Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 758 The Agreement to Dominate

Although Smila's appearance tends to be melancholy and beautiful, her own personality is as thorny as a thorny rose.

On her slender wrists were several intricately carved rings with incantations printed on them. They looked like a kind of women's decorative bracelets, but that was not the case. The rings were the famous forbidden object, the "Ring of Dominance"!

It can forcibly manipulate and order almost all elemental spirits to act according to its own wishes. The summoner is in an absolute dominant position, and can even make the summoned object perform suicide sacrifice.

Compared with Katie's contract magic, the former can contract with more monsters and requires a certain amount of talent, but the latter can crush it in numbers and get started faster, which is "quick success" "!

Generally speaking, whether it is swordsmanship or magic, cultivation requires a stable foundation and a down-to-earth attitude.

However, this method is not only stupid in the demon world where the jungle preys on the strong, but it is definitely not superior. The residents of the demon world are extremely eager for any power that can be achieved quickly, whether it is the Ring of Domination or the Eye of Darkness.

Smilla actually hates Tarakuta and its leader Ron, and is disgusted by their hypocrisy and high-sounding.

I especially remember that a long time ago, when she left Katie's Spin Demon Society due to irreconcilable conflicts, she directly announced the method of making the forbidden ring of domination.

She openly scorned Katie's slow contract magic and called herself "the second promise", which is the promise of domination!

Because the Ring of Dominance is much less dangerous than the Eye of Darkness, she quickly gained a large number of summoners who were eager for instant power.

The power of the second promise also mushroomed like mushrooms after a spring rain, gaining a place in the demon world and should not be underestimated.

Until, after "betraying" Katie's second agreement, she encountered a new "betrayal", which was the "lunar eclipse" incident that shocked the demon world.

Therefore, Tarakuta intervened, and in the name of maintaining order and balance, he combined forces to forcibly restrict the second agreed area and divided it into Quest, one of the eight barren areas of ice.

If you think about it carefully, of course it's a joke. The balance of order is just to maintain the status of Tarakuta's top organization. He really thinks that he is the defender of world order.

Smilla dismissed this, but the "lunar eclipse" incident killed too many powerful summoners, causing the second covenant to be severely damaged and reduced to the bottom among first-class organizations.

Even if he is at the end of the crane, Smila is still the one supporting the position.

So Ron promised her that after conquering the Silent City, he would relax the restrictions on the second agreement.

Smilla slowly walked towards the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood, filled with mechanical armies, and murmured with red lips: "Don't pity the lives other than you, don't be afraid of the anger other than you; don't forgive the sins other than you, Do not endure punishment other than yours..."

This is the second agreed creed, absolute self-centeredness, the inferiority of all things, and the supremacy of myself!

Huge magic power surged out, creating a summoning magic circle, covering the battlefield in the blink of an eye, and began to tremble and roar.

Ice Ness, Yadyan, Leivos, Semedek...a series of elemental elves emerged from the magic circle, densely packed, like ears of wheat about to be harvested in a wheat field.

But unlike the monsters summoned by ordinary contracts, their bodies have the shadow of a ring of dominance, which means that they are forcibly controlled.

Smila pointed her slender fingers, and a "joyful" smile appeared on her melancholy face, "Go and destroy those machines."


A Leivos wearing a ring of dominance rushed towards a flying mechanical giant and carried out a suicide bombing attack in the air.

Low-level elemental elves have very low intelligence and the awareness of attack and escape. They are often born in places with strong elements, and can be regarded as a living being.

Because these low-level little guys have the opportunity to advance into high-level elves with ordinary intelligence.

Under Smila's massive sacrificial attack, the number of machines was rapidly decreasing. The number of elves born in a land rich in elements was not comparable to Luke's mechanical capabilities.

Even if one missile can blow up ten elves, then summon another hundred!

The Demon Realm people who had been stunned earlier came to their senses immediately when Smilla restrained them, and they all used their own means to fight back. The balance that had fallen towards the Silent City was slowly tilting back.

