Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 783: The powerful are always humans! (lengthened)

The smelly sea breeze and the cold winter weather made the team members temporarily living on the black volcano feel a little uncomfortable.

However, they knew very well that the main reason was the Steel Silent City suspended in the thick black clouds, which brought an indescribable heavy pressure. If there was sadness in the heart, it would be difficult to relax.

Of course there are a few unique exceptions...

Sophie was holding a large tray with fried chicken legs piled up like a hill, as well as salt and pepper, chili powder and various dipping sauces. Her fingers and the corners of her mouth were all brightly stained with oil.

She felt very happy, as long as she had meat to eat, it didn't matter where she went.

Besides, the Dragon Clan was known to be restless, so she wished she could come down quickly and fight.

He threw a bone a hundred meters into the sea and burped. He had already eaten two large trays, and his stomach was barely full.

"Open your mouth!"

He ordered Astra to open his mouth and poured in all the remaining meat. He also tapped the tray on his teeth to shake off some grease residue.

"You should also eat some vegetables to improve your meal balance." Handing over a tissue to wipe his mouth, Ye Lin shook his head a little helplessly. Fortunately, the meat Sophie ate grew in the right place.

The figure is slightly plump, the legs are beautiful and round, except for the justice and fat, the rest are neither fat nor thin, just right.

"I drink juice every day!"

In Sophie's concept, fruits and vegetables are both plants and are equated. She rarely eats vegetarian food, but is often "threatened" by Tana to eat a little, so drinking juice is equal to eating vegetables.

Lying back, lying on her back on the warm volcanic rocks of the black volcano, Sophie, who had a full stomach, felt comfortable and leisurely, and slowly narrowed her eyes, feeling a little like dozing off.

Mailu happened to be passing by carrying a piece of cake. After eating, she followed her sister's example and lay down quietly, watching the clouds in the sky.

Mailu blinked and muttered: "Sophie, do you think Ys is in the demon world?"

"Who knows, the form of this world was found by the two of us. She is busy fighting, so she may not come."

"Don't she want to meet us? We are obviously sisters."

"When we meet, we can't eat them as meat."

Ye Lin, who was sitting with his knees bent, seemed to be facing the sea, staring at the sparkling water intently, studying the mystery of the waves, but his eyes couldn't help but glance to the right.

Because Anton's back was always warm, they basically didn't wear any thick clothes, especially Sophie, who was of dragon blood, only had long-sleeved clothes and a single jacket.

After eating, Sophie and Mailu lie side by side, just like the waves surging, one wave is not flat, and the other is rising~,

"Boss, the doctor said there's an emergency!" Mo Mei shouted from afar, as if there was an emergency.

He responded and immediately stood up after looking away. Sophie, who had just been lying down for a while, also stood up.

She still remembered that the alien clan, a vassal of the dragon clan, was not in a very friendly situation in the demon world, and their living environment was precarious.

This revenge must be avenged!

An unusual situation was discovered, and Dr. Gina, who had been familiar with them for a long time, was also here. The reason she told Alijie was to support the team and provide technical support from the war core workshop.

In fact, it is an escape from the "high consumption" of the imperial capital of Ghent...

Alijie has not yet had time to approve the policies on increasing the salary of the Seven Gods Elytra and relaxing restrictions on movement areas.

Although Gina's status and ability are extremely outstanding, she is not a fairy who can't eat the fireworks of the world. She has a relatively strong purchasing power, which means that she doesn't have a rigorous plan to spend money like making robots. She is the same as the Third Princess. Humanoid, lavish.

"The Celestial Satellite detected an energy reaction like a nuclear explosion in Mospis, and..."

She clicked a few more times on the computer and played the satellite video to the team, causing a burst of surprise.

At least one tenth of the desert area in the Lawless Zone is shrouded in ink-like darkness.

The news has not been conveyed to all the people of the Seventh Empire for the time being. She intuitively senses that this sudden change may have something to do with the Silent City.

"It should be, Anubis..." Ye Lin whispered softly, and immediately guessed the general idea, frowning and asked: "There is no new energy explosion yet? Luke's guardian is a pair of light and darkness, two exist."

"No, the satellite didn't detect it."

