

She still remembered Lin teasing the night before that the value of ten Terminator Bolts was far less than that of Gina Theodore.

The power of science and technology always emphasizes being mastered.

But now she is completely self-aware, and I am afraid that ten Gina Theodore combined may not be able to compare with this little black box that does not look very impressive in her pocket.

A ray of grace from the Mechanical King is an inexhaustible brilliance to "mortals"!

The most important thing is that if there really is a "new energy" solution that Ye Lin mentioned, which can perfectly replace the Siman Industrial Base, its value will definitely be immeasurable, and it can shock the entire empire and set off huge waves.

The academic status of the discoverer skyrocketed, rivaling or even surpassing that of the mechanical head of state, Mercer Coolio.

Regarding how to solve the problem of new energy, in fact, it is not only a headache for the two experts Lindsay and Nairn, but also a shackle for the development of the entire empire.

In the very distant dark ages when Bakar ruled, "Jane", one of the Seven Mechanical Gods of War, was an outstanding representative of mechanics and electricity.

The energy used to drive Gaibojia and its matching weapon, the ancient particle cannon, was once a big problem.

The main researchers to solve this problem are Jenny, and Hayid as an assistant.

In particular, she accidentally heard from the chief maid Ma Lin that there was a very ancient spaceship under the palace, which was said to be a tool for communication with the mysterious world.

It was named "Beelashel" by His Majesty the Emperor himself, but currently it cannot be driven due to lack of supporting energy and can only gather dust.

And because of caution, no one of the Seven Gods dares to analyze and dissect Birahiel yet.

It is absolutely certain that whoever can truly find a new energy source that can be safely used will directly surpass the status of the Seven Gods' Elytra, and can easily stand alongside the Mechanical Head of State.

In the future, no matter how the history of the heaven goes, even if the empire is destroyed, as long as scientific and technological civilization remains, the name of the discoverer will always be glorious, leaving a rich and immortal chapter.

The hand that closed the computer was trembling. Gina couldn't explain how she felt in her heart. Suddenly she felt like she was carrying a huge sum of money picked up on the road, and her knees were shaking under the pressure.

There are surprises, excitement, and fear.

She had never thought, not even in her dreams, that the great discoverer of a milestone would one day fall on her head.

"I guess, new energy, you are actually joking, right? Hahahaha, I just thought how is it possible?"

Her smile was a little unnatural, and the corners of her mouth twitched. For a moment, she really hoped that Ye Lin was lying to her and just teasing her.

The shackles of heaven that have troubled the world for hundreds of years, and countless scientists have worked hard to find, but they are suddenly solved by others?

Although she was not an expert in energy, she was deeply affected by what she heard and saw in the general environment.

It's not because she has any pride, but because Ye Lin gave her the information, once she solves the shackles of new energy, she will immediately become the next "mechanical head of state".

Her name will be pushed to the top of the empire. Of course, along with fame and glory, there will naturally be a series of additional events. She herself is not too keen on fame, but she will not refuse it.

"You're really not kidding."

Ye Lin still shrugged indifferently, and then briefly explained the characteristics of the black nightmare.

The doctor, who had been holding on to luck just now, immediately became stiff and stunned.

From passively accepting light to actively capturing light, a great idea!

Although it is just a conceptual problem of active and passive, the difficulty has increased hundreds of times.

The technological revolution, in a sense, is an energy revolution.

Only with matching energy can the development of emerging machinery be supplied.

She also understood that this was just a bit of fluorescence given by the Machine King, and it was more likely a small amount of compensation made under the threat of Ye Lin, to compensate the Seventh Empire invaded by Kallet due to the influence of the black nightmare.

But for the heavenly world, it is a surprising joy to be greeted by rain after a long drought.

The contradictions in the lawless zone are originally the accumulation of political imbalances, and the creator is just an introduction that happened to appear.

She even vaguely felt that the compensation was a bit too much and she couldn't bear it.

After the doctor came to his senses, he carefully took out the small box and looked at it carefully. His eyes were bright. She had never been so surprised when she created Terminator Bolt.

What she holds in her hands may be the future of the Seventh Reich.

"To be honest, because it's so expensive, I seem a little afraid of the huge changes in the future."

She originally just wanted to peek at the tip of the iceberg of the Mechanical King's power to satisfy her curiosity. She never thought that it might also set off an energy revolution.

There are powerful talents such as the Mechanical Head of State and the Seven Mechanical Gods of War. Although she does not care about similar reputations, she has always regarded them as idols and used them as her ideals to embark on the path of a mechanic.

But now she suddenly has a huge opportunity. As long as she can use science to restrain the side effects of the black nightmare, she can immediately rival or even surpass her idol.

There is still a sense of unreality in the clouds and fog.