After all, it is just a mass-produced machine made of ordinary steel and produced in the Sanctuary of Birth. The shell is not strong enough, and it is just a cannon fodder for the Silent City.

Endless fireballs and thunder and lightning, as if spreading sand in the desert, poured out at will, intertwined into a canopy of elements in the air, and knocked down pieces of flying machinery.

The Eye of Darkness is the reason and confidence for them to squander magic at will. The Kaxiu Sect is naturally going to wade through this muddy water.

The flame bombardment was mixed with the smell of burnt muscles, and the pungent smell of blood choked people's lungs, causing some people with poor tolerance to vomit, but some extreme ones ate it on the spot.

Both sides lost a lot of "cannon fodder", although the number of cannon fodder may be a bit unacceptable.

Flesh and blood were mixed with steel, and the sky was filled with blazing flames. Within 10,000 meters outside the Silent City, in just two hours, there was no clean place for one's feet to stand, and blood flowed freely.

The process leading to the "beautiful world" is destined to not be beautiful enough. Only by stepping on countless corpses can we reach that city.

More and more powerful people began to gather, and they were excited by the overall view of Silent City. That city was not a legend, it could reach the sky and reach a new dimension!

There are still machines flying out of the Silent City, throwing missiles and lasers, but those things are no longer a big deal to the strong. As for those garbage that can't even defeat the cannon fodder machines, they are not qualified to peek into the new world.


Someone shouted loudly, like the fuse of a fire bomb, suddenly detonating the atmosphere and igniting the blood of conquest and aggression.

Those pungent blood and bones made them feel even more crazy, their eyes were red, their sanity had been lost, and all that was left was destruction!

Stepping on the muscles that have not yet cooled down and the blood that is still warm, a new round of offensive is taking shape.

Silent City·Temple of Darkness

Buffon, in his human form, stared at the picture from the detection robot. The damage in the first round of confrontation was still within the predictions of the data calculation.

Under the torrent of the mechanical army, those who can survive must have some ability.

But there is no need for too many combat machines in the Silent City, especially those that are difficult to operate and can easily cause large-scale destruction. They might disturb Luke's recovery.

"Release, Iron Will Nemegate, and carry out a nuclear explosion strike!"

The iron will that guards the energy furnace in the center of Silent City, with its uncontrollability and vigilance, makes even the naughty Becky dare not run there.

Bakar, the king of the dragon planet Trobot, is extremely famous even on the mechanical planet Hebron. Nymegate is also a dragon-shaped weapon built by Luke in Hebron.

Although he was badly damaged by Ye Lin's slap on the foreign island, Nemegate was restored after repair. His body was mixed with part of the root of darkness, and he used the power accumulated for thousands of years in the Silent City as energy source!

Moreover, the real Nymegate is similar to the full-metal mecha. Because its template is the Dragon King, it inherits the extremely ferocious and cruel character of the Dragon King.

After the Golden Clown brought Iron Will back to Silent City, Luke had no choice but to cut off his dragon head and replace it with a cannon barrel-like replacement.

Now, the repaired dragon's body was replaced with a real head. The killing machine based on the Explosive Dragon King instantly took off from the middle of Silent City, spreading its wings and flying around.

"Dragon...Dragon King? Returning?"

Some dazzled people in the demon world stumbled, mistakenly thinking that the mechanical dragon was the Explosive Dragon King who started the Dragon War thousands of years ago and provoked the entire demon world!

Although Bakar was defeated by Kahn's shock, the image of the violent king still carved an indelible mark in the hearts of many residents of the demon world and became a legend.

The Dragon King is a tyrant of power in the true sense. He is extremely flamboyant and domineering. He is not a "lucky one" like the Demon King Schaller.

The shock of the Iron Will's appearance caused all the powerful men watching from behind to fall into a trance for a moment.

The maker Luke not only imitated the "shape" of the Dragon King, but also took into account the "power" of the Dragon King, which is really amazing and admirable.

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