Gina frowned and re-scanned, although the place where Anubis appeared was a desert area with few people living in it.

However, in the face of this sudden intruder who is obviously not friendly, it is better to deal with it as soon as possible so as not to worry the people.

"How about I go to the Impossible Zone to solve it?" Siatt cast an inquiring look, and a wisp of fighting spirit arose.

The foreign island needs people and he can't leave. Now depending on the situation, he has to quickly send people to the lawless zone to deal with the sudden appearance of Dark Anubis.

Rewardin's mysterious power may not be inferior to that of Anubis, who suffered a space disaster.

The original apostle Di Ruiji was cut into layers and his strength was greatly reduced.

"Well, you should come with Sophie and Obes. Be careful. As for the other Horus, if I guess correctly, it should be..."

He stared at his feet, meaning the continent of Arad.

Since Anubis suddenly appeared in the lawless zone of the heaven unexpectedly, the other corresponding Guardian of Light may also have a similar phenomenon.

If it is not in the heaven, then there is a high probability that it is in the Arad continent.

Fortunately, Arad's country was already on high alert before. The arrival of Horus was unavoidable, but there would be strong people who immediately launched a sniper attack to curb the spread of the disaster.

"Then let's go, give us at most an hour to crush that guy." Sophie was fierce, and the war-hungry hidden in the dragon's blood slowly came to the fore.


The Astra Dragon, which had returned to its normal size, was so majestic that it could cover the sky and the sun. When it flapped its wings, it stirred up strong winds and carried the three of them straight to the lawless zone.

Astra, in full flight, was not much slower than Kelly's spaceship.

"Doctor, please stay here for the time being. I'm worried that there will be destructive power, and I will try to cast stones to ask for directions."

He has been keenly aware of a hint of strangeness, and special changes have taken place in the Silent City.

Since they are not sure what form the attack from the demon world will take, it is best for Dr. Ji'an and Feiyan to hide in Anton's body first and then act on their own.

In front of him is a spacious subcutaneous space that is a hundred meters long and more than ten meters wide, and he can jump around without touching his head. It is not only filled with supplies, but also various strange ores, as well as nearly a hundred brand-new "sword embryos" "!

"Sword embryo", these days, he learned from Sodros's thoughts and behavior to temper the weapon.

There is not much difference in appearance, but there are many differences in materials, such as magic stone, mind energy ore, super alloy...

All the swords were collected and taken away by him to prepare for the battle.

Gina was a little surprised when she saw this. She didn't seem to understand why he brought so many weapons, and the quality seemed to be average. She knew Ye Lin had better weapons.

Feng Ying, who was leaning on the side with a sword, seemed to have some understanding, shook his head and chuckled: "Return to nature, the powerful is always a human being, a too good weapon, but a shackles in cultivation."

Seeing that Gina still looked confused, she realized that the other person was a mechanical spirit, a high-level talent in science and technology, not a swordsman practitioner, so she explained:

"After reaching a certain level, everything becomes a magic weapon. We have a magic sword in Arad called Liang Yue. A branch can easily break steel."

In her clean and white palm, a sharp sword intent burst out from her inner strength, condensing into a dark yellow light blade, and her whole temperament became confident and radiant:

"Even if my weapon is broken in the war in the future, I can still use the sword of inner strength to cut off the moonlight! Just like you, doctor, your value is one hundred Terminator Bolts. Not as good as Ding Dian.”

Ye Lin nodded in agreement, then stretched out his hand to weigh the long sword. Although it was just a simple piece of hundred-forged steel, it was made by hammering it with hammer after hammer, so it was very easy to swing.

The blade of the sword has a cold glow, like the rippling autumn air.

It was obviously just a very ordinary material, but when he held it in his hand, it seemed to undergo a rather surprising change.

"A true strong man cannot be created by relying on good equipment. Being strong is the eternal truth. For example, I used to melt Guyu's weapon to make fun of her, but now that vegetable parrot's hand knife is stronger than a real knife. Sharp."

Ye Lin held a sword in his hand and looked indifferent, as if he was some kind of master, and his casual words could convey the true meaning of heaven and earth.

"I suspect you are looking down on Tianjie Technology." Gina complained casually, and she probably understood something.