Seeing the doctor's cheeks turning red and his lips trembling slightly, he had no choice but to pour some cold water on him first: "Don't be too happy. There is still a problem that has not been solved. Maybe you need help."

Although he was also familiar with Melvin, another genius, that guy was lazy and lazy. He once wanted to give the position of the Seven Gods' Elytra to Mia.

In addition to being interested in new technologies, Melvin is not very interested in energy.

Of course, if the opponent was thrown into the Silent City left by the maker, Melvin would definitely be ecstatic, and might stay up all night studying, leading to an unexpected sudden death.

Due to this extremely possible factor, Ye Lin had been deliberately preventing Melvin from intervening.

However, the news about Silent City cannot be hidden. That guy will definitely complain about him behind his back and try his best to come to the foreign island to find Silent City.

But it doesn't matter, the location of Silent City has long been changed, and the wait is destined to be in vain.

"You're right, I'm not an energy expert. How about you give it to Lindsay or Nairn?"

In fact, she is not the kind of hesitant character, but the matter is really important, and she feels scared even holding it in her arms, like holding a quantum bomb.

Moreover, with milestone-like brilliant results, great new energy research can be achieved by just overcoming one difficult problem. Even a doctor can give in and give way, with a sincere tone, without any thoughts of personal fame and fortune.

He shook his head to indicate why so many extra operations were needed. His head was probably so excited that he said quite speechlessly: "You guys can set up a research group together and just cooperate."


Gina choked, her cheeks suddenly turned red, and she was a little embarrassed. She only thought about being able to compete with her idols, and subconsciously understood this precious information as the work of one person.

Whether it is one person or three people who develop new energy sources, it will not affect the reputation they deserve.

Moreover, if we can get two people to work together, we can share the risks and speed up the progress.

If the halo of honor rests entirely on one person, the feeling of being watched and expected is too heavy, and the tragedy of the mechanical head of state will be repeated.

The uneasy mood was suppressed a little, the doctor's eyes were lost in thought, he sighed softly, put a strand of loose hair behind his ear, and said seriously and respectfully: "Let me say thank you first, the Seventh Empire is made possible by you. Glory."

"It doesn't matter,"

The doctor, who was in a better mood, smiled and gently shook the small box in his hand, teasing and teasing: "The eldest daughter of the Rosen family is of a very young age. She has outstanding appearance, is knowledgeable, and has an endless stream of followers. You have your own identity." Outstanding, if you give this to her, maybe she will be favored by the Rosen family?"

His expression became slightly weird, and Ye Lin seemed to reply calmly without thinking: "I am a believer in justice. The eldest lady, well, she is calm and calm, and she is very relieved."

The information will be handed over to three people for joint research. This is a great opportunity for them and the family behind it, which is rare for generations.

It’s not an exaggeration to sacrifice your family’s wealth and give everything for it, it’s definitely worth it.

The Rosen family is a noble, advocating closeness to nature and studying academics, but they are not completely aloof. No one can refuse this revolution!

The doctor is suddenly exaggerating about the lady. This is an obvious comparison trap. If you give the information to three people, who is more important? He will not be easily fooled.

As for Miss Nairn who stuttered, the doctor simply ignored her. The girl was afraid that her face would turn red or even faint when she spoke to more than one stranger.

First she rewarded him with a knee pillow, and then Gina raised her left arm a little higher to support his head, like she was holding a newborn child. Under the heavy pressure, her breathing was almost choked, but it smelled delicious~

She is a cutting-edge woman who is mature in age, figure and thought. Compared to Feiyan's shy little white flower, she is a rose in full bloom, wanton and fiery, and knows how to give full play to all her own advantages.

Her fingers were very slender, like a pair of hands used to play the piano, rather than a mechanic who occasionally carried a wrench to repair equipment. She gently slid against his cheek to soothe a sleeping baby.

Forgot to mention, the concept of Heavenly Forbidden refers to the technological civilization invading Arad from top to bottom after the demon world left the planet Arad.

Countries use technological weapons to fight each other, and in the end everything will be peaceful.

The Celestial Realm was less affected. The Celestial Realm Federation decided to ban communication with Arad, cut off all roads similar to Sky City, and then used technology to block various areas of Arad.

For example, Belmare and Delos, Xuzu, were completely separated from each other and put up high walls.

The consequence of this is that the development of civilization in each region is completely different, with great differences, from primitive to technological, such as the Lawless Zone and Ghent.

The world view of this parallel world is relatively close to that of console games.

The new energy source of the heaven has been discovered in the game, which is the cordierite energy extracted from the things that drive Birahiel and Elros.

In addition, I think the inspiration for the sealed sun on the planet Hebron may come from the "Dyson Sphere", a true second-level civilization.

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