Terminator Bolt is very strong, one of the pinnacle works of mechanics, but its birth, its attack program, everything depends on the "person" who makes it.

Bolt can be destroyed and re-created. If "himself" dies, the technology may be shackles.

It was she, Gina Theodore, who created the devastating "Terminator Bolt" through knowledge, not Bolt who created her knowledge!

Taking off her glasses and rubbing her temples, Gina looked distressed: "Oh, your words are exactly the same as that man's tone."

The man she was referring to was the missing former Elytra of the Seven Gods, a descendant of the Seven Mechanical War Gods on the same level as Mrs. Mellie, Lindsay's half-master, the Mechanical Head of State Mercer Coolio.

Coolio felt that the heavens could not control his mechanical power, so he burned many documents and left a sentence: "It is not scary to be dependent on others. The most terrifying thing is...the fear of one's own ignorance."

What was later widely circulated by mechanics was an easy-to-understand translation, which is "If advanced technology cannot be mastered by others, it is just a pile of cold data."

In other words, Coolio's thinking is the same as Ye Lin's now. People-oriented and strong oneself are the truth.

exotic island

Ye Lin was very satisfied with the weapon he made. It didn't use the fifth element, it was just hammered and tempered bit by bit, and turned into steel over a hundred times!

He began to somewhat understand what Linus said, treat your equipment like you would your lover~

There is indeed a sense of achievement and a sense of reluctance in making something with one's own hands.

In the Silent City above our heads, a large number of life forms are swarming up (and down). As long as they take a few more breaths, they can break through the observation tower and reach the "fresh" heaven.

The battle between Silent City and the Demon Realm was fierce. He sat on the mountain and watched the fight between tigers and tigers. He was free and at ease for a long time. Obviously, both parties were not happy now, and they "tacitly agreed" to find something for him to do.


The observatory that Rousselot had repaired with ice was shattered from the inside by a huge force, and then a round black object fell from the sky!

"Hey, what a nice meeting gift."

Ye Lin was a little surprised when he saw this thing and shrugged. Those guys actually resisted the temptation to invade the heaven and left behind a "pathfinder" thing first.

Magic bomb!

It sounds vulgar, but in fact it is a dangerous thing that is talked about in the devil world.

Within the Kaxiu sect, there are a group of "devil girls" who left the Eldin Memorial Hall. They researched special magic items.

Not only does it have a special material, it can also store magic power in it, keep it for a period of time, and throw it out at a critical moment to detonate and destroy everything.

Originally it was a waste of magic power and a bit unnecessary on the battlefield.

However, the Dark Eye of the Kaxiu Sect can provide a steady stream of magic power, supplying every magic bomb to the highest level.


The magic power surged and raged, covering half of the foreign island. The four-color elements rioted into a tornado, strangulating everything within the range, even scraping away a layer of the land.

The powerful shock wave caused the seawater further away to tremble.

Almost in the center of the explosion, Ye Lin touched his hair, which was a little messy and a little unhappy.

His eyes were shining like golden lava. He stared up and shouted loudly: "Hey, do you have a visa to enter the heaven?"


No one paid any attention to him.

Although the demonic race was surprised that he could resist the magic bomb, in any case, he was only one person.

Besides, everyone has come this far, and everyone who arrives is a "lucky person", and they can't be scared back because of a little human being.

The observatory was completely shattered. Countless demonic races were like floods bursting out of the embankments, pouring in endlessly. Their eyes were full of passion and madness, and they were ecstatic to smell and see this beautiful world.

The seawater in the Demon Realm has a fishy smell, but the ocean here has a very pleasant smell, very sweet, like butter, like honey.

Trampling on mountains of corpses and bathing in waist-deep blood, all this is for the "arrival" now!

They are the first batch of people to set foot in the "beautiful world". This is a great milestone and an eternal legend that can be written!

They... saw a deep black...

The sixth element!

The void seemed to have collapsed, and everything that came was annihilated and turned into nothing. There was only warm blood, and a bloody rain fell in the sky.

Ye Lin's dark elements have been tempered by the underworld. After detonating, the black hole is like an invisible mouth swallowing up, eating as much as it falls, cleanly.

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Until, Silent City was also "gnawed", and half of the observation tower disappeared...

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